10 Things I Hate About My Stepkid(s)
Please add your list below. Go on...get it out.
10.Your breath
9. Your constant burping while you eat (Take small bites, chew, and say excuse me!!!!)
8. Your stupidity
7. Your dog's breath
6. Your dog stinking up the car
5. Your dog loudly licking himself for hours
4. Your food tastes
3. Your personality (or lack thereof)
2. Your neediness and lack of independence
1. You turn my DH into someone I don't know
Bonus: I hate that you have my DH make expensive gifts for your BM (that BM orders) when you give him crap or dollar store gifts. Do you not see the inequity in that?
"Bonus: I hate that you have
"Bonus: I hate that you have my DH make expensive gifts for your BM (that BM orders) when you give him crap or dollar store gifts. Do you not see the inequity in that?"
WHAT? :jawdrop: What guy gives his kids money so they can buy gifts for his ex/their mom?!?!
11. Your laziness
12. The way you bitch about EVERYTHING!!!
13. That you're a pathological liar.
14. That you behave like monsters and still feel entitled to XBox, baseball, etc.
15. That at the ripe old ages of 7 and 11, you feel grown up enough to swear.
It's worse...they spend days
It's worse...they spend days MAKING a handcrafted piece of furniture made to BM's specifications!!!!!! I know. It's insane. This is year 3 of the fabulous gift giving. I am living in an asylum. I deal with this shit at work all week and then come home to it. I want to say something to BM but DH would be ripped. It might make SD not want to come visit. Fat chance. I have to keep saying to myself, "they are spending quality time together on a wood project. It doesn't matter where it's going"...
Not only does SD have Entitlement Disorder, BM does too!!!!
I remember those days in the
I remember those days in the "early years"
GG would painstakingly do intricate crafts as gifts to the Behemoth and the Wookie (BM's BM)
Also buying fancy frames at the store. I got upset one xmas and he blew his top at me. He brings home like 180-200 a week after CS and we're supposed to spend like 1,000 on xmas gifts for THAT brood???
Yeah it was like he was pining after the lovely Behemoth and her mom. He always speaks of them now in glowing terms.
Got eight years under my belt and am slowly plodding away with my exit plan.
:sick: :sick:
I'm new here and I thought I
I'm new here and I thought I was the only one suffering this bull crap. Most of my BFs money goes to CS and then he has the nerve to spend hundreds on the ungreatful brats for Christmas! After 4 years, I'm plotting my escape too! By the way love the last sentence lol!
I'm new here too and have
I'm new here too and have decided it just isn't worth it. Trying to figure out how to break up with fiance because he just bought me a gorgeous ring and unfortunately I just realize I don't have what it 'takes' to stay with this man. Love him, but can't try to blend families with him. Hopefully one day we can be friends.
Know the feeling Earthmama,am
Know the feeling Earthmama,am in a very similar one too,don't want to loose him but cannot cope with being the last in line to him,even his mother comes before me! sick of feeling resentful and angry,know what I have to do but hard to be brave xx
Girls... don't despair...
Girls... don't despair... Wine... beer usually helps!!! lol..... I don't know if I was cut out for this either.. but Damn... I am going to try.... I love this man and his bratty kid will not make me lose that... I hope.... so.. to all of us..awesome stepmoms.... Keep the faith... ladies hang on... sometimes things that are worth fighting for... are the most difficult ones...
Newbie_step, I love it....my
I'm a little on the opposite
I'm a little on the opposite side. I want to work it out. Want to marry, but the biggest issue I have with the kids is his lack of support and blaming me for everything wrong. Smdh
It's worse...they spend days
It's worse...they spend days MAKING a handcrafted piece of furniture made to BM's specifications!!!!!! I know. It's insane. This is year 3 of the fabulous gift giving. I am living in an asylum. I deal with this shit at work all week and then come home to it. I want to say something to BM but DH would be ripped. It might make SD not want to come visit. Fat chance. I have to keep saying to myself, "they are spending quality time together on a wood project. It doesn't matter where it's going"...
Not only does SD have Entitlement Disorder, BM does too!!!!
When was the last time he
When was the last time he made you something?
If I made anything for my ex, FDW would kick me out and would not be FDW any longer.
I've got a worse one...back
I've got a worse one...back in the good ol' days when SS's atleast pretended to like to I assisted in making handmade, over the top gifts for the nasty a** mother when they asked. On the plus side, I later found out that when she found out I was involved in the process she threw them out.
OH man! I remember the Wookie
OH man! I remember the Wookie (BM's BM) demanding money from GG to be able to "buy *us* (meaning GG and myself; yeah right) xmas presents on behalf of the skids"
I thought HOW TACKY and WHAT a SET OF BRASS KAHUNAS that battleaxe has on her!! She knows damn well that GG, at the time, gave 3/4 of his income to her precious princess daughter (the Behemoth aka BM) and we were totally living off my income (as we really are doing today, eight years later)
Of course GG saw NOTHING wrong with this and reprimanded ME for being so "nasty!" I so do not want to re-live those "early years!"
Here is my list for my
Here is my list for my SD7
10. Your whining when you dont get your way.
9. Your inability to clean your room.
8. Your terrible eating habits and getting food everywhere.
7. Your not listening to what I say.
6. Your lack of respect and baby talking.
5. Your begging and pleading for help getting dressed.
4. Your constant spilling of drinks on my carpet.
3. Your tantrums when something doesnt go your way.
2. Your complete control over dad.
1. Your lack of hygiene when you cant even make it to the bathroom on time and wet your pants!
AGREED!!! 10. you constantly
10. you constantly manipulate the situation.
9. smart mouth and talking back.
8. lack of respect.
7. no manners what-so-ever.
6. expecting everyone else to do things you should be able to do yourself! (e.g. get dressed, brush your hair, etc.)
