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4 year old scared

stepinmyshoes's picture

Maybe someone here can help me out because I am just so frustrated. I am a woman and recently have fallen in love and have moved in with another woman who has a 4 year old daughter. her father is really not in the picture so it made it that much easier. things were going really well until i disciplined the child, with the mother's permission. now i do not know if it was that i yelled at her, because she was fine for a couple of months after that. but the child is now scared of me and cries when the mother leaves the room. my girlfriend and i have tried to talk to her about it and reassure her. now she wants to sleep in our bed and constantly asks her mother if she's going to leave her. she never wants to be alone with me. this is of course putting a strain on our young relationship and we are both loosing hope and do not know what to do. please help!!! all comments are appreciated

stepinmyshoes's picture

thank you i really appreciate your input!! that calmed me down. do you think counseling for her might help? and what about the co-sleeping? she's going to be 5 next month but wails everytime she has to go to sleep "in her own bed." so some nights we give in

stepinmyshoes's picture

can this possibly be a phase that she'll grow out of? and do situations like this work out in the end if everyone works at it?

stepinmyshoes's picture

i find that the further along it goes, that i at times resent her for her childish actions and whining. its almost constant and does not seem to be getting better.