BM always at family functions and in contact with DH
Hi all, I'm new here and am soooo happy to have found you guys. I follow pages similar on FB but am too afraid to post or comment in case anyone else might see what I write. Sorry this is long...
Short back story... DH was married to BM for 20yrs before separating 6yrs ago and then divorcing a few years later. They have 4 kids, 23, 20, 18 & 15yrs. I have 2 kids, 21 & 10yrs. DH and I have been together a little over 4 years, married for 4 months.
Here is just one of the many issues I need advice on with BM...
BM has to be involved in our lives DAILY! Even on our wedding weekend she found a way to cause issues even though it was DH's weekend to have the kids. She is not able to discipline her 15yr old so she or one of their other kids will call/text DH to take care of the issue. If the 18 or 20 yr old stay out after curfew, again BM is contacting DH to take care of it. Seriously, this happens daily. I find this to be weird because I have NEVER called anyone to discipline my kids, I did it myself. I talk to my ex like 10 times in a whole year.
BM is also at all our special occasion dinners for their kids with DH, his parents and my family. BM has family but she would prefer to be with DH and his parents instead of celebrating with her family. When we have Thanksgiving and Christmas with DH’s parents, BM is there also. She literally starts months in advance telling their kids and DH and his mom that she will be alone for the holidays so DH or my MIL will go behind my back and invite her. “The kids asked if their mom could come so she’s not alone” he says. I always just dealt with it because I was trying to be sympathetic to her and his kids. Last year he looked stupid because right after going to our holiday event that he secretly invited BM to, she had a big party at her house with all of her family and posted all over FB. All alone my butt! It makes EVERYONE feel awkward when she's there, especially me, my kids and my family.
I think if BM wasn’t calling/texting DH for everything… changing our plans because she forgot to tell us the kids have church responsibilities that she scheduled during our time.. asking for home repair favors.. more money after DH pays max child support plus private school, college for all kids, health insurance, car insurance, gas for vehicles, cell phones, rent, food and utilities to BM for college kids to live with her (she lives in her moms house that has no mortgage).. DH helping to watch BM’s mom (she had a stroke 7yrs ago and is like a 1yr old) so she and kids go to church Wednesday and all day Sunday because if he doesn’t then she will make one of the kids stay home and watch her mom.. I probably wouldn’t be so bitter about her even being at our family events if I wasn't constantly having to deal with her affecting our marriage. There is never a break from her!
Am I wrong for telling DH that I’ve had enough? She has family to celebrate the holidays with, why does she have to be at EVERY holiday our family celebrates? If all of them have the choice of having her there, then my kids and I have the choice of not being at our family celebrations with his parents. My kids don't get to have both parents at our holidays, why is it mandatory for his kids to have both parents there after all these years and as old as they are.
Am I overreacting or should I say more? Help
Sounds like DH is still connected to BM
It sounds like your DH is still connected to BM and hasn't completely committed to you. Does he watch his ex mother-in-law every Wed and Sun? If so, that is way beyond normal. You need to have a "come to Jesus" talk with DH and ask him who he wants to make happy - you or his ex?
The only kid DH should be discussing with BM is the youngest, and at his age it shouldn't have to be very often. DH should not be discipline the kid for BM. BM can deal with the adult kids on her own. DH needs to quit responding to her, although it doesn't sound like he is ready to do that.
You are not over reacting. I don't think you are reacting enough!
I'm not sure why DH even
I'm not sure why DH even bothered divorcing BM, if he was going to stay this involved with her.
Right? He has 2 wives now!
Right? He has 2 wives now! Only one of them is getting the short end of the stick... And it's not BM!
No you're not wrong to feel like you do. She's the "ex" for a
reason, presumably they had irreconcilable differences. You're the "upgrade."
As you said, she has her family to hang out with during the holidays.
We were in a similar predicament for a while. I found out it was mostly due to "adult" SK's wanting BM (bowel movement) in the picture. It was very awkward, indeed, when we were at a gathering and he was seated between his ex and current wives. He held both our hands to say "grace." The conversation on the way home was interesting. She was persistently in our lives repeatedly. I drew the line in the sand and told DH to get her out of our lives. She was nasty and snarky, always reminiscing with me about how wonderful their lives together were, how they met, etc. I finally said "That's obviously why you're divorced. DH tells a very different story."
For the record, they've been divorced for decades; longer than they were even married, but she never moved on, dated or married. She reminds me of a Tennessee Williams Play (Streetcar Named Desire, and The Glass Menagerie, where the southern belle gets caught in a time warp and never moves forward.)