5. constant excuses to get up after being told to go to bed because you don't want to go to bed.
4. crying fits for attention.
3. attitude, attitude, attitude!
2. constantly having to be reminded to do even the simplest of tasks (e.g. turn the light off, pick up your clothes, etc).
1. bedroom is a war zone all the time. and the expectation of help to clean your crap up! which causes fights between sm and bf!
This is almost identical to
This is almost identical to what I was going to post... Wonder if its an older one :o Seriously, girl lays in her bed for 8-12 hours a day on the weekends, leaving her room only to eat. And often waiting until the rest of us are playing a game or are outside, so she can sneak into the little kids rooms and steal their snacks, $, or clothes. She likes to dress slutty, and has been caught more than once wearing the 8 year olds clothes because they're (obviously) very tight and short on her. *sigh*
Not all, but most YES, YES,
Not all, but most YES, YES, YES!!!!
Ditto for FSD22! pathetic
Ditto for FSD22!
pathetic isn't it
Ditto for FSD22 The baby talk
Ditto for FSD22
The baby talk drives me crazy! The tantrums...
ugh...the more I read on these boards the more I'm glad that I am breaking off the engagement. ONE child, in my case, ADULT CHILD, can cause soooo much negativity, hatred, and chaos is so many peoples lives. And they TAKE IT. I have a choice - I don't have to take it.
I am literally sick to my stomach now reading these posts that FSD22 behaves like a 7 yr old.... :sick:
Seems like you need to take
Seems like you need to take the dog for a LONG walk...and oopsie! It would solve about 3 of your problems.
The number one thing I hate:
When my skids act like I am so crazy and they hate me so that dh will get mad at me and put me down.
2. constant requests for mo money
I can relate to the way you
I can relate to the way you feel, not with the mo money but with the crazy issue. He tries to make me look like I yell all the time and am so mean to him all the time just to show dh "look she is so mean to me, she mistreats me". Mind you the reason I am yelling is because I asked nicely 3 times for him to put his stuff away, shut the door he left open, or brush his teeth with no response not even an acknowledgement that I exist or I even said something. My favorite out of control yelling example is when he runs in front of a car that almost hits him. I yelled yes I yelled the loudest and meanest I could at him. I was scared to death but I am the one who is mean, uncaring, and unloving.
You too?
You too?
Ok, the sock thing made me
Ok, the sock thing made me laugh...ONLY because my DH does this. Correction, he USED to do this, until I started putting his nasty ass socks in his pillow case. He pulled them out the first time and said "eww that's gross! Did you do this? Why would you do this?" and I said frankly "because I imagine you enjoy digging them out of your pillow about as much as I enjoy picking them up all the time..." and he STOPPED leaving them around. If by chance he forgets (he's done it a time or two) I remind him later that night at bedtime when he has to retrieve them from his pillow
Sock reform needed...one of
Sock reform needed...one of my pet peeves is that my SS17 leaves his dirty, wet, smelply socks stuffed into cushions of our nice furniture. I have tried so many things to improve. Typically now I just put them in the trash. However a few weeks ago I snapped and took the nasty socks up to his room. Thought about pinning them to his pillow with a steak knife but opted to duct tape them to his door handle.
1. the way you expected gifts
1. the way you expected gifts from everyone for your birthday and you buy no gifts or cards for anyone else (and you work a full time job)
2. the way you stay up all night long and sleep all day claiming you have a headache.
3. the way you tell your dad you are so happy being here and tell you mom/sister how unhappy and unloved you feel.
4. the way you can scrub the bathroom clean but not pick up the clothes from your bedroom floor.
Do I have to limit to just
Do I have to limit to just 10? LOL
1. The way you treat me-as if I have a disease-almost as if you are too good to speak to me.
2. The way you have treated my children over the years-every rude comment, yell, scream, push, hit
3. Your flatulence
4. Your urination all over everything
5. Your complete laziness academically
6. The fact that you just do whatever you want
7. The fact that when your dad is present you kiss his ass and are on your best behavior.
8. All of your lies-especially the ones you have made up about me
9. Stealing
10. Your vomiting
11. Your obnoxious behavior
Yes, this-or if when DH had
Yes, this-or if when DH had asked his ex for a divorce, he actually thought it through and decided that no, you SHOULD NOT have sex with someone you are trying to divorce. And then he was surprised that she was magically pregnant. To this day, he still won't admit she trapped him, though she has admitted it to me several times.
I can relate to several of
I can relate to several of yours, maybe not to that extent but almost. I had to chuckle on number 7, I think we all can relate to that one or number 6. The sad thing is that I sometimes think that is exactly what he is doing. The other one that really caught my eye was number 9. The DH could cook the same thing the same way with the the same exact ingredient, the kid always complains about my cooking.
It is so ironic how so many of these on your list I can relate to and the age is so close. Almost like it is an age thing.
My SS15 is the result of a
My SS15 is the result of a drunken one night stand. Most girls would have aborted or given up for adoption. Not SS's BM! Such a trooper she is!
How proud she must have been when she had to summons 4 different guys for the paternity test.
Sadly it is the only time my DH was a "Winner"...
thanks so much for the laughs
thanks so much for the laughs guys!! I can definintely relate. My list:
1) You're a hypochondriacal little brat. I don't blame you, when I look at you I get sick too.
I just really don't like you
2) You completely disregard me, and make as though i don't exist.
3) the way you bullied my daughter
4) You're a lying little sociopath
5) You have no manner, even dogs behave when they go to obedience school, there's no saving you.
6) you're stupid. Genuinely stupid. I wonder what you're gonna be when you grow up. A thief maybe.
7) I hate that your dad actually cares for you, you devious little miscreant
9) you're the reason I'll go to hell one day. Who does not like a 7 year old?
