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Asked Fiance to Take SS10 to his Guys Night; I Feel a Little Guilty. Should I ?

ddame08's picture

I asked my fiance to take his son with him to his guys night. I had originally thought about watching him to give my fiance a break but I have watched him almost 24/7 for the last 2 weeks. I am only staying with them for a little while; I need a break from SS10.

My fiance always says that he can't work on correcting his son's behavior because he works so much. So he took him to work with him for one day(after I told him I needed alone time) and noticed quote a bit of bad behavior. The next day he paid for him to go to day camp for a few hours each day -interesting how one day was all it took for him to be tired -. As a result, I figured that taking him to his guys night would allow him more time to observe SS10's behavior. My fiance never requires me to watch his son and says that he is marrying me for him, not for SS10; he made that mistake before me. I've only been doing so because he is normally left at home and since I happen to be visiting; SS10 expects that I will watch him, since I am the adult home.

They are gone and I am enjoying the peace but I feel a little guilty because my fiance has been working really hard at work and wanted to give him a break.

Should I?

hereiam's picture

No, you should not feel guilty. He is a parent, that is his son. If he wants a break, he can hire a babysitter.

baseballgirly's picture


c-mom's picture

Don't feel guilty. I have been the caretaker of my DH's two children 24/7 for over two years now with very little help from him and NO help from BM and, let me tell you what, I wake up in the morning and have to pep-talk myself out of bed because I dread seeing their faces lately. I should have taken some breaks when I was getting fed up but didn't because DH works so much (owns a small business) and I didn't want to make him pay for child care or have to come home exhausted and take care of them when I was right here. I wish I had let him pay for child care once in a while. I am burnt out on his kids and they are sick of the new authority figure in their lives and everybody in the home is suffering because of it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. They might actually end up having a lot of fun together because his son's behavior could be a reflection of his feelings and he may drop the attitude by getting to feel like one of the guys?