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bd become outsider

3 baby mommas's picture

We have 3 step which we just found out about..waiting for judge to order visitation rights (she. Is 7). The 7 year old and 5 year old are getting ready to start going to same school. My concern is that they will bond better, then when the ycome to our house, my daughter will become the outsider..any reasurrances that this is just unnecessary paranoia?

Kes's picture

Well - this is what happens with most sisters - they go to the same school and spend a lot of time together. Despite this, my own two daughters (now in late 20's) did not get on until a few years ago!
There are always tensions in a step family but if you and your partner are on the same page with regard to the SDs and your own child, and agree on major areas such as discipline, attention and policies on behaviour, you can do your best to sort out any problems. That's the best any of us can hope for really.