Thank goodness the last time I saw him was 3 months ago. he's not allowed at my house any longer as he bullies my child and has no manners. I now pretend he does not exist. I am very involved in FDH's family, i ask about them all the time, but I make ZERO reference to that child. They even try to hide his existence from me these days.
There are so many things I
There are so many things I hate about my Skids...to sum it up...EVERYTHING!!
But its so funny cause I can so relate to you on #9... I have thought to myself sooo many times...and she was 7 when I got here..she is 13 now...and it doesn't get any better
1st, It would be a cold day
1st, It would be a cold day in hell before husband gave any money for gifts for their BM!!!let alone making hand crafted gifts in my home....sorry.
1) Whiney talk
2) inability to do age appropriate task
3) feelings of entitlement
4) Not mastering the art of hand washing
5) The added burden of expense that is due to their existence
6) The anxiety that the thought of them bring when I think about the future
7)Lack of personality
8)Sneaky behavior
9)the added destruction and wear and tear on our furniture that goes hand and hand with kids that are taught to not respect furniture or walls
10) Their existence will always tie their mother in our life and it always tend to bring additional tension between my mate and myself.
Other than that they are not so bad!
I hate that I get ignored in
I hate that I get ignored in my own home the most.
Man, can I relate to that
Man, can I relate to that one, StillSearching! My step kids don't ignore me, on the contrary they are all over me and asking for me constantly, especially the girl but my BF ignores me. It's like he physically can't pay any attention or give me any affection at all when his kids are here! I guess it's guilty Dad syndrome or something but it gets me every other weekend when I walk around MY house feeling like I don't exist. Then when he comes home Sunday night, he's suddenly back to holding my hand and being the man I love. I often say, 'so glad you're back! I missed you, baby!'
My BFs daughter made some
My BFs daughter made some comments to her family members about me and her father being affectionate and she didn't like seeing it. Mind you she is 17 years old, so now we watch what we do around each other. Sometimes I am even scared to give him a hug around her!
Wow, I get that. If the kid
Wow, I get that. If the kid is uncomfortable then it's understandable to be more reserved. My BF's kids though don't seem bothered by it as he has been affectionate to me in front of them in the past. I'm not talking though about us being all over each other! I'm just talking about holding hands now and again or a little hug. I don't expect him to be all over me when his kids are here - it can get inappropriate and hard for the kids, but I think holding hands for a few mintues, a small kiss or brief hug, putting your arm around one another or one hand on a leg when sitting on the sofa is perfectly acceptable and if I child feels uncomfortable with those small gestures maybe they NEED to see them because they are too detached. I also know my BF's kids are VERY affectionate and he's VERY affectionate with them so it's not like they are reserved kids. They are an affectionate family (in a normal way, not creepy). I simply don't get it is all.
They call their infant
They call their infant brother names like that?! Oh no! Someone would be sent home and not allowed to return until they had manners! I banned my SD for being a snotbag and threatening to kick or punch her infant sister for crying.. I told DH she's lucky I didn't drop her ass off in the ghettos of Los Angeles!
Top ten "I hate it because"
Top ten "I hate it because" for 10 yr old FSD:
1. every word that comes out of your mouth to your father is perpetual whining
2. You act like are 5 around your father but cussing in front of your friends.
3. you act like you are the only one in the world who matters
4. you have to have some body part touching your father at all times
5. you act like your have a learning diability when you are at home when you make geat grades in school.
6. that you are the most selfish, self-centered person I have ever known
7. you are so manipulative that it scares me.
8. the only time you have anything to do with me is when you want something out of me.
9. you are unbelieveably rude.
10. I never get to enjoy quality time with my FDH because you have him convinced that he is not being a good father to you if you don't go everywhere with us.
Ya, the older they get, the
Ya, the older they get, the cagier they are. Here is my list. As I read it, even I find it pathetic that I didn't tell them to back off years ago.
When you continuously want to talk about experiences I wasn’t part of
When you inform me that you and dad have decided that I am going to do a big favour for you
When you bring your little friends into our house to flirt with my DH
When you use my computer without asking me, snoop through my files and hack into my email
When you look around me, over my head or through me with a glare
When you twist everything you did to me, then tell everyone I did it to you
When you give me nothing but barbs in private, yet what could be perceived as genuine compliments when someone else is present
When you bring your friends to our house and tell them this is my dad’s house, my dad’s car, my dad’s money, my dad’s everything
When I answer the phone without a hello to me, you say I want to talk to my dad
When you conspire together to “set up” confrontations with me in front of others and then deny it.
Wait a minute Granny
Wait a minute Granny Weatherwax....I think we have the same SD :? LOL..
I say we let our DHs deal
I say we let our DHs deal with all the garbage at home for a change and we both go to the islands with the partially nekked (maybe all depending on how fine they are...LOL)

LOL...ew I know or portly
LOL...ew I know or portly gentleman that one couldn't tell if they were wearing their thongs or not... :sick: Too funny!
Regarding Bonus: BM would
Regarding Bonus: BM would tell the SK's what she wanted exSO to get her for Christmas (because he would always make sure the kids got her a present for Christmas and her Birthday.) And of course he NEVER got anything in return. NEVER. Not even from the Dollar Store. In exSO's defense for Christmas him and I picked out a gift and wrapped it for her (from the girls.) BM then told one of his daughters that she needed such and such and that their dad could get it and say it was from them for Christmas. SO wasn't going to get it but "I" talked him into getting it. I didn't realize though she didn't make the girls return the same gesture (I didn't excpect anything, but their father?) But...the older girls have money. They always have cash from babysitting and money they get for their Bday and such. They are old enough to know that they should get their dad a little something. Heck, if they would have called me and asked for a ride to the store for a gift for their dad, I would not only have given them a ride, but I would have chipped in. WRONG!!!!!! That was way to much expectation on my part.
