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Am I the only one feeling like this? Please advice if you think I'm wrong!

Luna84's picture

Long story short, I never thought I'd be writing on a Forum to vent or for advice. I don't usually vent about my stuff nor talk to any one close to me about it. Also, the people that I know are not on my similiar situation so even if I talk to someone, I feel they would not understand me fully. I'm not saying I want to hear what is convenient for me but please if you think I'm wrong, advice me or give me your opinion. I truly appreciate it..... So.... my husband and I been married for almost 2 yrs now, living together 1. He has 4 kids (2 sons: 15 & 11 and two daughters 18 & Dirol His oldest we never see as she doesn't speak to us. The 15 yr and the 8 yr old, come more often and the 11 comes when ever he feels like it. I have a 14 yr old biological son from a previous marriage. Now, I don't have any issues with my husband at all on a personal level, he is the man of my dreams, treats me like a queen, hard working, smart, clean, etc. Overall we are a good team as partners. However, the few issues we have is about the kids and our different parenting styles. Since day one we agreed everthing would be equal for all of them, from sleeping arrangements to snacks and previledges and so far we have done well. What is the issue you ask? 14 yr old son has Autism and while you can only identify it if you get to know him closely and on the daily, still is noticeable when he tries to achieve tasks at home, receive instructions, identifying social cues etc. He is the most kind kid ever, he has manners and is very obedient and I'm not saying that because he's my son. Unfortunately my husband seems to have a problem understanding his behavior and its been 1 yr and making slow progress, in fact, I think his effort to accept him and understand him seems to be decreasing. We seem to bump heads about our own views on "discipline" and bonding. He never had a good relationship with his mother so he sees any son-mother realtionship as "childish" or "mommas boy" which in my opinion thats so old fashion way of thinking. So with that background, everything I say or do is him translating it into "I'm baby-ing" my son. Which in fact, I'm very against! I don't tolerate bad behavior, back talking, lack of manners, etc. but somehow he doesn't see this and he also doesn't see that HE DOES baby his kids (especially his 8yr old) He lets them get away that he wouldn't dream to let my son do or say. So I do discipline my kid but I don't think I need to speak to him like a prisioner to get things done. I speak to him normally and my son obeys quick. Him in the other end, he speaks to his kids very kindly (even when they don't obey) I'm starting to feel resentment towards his behavior and and jelousy of how nice he treats his kids and praises everything they do. He never speaks postive about my son, he doesn't even say hi, bye, good morrning. We've had countelss arguments over this and changes very slowly. Is it too much to ask for a "hello" to my son? When he does speak to him is to give him orders or call him out on something that he missed (like putting the trash bag back on the bin) Don't get me wrong, I totally support discipline and every kid should have chores and be hold accountable. But I don't feel that he does it equally. His kids don't have much manners, they're messy, constantly need to be reminded to clean up after themselves, etc. etc. and not once does he speak to them the way he does to my son. When we argue about this, I end up crying because I really do love my husband and I know he is a great man, I just don't know what is it with him and my son. I raised my boy alone with no financial help and have gotten him where his at with his speech, motor skills and mental health so of course we're going to have a great bond. His kids barely speak to me and I feel I do way beyond my means for them. I cook special dinners for them, play with them (mostly the little one) try to start converstations, etc. and I know that makes my husband happy and he appreciates that, I just don't know why I can't get the same treatment for my son. I feel so overwhelmed and starting to pull away from his kids now. I just act cordial and don't play with the little one anymore. I know its wrong for me to do the same thign he does but I'm starting to loose insterest in his kids, I feel resentment! I definitely don't want to end my marriage but I also don't plan to continue allowing such treatment to my son.

ESMOD's picture

As stepparents, it is ok if we want to "disengage" from our SO's children.  They aren't our kids and it isn't our responsibility to care for them, financially support them, emotionally meet their needs etc... Any and all of that that we do for non-bio kids is "voluntary".  

Now, If I were the Bio parent, I would insist that there was civility in my home.  I would expect adults and children to behave appropriately.  

Your husband does not have to love or bond with your son.  But, he needs to be respectful of him.. and your son needs to behave respectfully to your husband.  YOu should insist on it from both directions. 

If your husband feels he can't interact with your son on a positive level.. he doesn't need to be disciplining him.. he can come to YOU as the parent to fix the problem.

justmakingthebest's picture

I think many here see that disproportionate parenting that you are talking about. 

I don't have a lot of advice on this topic, other than disengaging from discipline of your step kids and asking your DH to leave any discipline to you for your BS. Autism, even HF, can make things harder. My SS20 is mid range. He is verbal and works but he probably won't ever live on his own. 

Your DH and BS need to find a common interest and work on that bond before he is just barking orders. Now, keep in mind, they might not ever really get along, and that is ok. As a step parent (this applies to both of you) we don't have to love our steps. We don't even have to like them. We do have to be kind. That is all. So if you can accept that your husband might not love or even like your son, it will help- Just like you don't have to have those feelings for your husband's kids. All members of the household deserve basic decency and kindness though.

Harry's picture

If he want to parent your child he also must do the other things. Being nice, saying hello, good job, ect. Be positive.   He can not just disciplined Your son.  DH gets what he gives.  If he not nice to your DS you don't have to be nice and good to his kids.   
This will not do good things for your marriage.

Luna84's picture

Thank you everyone for your responses, I feel supported by even just venting! and yes to be honest, I really wouldn't mind if he doesn't even engage with him, but that would include not to discipline so I think that's where my anger comes from. The choosing only to engage when its time to discipline. Thank you all!