It can be done, but know it's probably because SK's are pushing for it. These "kids" no matter their ages always want to see "mommy and daddy" together. SD, in her 40's messaged her dad once telling him how happy she was that since BM was attending our function because "...we can finally be together as a family." What? How delusional is that?
Spot on
God I fear BM might do the same and not move on or more so not be able to find someone to put up with her crap. BM was so scared that when DH and I got married that he wouldn't help with the kids anymore. I was like wth, DH goes beyond any man on the planet. BM is constantly manipulating all the kids so that they tell their dad about it. When DH told BM of course he will still take care of the kids, she made a joke that she will make sure she finds someone before their youngest turns 18 so that she can afford her bills.
I swear BM has no dignity! I would work 3 jobs before I would ever asked my daughters’ BD for help, especially after they are grown.
This situation is way out of hand. No way would I put up with any of that. Your DH is acting as if he is still married to someone else. Going over to discipline for her, babysitting her mom, the adult SKs are not kids and he no longer needs to discuss them with her. I would refuse to attend any more holidays with her present and if he chooses her over you, leave. Graduations, Weddings, one time events for SKs fine, anything else is a no way!!!
Take note
Curious Georgette is not a stepparent and has never been in a stepfamily:
BM is not the problem here -
BM is not the problem here - your husband is. If he was willing to shut her down, this wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like he was ready for a new relationship since he's still overly involved in his old one. I don't think there's anything wrong in requesting/demanding changes. No reasonable person would be willing to put up with this situation.
If your MIL invites DHs ex
Your Mil is an adult. She can do what she wants. You can attend or stay home. Your DH may think your approach to co-parenting is not what he wants. You guys will have to work it out
The only event I attend with
The only event I attend with bm is a skid wedding or funeral.
I don't even plan on
doing that ever again!!!
This would bother any normal
This would bother any normal person. I would feel disrespected if my husband was always around his ex like that. He has maintained a decent relationship with her mother and father, but there is a line that doesn't get crossed because I am his wife. If your husband wants to maintain a relationship with his ex, he should probably let you go.
You are not over reacting.
You are not over reacting.
You are not overreacting at
You are not overreacting at all- and although it's a huge step to just divorce someone, I wouldn't say you would be wrong to be considering it, either. Although 15 is still young to a point, all of your children are older and past the tender ages of truly being a "child."
We have BM in our lives, too, but not to the degree you have. My partners' family is still in touch with her a lot- my partners' Mom even gave me a bag of old wedding, prom, etc. photos of my partner and his ex together and told me not to dare throw them away!! They are in the attic, but it still peeves me off. Yes, his children may want them one day- but give them to bio mom, or keep them yourself until the kids are older.
My partner and BM still talk and text everyday, and share two children together. It sucks and definitely stirs up feelings of insecurity and jealousy. But, if any of us say we don't experience those feelings at some point, we are lying to ourselves. If we have to be at a function together (for the step kids), we suck it up and deal with it, but it also hurts to see family going up and hugging her and saying they love her, how beautiful she is. His family (nieces and nephews) still only call me by my first name, but still refer to her as "Aunt." Ugh.
So, just wanted to tell you I sympathize with you, and it sounds like yours is a little bit more involved than my situation. I also don't think I read you have children together, so that's a huge plus if you are thinking that this is for the birds and you'd like to move on with life, and someone that has a little less baggage that doesn't include a not-so-ex ex wife.
'His family (nieces and
'His family (nieces and nephews) still only call me by my first name, but still refer to her as "Aunt."
Ouch! That's not nice. Would it kill your OH to remind everyone that as his wife, you are now aunt to those nephews and nieces and that's how you should be addressed.
This is something that only
This is something that only your DH can fix. He has to inform his Nieces/Nephews of the fact that his XW is no longer their aunt.
I had an interesting interface with my uncle a couple of months ago. He is married to my mom's sister. He referred to me as Nephew In Law. He had never done that before. He and my Aunt have been married for 50+ years.
I guess technically he is right.
In the case of your nieces and nephews, DH needs to give them clarity. Or... you explain it to them. If they will not call you Aunt, then give them only the choice of calling your Mrs (DH's last name). That forces them to change their naming model and at some level recognize that you have the family name.
I do not allow children to call me by my first name. They call me Mr and Sir.
Thank you!
I totally get what you’re feeling and I'm so sorry to you. Every time I am around BM and DH’s family it’s like I’m an outsider and I don’t have a place yet. When BM isn’t there DH’s family is comfortable with me and we talk fine, but if BM is around they won’t talk to me much. The same for DH’s kids, if BM is around then they don’t act as happy to be around me as they normally do (we laugh and joke around a lot). Sounds like the same as your DH’s family, everyone is more concerned with making BM feel better about the new wife being around. We didn't end their marriage but they sure act like it was our fault.