1. Constant fighting,
1. Constant fighting, whining and telling tales on each other.
2. Constant attention seeking "daaaaaaaaad, look at meeeeeeeee.... daaaaaaaad, come and do this with meeeeee"
3. Constantly whining "daaaaaaaad, when is it my turn on the computer/wii", and then when told 5 minutes, saying every minute "daaaaaaaad, is 5 minutes up yet"
4. Constantly eating, whining for food and stuffing your faces like little pigs.
5. Constantly interrupting adult conversations.... and dear daddy lets them get away with it!!
6. SS7 climbing all over daddy, clinging to his hand everywhere we go and generally acting like a clingy baby.
7. Peeing all over the bathroom floor - for god's sake you're 7,8 & 14 - plenty old enough to not be so disgusting!!
8. Leaving toothpaste spit all over the bathroom sink - again you're 7,8 & 14 so capable of cleaning your teeth without leaving the remains everywhere!!
9. Running everywhere, specially on the stairs. Why can't you learn not to sound like a herd of elephants every time you move around the house?
10. Shouting and making too much noise all the time - I don't want you play fighting, running around, giggling and shouting when I'm trying to watch TV after I've been at work all day!!
2,3 and 10 are most prevalent
2,3 and 10 are most prevalent when my younger two skids are around..and the biggest part of why i can't STAND them!
Some of them may have been
Some of them may have been said already, but here is mine.
1. The damn baby talk, every word has to end with "ie". Example: Huggie, Kissie, lunchie, snackie, ect.
2. Trying to fake a stomach ache EVERYDAY to get out of school. (doesn't meet my criteria for "sick days")
3. The fact that you HAVE to be center of attention ALL the time.
4. You act like you don't have to follow rules.
5. You are mean to MY cat
6. You constantly WHINE about damn near everything.
7. Instead of asking for something you say "I really wish I could have...", I don't treat that as a question, my response to that is usually "well that's nice" }:)
8. The fact that your parents still treat you like the "baby" that you think you are. :sick:
9. When I go to the bathroom, you have to run through the apartment SCREAMING my name looking for me, even though the bathroom is 1 foot from your bedroom CHECK THERE FIRST!
10. The way you lie to your dad about me, saying I was mean about this, I wouldn't let you do that, I didn't feed you ect.
It felt really good to make that list.
OMG! Replace cat with my son
OMG! Replace cat with my son and this is my list. At least for the younger one. The older? 11 and attitude of a 16yo spoiled brat.
Lmao!!! Some of these are
Lmao!!! Some of these are great!!! Ok my turn:
10. You are just plain dirty! You are going to be 16 in less than two weeks, showers are to be taken every day!
9. You are also just plain lazy! How hard is it to wrap up your used menstrual pad in toilet tissue before throwing it out! Nobody wants to see that disgusting $hit!
8. You are a compulsive liar, even for the most trivial things! I think you are starting to believe your own lies now...
7. You are mean to my daughter, who is less than half your age. One of these days, she is going to karate chop your ass and I'm going to let her.
6. You are just plain dumb! Your grades are horrible and yet all you want to do is listen to music and be on the computer all day long.
5. Let me go back to the being lazy part. The only things we ask you to do are the dishes, to take care of YOUR cat, and keep your room clean, and you can't even do that!
4. You are rude. You seriously think the world revolves around you. Guess what - it doesn't!
3. You are a human vacuum cleaner with food ! It's no wonder you don't fit in your clothes anymore.
2. On that note, you are not a size 10 anymore. And actually you have not been for quite some time now. Stop trying to fit your fat a$$ in clothes that do not fit you. Try 16 or higher...
1. Why oh why didn't your parents use birth control on that fateful night...
I'm new here, but I love this
I'm new here, but I love this topic and NEED TO VENT!!!
My top ten of WHAT I HATE ABOUT MY SS-12
1. How you think you can come over to my house and use a key to come in, NOT on your visitation day, just to use the bathroom and with no notice.
2. How you let your mom (the BM) use the key to break into my house in the middle of the day so she can dump your sorry ass off, when she's been told we will pick you up after your dad gets off work.
3. How you constantly interrupt when me and your dad are talking, and if we tell you to stop interrupting, you pout and act like a two year old.
4. Your voice, which NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER stops!!!
5. How when you come in and out of the house while you're out playing, and SLAM the doors.
6. How you always want to bring your stupid friends into the house, even though you know the dog will go crazy and make everyone in the house crazy.
7. How at 12 years old, you still wet the bed almost every night.
8. How you expect to be paid money if you so much as pick up your underwear.
9. How you complain about my cooking and are so picky, you don't even eat peanut butter and jelly, chili, or any of the normal foods that kids your age eat. And how you then make yourself whatever you want and leave the dishes for me to clean up.
10. How when we tell you no, you keep asking WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY endlessly until your pussy of a father gives in and gives you what you want.
11. How you constantly kick me under the table and keep saying it's not your fault.
12. How you post mean things on my facebook wall.
Whew, sorry I went over... but I had to get that out.
Can I go again?? There is so
Can I go again?? There is so much to say!!
1. Will you please cut your nails? A 12 year old boy should not have such long finger and toe nails that they look like a girl's, except for the dirt and grime underneath.
2. When you sit on the couch near your dad, you really shouldn't lay all over him like you're two. Good God, kid... get a life!
3. Throwing balls against the walls is not an indoor activity.
4. When you kick a ball in the house and break something of mine, it would be nice if you said you were sorry instead of just running away.
5. When I ask you how's it going or if you had a good day, I'm trying to be nice. You could just answer me instead of being a little dick about it.
6. It really pisses me off when you ask for a specific video game for christmas and I run all over to find it, and then discover you sold it to a friend three days later for half the price.
7. When we're at a restaurant and you finish first, you don't need to keep asking "can we go now?" The answer is obviously no, so you don't need to put your head down on the table, roll your head back and sigh deeply... it won't make us eat any faster. But it definitely does the trick of not wanting to take you with us ever again.
8. When you get a nice gift for your birthday or christmas, it was ME who found it, bought it and wrapped it... yet you only thank your dad. charming.
9. Your mother is a lying bitch. she is not dropping you off early because she has a doctor's appointment, it's beause she's chasing her loser boyfriend around. No one is THAT SICK that they have doctor's appointments at every holiday, spring break day, or vacation day.
10. When we are shopping or doing something, you don't have to keep shouting "Hey Kerry, Hey Kerry" to show me every damn thing you like. I'm not going to buy it for you because Im really starting to hate you.
This might be good for me,
This might be good for me, although, I feel guilty doing it, but you're right, it's good to get it OUT!!!
1. Your CONSTANT whining & acting like/being treated like 2 year olds when you are 6 & 8.
2. Being demanding & not allowing the adults to have a single moment of peace! Always asking for food or drink, not because you are hungry but because you constantly have to be the center of attention!
3. Tattling, crying & making a big fuss all the time about stupid crap! Example: "He blamed me for farting & I didn't." (Imagine this in a super whiny voice!) So what, kid, you do fart a lot more than the average person & need to learn to do it in the bathroom & NOT at the dinner table!
4. Your immature obsession with DORA. Come on, I don't hate Dora but a 6 year old should move on to Barbie or something.
5. Always whining at dinner, "I don't like that....." but then eating it. You are just saying that because you want attention. I hate having to be a damn short order cook all weekend because you whine and won't all eat what's put in front of you, even though you ate it last week with no problem!
6. Going on fishing expiditions & asking questions I know your BM put you up to. If she really wants to know something about me SHE can ask me! I have nothing to hide, but don't like little kids grilling me!
7. Definately turning your Dad/my BF into someone I don't know & sometimes don't like. Making it impossible for us to even hug each other for a couple seconds the entire time you are here and turning him into this man that says the word "cocky" that I can't STAND! I'm sorry it sounds horrible coming out of a man's mouth. Call it poop, #2, crap, anything but cocky - yuck!
8. Bouncing the damn ball against the walls & completely ignoring me when I tell you to stop! It's my house too and if my son has to follow the rules so do YOU!
9. Being hyper as heck, screaming, yelling, and attacking my pets. Leave them alone and don't shoot your nerf guns at them.
10. Staying up WAY too late at night, waking up two or three times during the night, forcing Daddy to sleep in your bed with you or in ours, & then being over tired brats the next day!
1)I hate the fact that you
1)I hate the fact that you even exist!
2)The way you never eat your food but will wine for candy!
3)That you never listen to anyone!
4)You always talk back over anything!
5)How you can't shut up about your bm for even 1 sec!
6)How you're nasty and don't wipe yourself or flush the toliet even when I tell you or show you how, over a 100 times! and when we have gone to kid places to play instead of going to the restroom you just pee on yourself cause you're lazy!!!!
7)That you're always in my daughter's face, even when you're sick and I tell you not to be, you do it anyway, which goes with #3
8)The fact that whenever you're around you manage to ruin the day
9)The fact that you act like you're better then other kids that try and play with you, what do you do hit them
10)I just hate you in general and wish you would disappear or better yet, I wish you never existed cause you are a mistake anyway.
yes this may be harsh but oh well, it's the truth and I feel much better venting now, lol
Thanks, one of the worst
Thanks, one of the worst parts was that in the begining of me and my husband's relationship, when I started showing signs I was pregnant he started asking sd mom about pregnancy symptoms. I like really, how could you do that. Then throughout my whole pregnancy he always compared me and my unborn to sd and her mom. It still hurts really bad. Sometimes I wonder why I got myself into this, but then think of how much I truely love my husband, but it's just not fair me and my daughter weren't first.
He has tried many times, I
He has tried many times, I think he knows better now. And if ppl ever try and say my daughter looks like sd, I just lose it. I'm like how can my daughter look like someone else's kid, I'm like yea she doesn't so don't say it again. I feel like I have so much angry building up inside and I hate it. Then my husband says well why can't you try like you did in the begining I'm like no, I'm done sacrificing my happiness, then I get called selfish. I'm just like well then I'm selfish oh well. I mean I got with him when I was 20yrs old and I wanted to wait and have kids later on, he didn't want to wait and because I love him so much I said ok, then I told him I wanted to wait again, but he got me pregnant again. Plus I stay home and raise our daughter and clean the house, cook, take care of our pets. I may not be perfect in any way. But I am still young I'm only 22 yrs old, I deserve to be happy too. Which don't get me wrong I love my daughter and my unborn, I'm thankful I'm able to be a stay at home mom, but like I said I deserve to not have to have so much stress or be depressed.
1. I too hate the fact that
1. I too hate the fact that you exist.
2. I hate that everyone has babied you so much cuz of your Autism that now you can't do shit for yourself.
3. I hate that your bm abandoned you, didn't want you, and now you're stuck with me.
4. I hate that your dad is convinced 100% that you are his bilolgical son, knowing your mother what little i do, I have EXTREME DOUBTS that he is your father. You look nothing like him in the least.
5. I hate that you have a lisp when you talk and always have tons of spit in your mouth.
6. I hate that you stim in public, ALOT...
7. I hate that you stare into space like a zombie, it creeps me out
8. I hate that you lick the straw or cup before you drink out of it.
9. I hate how you make the worlds biggest mess when you overeat. you are getting fat and your dad doesn't give a shit, he keeps feeding you anyway.