I'm ok with BM and MIL having a relationship, BM was her DIL for the most part of 20yrs. I am even ok with MIL keeping pics up of BM and the kids because I do get it that BM is still family to my in-laws. I hated that MIL refused to take down (at DH's request, not mine) DH and BM’s family pics of when their kids were little until after we were married. I dealt with it, it sucked seeing the person you love in pics everywhere with their ex but I didn't make a deal of it. I think BM and MIL were still holding out hope that I was a phase and DH and BM would get back together. BM and MIL aren't close and never talk except for holidays but they don't believe in divorce.
No children together, we met in our 40s and with 6 kids between us we were more than done with babies. lol
I couldn't imagine life without DH, but God do I wish there wasn't so much baggage with BM. Kids aren’t baggage and I completely adore DH's kids, and I swear I think I would be more open to BM being around if she wasn't always being so manipulative. It sucks so bad when you can see it in the kids eyes that they don't know what to do when their mom has invited herself to a dinner they were coming to with us.
He'll no would I put up this.
He'll no would I put up this. One good thing I can say about the bio mum in our life is she doesn't contact SO unless it's an emergency or when he texts her to ask about the girls and the days he has them and that's only to let her know he's on the bus.
I mean the kids are 18 and 20, they are adults so I think the BM needs to chill out with the discipline, I thought when your kids are that age that's when co parents kind of grow more distant because your kids are adults, it's not like the co parenting at the age of when they were younger so yeah it's a bit weird he's running to her all the time.
This has been my life
I could have written your post. I have been on this crazy merry go round that never stops for 15 years. The skids are all grown but BM continues to want to be part of DH's family. The phone calls and texts from her are minimal these days (finally!) however she still continues to attend his family's functions therefore I don't go and I am conflicted by my own decision. I have no advise to give you other than to say that you are not alone.
Thank you!
It sucks we are in the same boat but it does make me feel better that I am not alone. I would never want to go to my ex's family events, it blows my mind why they would want to. I do think I would be more ok with it if BM wasn't constantly being so manipulative to be involved in our relationship by using the kids. I coparent with my ex fine, we don't fight about holidays, we talk when we need to (if needing to trade weekends and such) about once a month, and we don't hang out together.
Bottom Line ....
The bottom line is BM needs to move on and blend with her own family not her ex's. As I have mentioned in many posts prior I get a long great with my ex-husband and his family. So does my husband for that matter. Through the years I was invited to many things including holidays. I never went. I get along great with my ex-husbands second wife and now his third. However when he was married to his second wife when my son was little and she was trying to create a relationship with his family she didn't need me around. This was her family now, I would never interfere with that. Any normal sane person would see that.
Any BM that is still trying to hang around her ex's holidays is clearly not that there for the turkey. She is there because she is trying to interfere in her ex's life and marriage. Any normal person would see that.
If it were me I will let my husband know how I felt and that I wasn't going to these events anymore if she is there. It is really up to him to handle it with the ex and with his family. His mother should care a lot more about her own son than she does about the ex DIL.
The kids will be just fine for what 4 or 5 meals a year without their mother. She is not alone she had a party of people waiting for her which clearly shows her intention!! The kids are most likely in on her handy work. I know my step-kids have been many times. BM probably makes them beg DH to let her come saying she will be alone. It is time to cut these ties. No one including your in-laws want her there so you DH needs to get this taken care of asThanksgiving is only about 6 weeks away.
My XILs used to invite me to
My XILs used to invite me to family gatherings. Their invitation included my wife and my SS. We ran into them at a restaurant a year or so after we moved back to the city where I had been married to their daughter. This was 5 years after the divorce.
They also used to send me a birthday card ever year with $10 in it.
I never accepted any of their invitations. I had no desire to see my X and respected myself and my bride far too much to expose us to that ancient history. As it turned out, it was a good idea to reject their invitations. 14 years later my XMIL went to federal prison for embezzlement and the entire family was sued by her employer for $Millions. My XW's share of the settlement to pay back was $2Mil according to her BFF who is also my friend. She was hit with that settlement amount 10 years ago.
Former relationships should not be tolerated to infect newer relationships. Learn from them, but do not tolerate them to infect a do over. Kids cannot be unmade but repeat mistakes can and should be avoided. An X is an X for a reason whether they are a breeding partner or not. They generally need to remain where they belong. In the past.
IMHO of course.
Did you see this behavior
Did you see this behavior during the 4 years you were dating?? If so, why did you marry this guy?? Time for some real talk with your DH. And maybe with yourself if you didnt address this behavior before you got married.