10. I hate that you think i'ts ok to hit me, and your father does nothing about it.
Wow #10...I don't think
Wow #10...I don't think anyone could have said that better. You covered my entire feelings for skids all in that one point.
Sourgirl...lol... "sometimes i wonder what i was doing the day sd was conceived. i know i had no idea that my future life had just been altered for the worse, that's for sure!" You are so right. I never thought of it that way before but you are SOOO right!!
I hate I get ignored too
I hate I get ignored too Still Searching...RATHER my opinions are noted but F-OFF!
Never said but implied.
Then what she(wife) says emasculates me.
Ick! Just so tired of pretending and its been almost 10 years and its just gotten worse!
1. Ungrateful - do not
1. Ungrateful - do not appreciate what they have, always want more and then some.
2. Whiners - always crying when they can't get their way and whining about absolutely everything.
3. Disrespectful - slamming doors, kicking, screaming and talking to adults as if they are on the same level.
4. Dependent - can't do things for themselves and always need people to be there every step of the way.
5. No Table Manners - can't have a pleasant dinner ever. Can't eat rice without using your hands, seriously?
6. Destroying my house with your temper tantrums. Always touching/breaking my stuff and not giving a damn about it.
7. Draining of my energy - it is too exhausting to be around you all the time. You are just not pleasant.
8. Always opening doors without knocking.
9. Always coming over to our bed at night to sleep making it uncomfortable for all.. you are 7.
10. You were born.
Ahhhhh my friends, thank you
Ahhhhh my friends, thank you for the fun and particularly fantastic vents today. Last time I posted and dared to refer to the skid as "baggage" (oh the horror) I got bombarded by an army of skid-lovers telling my I should leave my man immediately because I was such an awful person. So glad the true mission of this site is not lost. Agree, we are all probably going to hell for feeling the way we do about skids....great comment foxystep! Any my favorite post of all of eternity....
"if sd18 had just ran down her mother's leg instead of taking hold and implanting"
Awesome sourgirl. Are you a writer? There is not a day that goes by that I do not wish the same thing...although not yet in quite such gross terms. You one-uped my twisted brain...I love it.
Oh, right, almost forgot to add to the list. I hate
1. The way you constantly refer to yourself as "awesome." How about earning it rather than simply stating it?
2. The way you skip around the house like a little girl (SS12)
3. They way you think we should be graced by your presence and do a happy dance when you emerge from videogame land every 6 hours (to stuff your face)
4. The way you suddenly take a great interest in your dad ONLY when it is time for bed because you are a little manipulator and prey on his misguided affection for you
5. The way you talk about the insignificant tidbits of your psycho mothers life, like we give a crap
6. The way you are showered with gifts and money and can't show one ounce of gratitide or thanks because you think the world owes it to you
7. The fact that you cannot walk down the stairs like a normal person, and have to run down the stairs and jump to the bottom like a drunk elephant (still waiting for you to slip and land on your head!)
8. The way you ask for money when you do the smallest thing around the house...."I took my plate to the sink...where is my 2 dollars?"
9. The way you think everything is on your terms. Bedtime? In 5 minutes. Dinner? Be down when I finish this game. Shower? Maybe tomorrow.
10. The fact that you don't realize that we would all be sooooo much better off if you would go live with your mother FULL TIME!
1. I hate the way both sd
1. I hate the way both sd ingore me in my own home!
2. I hate the way you never call on father's day, bd birthday, but sure know how to call right in the middle of Chrismtas dinner!
3, I hate the way both sd always call and ask to speak THEIR dad like I don't know who the hell he is!!
4. I hate the way younger sd is always kissing up to bd and he thinks she is sooooo precious and good when she treats me like crap!
5. I hate the way older sd is a lying nut case, and THINKS she is an artist, although she REFUSES to go out and get a REAL job!
6. I hate the way both SD lie like dogs about me and my kids!
7. I hate the way both seem to think that world revolves around them no matter what!
8. I hate the way I older sd likes to stir up all the troubles she can with every opportunity!
9. I hate the way younger sd tries to make it look like she sent a letter (but doesn't) but always calls to ask if it arrived and bd thinks I didn't give him his mail!
10. I hate both sd with every ounce of breath I have and hope someday you have stepkids too!
Oh my goodness. I just
Oh my goodness. I just cannot get over that description from sourgirl "if sd18 had just ran down her mother's leg instead of taking hold and implanting." Priceless description. I just know I am going to be sitting at dinner tonight across from skid as BF hugs him and tussles his hair and kisses him and marvels at the brilliance of how the glorious child eats a potato....and through the whole vomitfest that is dinner with skid, I will be picturing him as a miniature head on a sperm body, drying up into a pile of goop on BMs fat inner thigh. Ha Ha, the happy couple won't even know what I am smiling about. Thank you for my only moment of happiness today. Priceless image!
1. You are rude, you go to
1. You are rude, you go to others peoples houses and think you own the place and treat everyone with contempt
2. You are a bully, you believe that is the way to get people to do what you want in life
3. You are just plain MEAN-you provoke fights, aggravation, insults, poking fun of, embarrasing, taunting
4. SELFISH-you REFUSE to share any of your things but insist my sons let you play w/their things all the time at THE moment you want to and pitch a fit if they don't
5. You don't know how to entertain yourself at all-you deman to be entertained 24/7 for the entire wknd-the world does NOT revolve around YOU!
6. You feel entitled to raid my fridge, pantry, makeup, the boys computer, tv programs yet constantly complain about how much we suck
7. You are ungrateful, you haven't thanked me for a meal, or movie, or time we have together in some time now. You even stopped saying bye when you leave.
8. Bratty, insensitive, you don't care if someone else is sick-we should all bow and cater to what you want us to do.
9. You HIT all the time-if not you'll start a game of "tag" because you'll know it will end up w/you hitting someone too hard by "accident"
10. You are a sugar addict and act accordingly and I can't stand it. You think you're better then everyone else and constantly diss everyone around you to feel better about yourself.
I already made my list of ten
I already made my list of ten things a few weeks ago but after this weekend, I think I need to make another one - ugh!
1. That you are EATING MACHINES and devour everything in the house in minutes!
2. That you constantly ask for food & drink JUST to get attention!
3. The way you turn my sweet, caring loving BF into a complete ass every other weekend!
4. That you have FOUR TV's literally at MAX volume going ALL day at the same time while playing the drums, video games, and screaming over one another!
5. That you totally trash our house and aren't EVER asked to help pick up - completely annihilate one room and then move on to the one I just cleaned and do it all over again!
6. That SD6 still calls her father "Dada" in a damn BABY voice!
7. That SD6 always blames my kid (boy 9) for 'hurting her feelings' & then proceeds to go hysterical crying and tattling so that Daddy carries her around for an hour babying her.
8. That your father won't give you your ADHD meds when he has you and you are completely out of control!
9. That your father feels so incredibly guilty about not living with you that he avoids me and won't show me the tiniest bit of affection when you are here!
10. That when you are here my BF hardly ever sleeps in the same bed with me!
#3 is probably the worst one for me! I live with Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde I swear! After this past weekend when he came home from dropping off the kids and flipped the light switch to actually speak to me and be affectionate, I told him, "Where you been, baby? I missed you!"
And another thing that drives
And another thing that drives me UP the wall...
Having zero patience and expecting the adults to jump for your every whim!
I'm on the telephone and you are talking to me and demanding things - in my opinion unless it's an emergency kids should be taught to NOT interrupt, it's rude, and to wait until the adults are done talking (to each other or on the phone)!!!
Okay here goes! lol 10. The
Okay here goes! lol
10. The way you don't know how to brush your own hair yet, then pull away from me and make it impossible for me to do your hair, um hello, you're 8!
9. The way you look at me like fire starter, if looks could kill!
8. The way the both of them follow around DH constantly, and make it imposible for me to even sit beside DH on the sofa.
7. The way you make me want to escape to my room whatever chance I get just to get away for a moment, then make DH feel like I am the one who is isolating myself.
6. Your jealousy that is so clear of the relationship I have with DH.
5. How you never want to take time to play with my son, rather be whiny and needy for everything you need.
4. How you have made me and DH resent each other because he is blinded by you.
3. How you never do anything but cling and whine to your Dad.
2. How DH never makes time for me and our relationship because of you.
1. How I have to deal with crazy BM who texts and calls DH incessantly, because of you.
1. How I feel so
1. How I feel so uncomfortable around you, I avoid you around the house. (Both)
2. Your booger picking habit (SS)
3. How you can't every accept a request with a simple "ok" and instead you say "i know" or "i was going to". (SD)
4. How you never say thank you when I set food before you. (Both)
5. How as soon as you get a new toy, you are already scheming/lobbying for the next one. (AKA your insatiable greed) (Both)
6. How you go outside barefoot all the time. We all love black feet on the floors we have mopped. (SD)
7. How you play dumb when it suits you although you are "gifted" and your dad seems to buy it because he can't accept that you are manipulative as hell. (SD)
Hey! I only came up with 8! Must be a good week....
Ummm...we have the same SD I
Ummm...we have the same SD I think...lol wow this my FSD to a tee!
Really? That makes me feel a
Really? That makes me feel a little better.
By the way I have stupid question, what does the F in FSD mean? (Hopefully not, you know, f**king! haaaa).
LMAO...no it means
LMAO...no it means future...OMG that is too funny
8. How you refuse to follow
8. How you refuse to follow my rule of please eat at the table because, HELLO, I am sick of cleaning the floors you drop food on! (SD)
1. The Atrocious Eating
1. The Atrocious Eating Habits. It's not your fault your parents don't make you eat real food, but the open mouthed chewing and smacking of the junk food you do eat is disgusting.
2. The Whining. Do you even have a normal tone of voice?
3. The Pouting. Nice manipulative ploy. I especially like when you sit under the kitchen table to pout because then I can't see you as well.
4. The Interrupting. Your dad might sometimes talk to people other than yourself or just be busy in general. Is it necessary to interject with "Dad. Dad! DAD!!" every time he speaks to someone else or gets involved in a task?
5. The Faces. I can see you make those wrinkled-nose faces even if your Dad can't. It's also not very attractive when you sit there slack-jawed with your mouth hanging open and your tongue sticking slightly out. I know that face is unconscious, but it looks very stupid.
6. The Dad-Hogging. I'm not jealous of a kid, dammit, but quit physically dragging him away from my presence and quit demanding/cajoling him into amusing you 24 hours a day.
7. The Lying. Just plain bad. I hope your brother gets even some day for all the times you lied about things you said he did to you.
8. The Continual Boredom. You know what? Sometimes in life you might just be bored. Quit constantly complaining and (once again) quit demanding/cajoling your Dad into amusing you 24 hours a day.
9. The Judgments Disguised as Questions. It's not up to you to criticize how I or anyone else lives. Don't ask rude, pointed questions that are really criticisms with a question mark at the end. For one thing you are 6. For another, mind your own f**king business.
10. The Band-Aids. You do not need a band-aid for every microscopic mark on your body or if you have an itch. And don't leave your grubby little used band-aids all over everywhere.
...Lord help me I'm at 10 and can't seem to stop...
11. Your Art. Quit magic-markering on my table. Also, not everything you make is a sacred piece of art.
12. Your Hygiene. This is your Dad's fault. But on the rare occasions he does mention brushing your hair or teeth, you refuse. Also, I know you don't use toilet paper. I know this because you also do not flush the toilet, so I am all too familiar with the contents of the toilet when you are finished.
13. Your Crotch. I should not even be aware you have one, but since you often sit leaning back with your feet up near your ears and your knees spread apart...well...there it always is.
14. Your Physical Resemblance to Your Mother. Sorry, not your fault. My bad. But still, you are her little clone. I wish you reminded me of your Dad in some small way.
15. You Will Ruin My Relationship With Your Dad. This is what sucks the worst. And yes, I admit much of it is his fault for being permissive with you. But maybe if I found you more likeable the problem wouldn't be as huge.
Wow...I also needed that.
Just 10?? Lol 10- that skids
Just 10?? Lol
10- that skids feel they can leave a trail of mess from one end to the other and not be obligated to pick it up
9- your inability to do anything for yourself no matter how small the task
8- constant need for attention- like when u stand infront of the tv while I'm watching a movie making weird noises- how about u go be weird in your room alone
7- constant lies and how your dad believes them
6- the fact that you won't shower the entire time your here no matter how long dad argues with u
5- you can't give your father and I not even 10 mins Alone with out u interrupting for some completely stupid and tedious
4- if there is more than 1 child around you manipulate your dad into believing that your not acting out all the adults are lying and they just like the other kids better than u he believes u and starts fights over it
3- the fact that u are 10 and u swear like a trucker even infront of adults
2- constant whining and or need for attention positive / negative
1- the fact u ruin every family outing by acting spoiled and make your father believe he shod feel sorry for your behavior rather than the disgust i feel by it.
These are great!! I agree
These are great!!
I agree with a lot of these..........
My thing with SD14 is how she LIES - without even blinking. She'll look right at you and do it. I think she does it SOOOOOOO much that she actually belives herself. :jawdrop:
I so enjoy when SD14 lies to
I so enjoy when SD14 lies to me when she know I know the answer...
My list 1 The whining 2
My list
1 The whining
2 Coming over every weekend because mommy wants alone time with her bf
3 That you both are really over weight and mommy blames your dad for it and shes the fat ass
4 You both are really rude and do not know how to act in public
5 How you take over the house when you come over
6 All the questions that I know mommy put up to asking, Like who pays the bills here and Did daddy buy this?
I have one for each of them.
I have one for each of them.
1. Your snarky sarcastic comments whenever I try to enforce rules.
2. Your massively over dramatic "low pain tolerance".
3. That you seem to have no problem calling your brother names and picking on him.
4. The rebel flag in your bedroom. It's like hanging a swastica as far as I'm concerned.
5. The needy girls you pick to be associated with. You need a woman that will put you in your place.
6. Your "I don't care" attitude whenever someone is in need.
7. The violent video games you say you have "the right" to play.
8. Your assessment of my "unnecessary" place in this family.
9. Your greasy hair
10. Your disreguard for my carpet, my car, and your room with your smelly farm stuff.
1. Your whining
2. Your attention seeking
3. Your annoying sense of humor
4. The questions you ask before you think about the answer
5. Your tics (I know you can't help them, but they drive me up a wall!!)
6. The imaginary world you seem to live in and the "secret agents" that are constantly joining our life.
7. The way your self-worth hinges on what your bullies/people that don't know you think
8. How oblivious you are to everything around you(self-centeredness)
9. Your constant need for validation
10. Your collections
He's gone now but here's my
He's gone now but here's my list.
1. You Stink, Showering once a week or twice a month is gross
2. Your lazy. Being asked to pick up after yourself isn't too much to ask out of a 20 YO-like I said he's gone now
3. Your selfish. He still does this. The way you don't call or text your dad happy birthday or any other holiday but are here with your hand out but can't even buy your dad a Christmas card or print one off the computer atleast.
4. You a thief. The way he'd take anything he desired that wasn't nailed down. Hell he'd take crap he didn't even want if it was mine to start a fight.
5.Your immature. Who makes choo choo tracks and noises in their mashed pototoes at 20 YO
6. Your a lIar. Your friends have even figured that out. Be careful who you tell your lies to because I know a lot of people and you told your lies to one you didn't know I knew. Busted
7. Your Still Lazy. You've been on your own now for a year. Working part time at a store isn't going to pay your bills and you could work full time which would but you'd rather play the poor me card. Well the cards been burned for us. Get a life
8. Your Creepy. Your hateful stares freak the hell out of me another reason your not allowed here.
9. Your gross. Your 20 if you can't even get close to the toilet with your urine sit the heck down. You've had the damn thing all your life no need to piss halfway across the room on the floor.
10. Your sick in the head anyone who will torture an innocent animal because he doesn't get his own way and constant attention at any age has issues and I cancelled my subscription.
1. your stomping on your
1. your stomping on your heels LEARN HOW TO WALK
2. The way you fall over your feet while you walk LEARN HOW TO WALK
3. The way you have to be wherever your father is ALWAYS
4. "Daddddeeeeee"
5. you constantly being manipulative to get the toys or games you want
6. the way you wave your toys or games in my childrens faces
7. eating like a pig biting your fork and spilling food everywhere
8. following your father to the bathroom and whne I tell you to go sit down and leave him be you still stand there looking like a tard
9. crying because you might not get what you want
10 the way you cry is annoying
11 the way you have to have what you want NOW or you ask and ask for hours
I could keep going! My ss is 7 going on 2. Hes a manipulative spoiled brat who gets whatever he wants and has to compete with my kids on that level or else
my ss got a mowhawk because my two did made my fiance' ripshit for "copying" honestly even I said its fine he's 7 LOL
MY ss has to be up my fiance's ass a mile or he's not happy drives me Fing NUTS
For SD (27). This is going
For SD (27). This is going to be fun.
1. You're selfish and inconsiderate
2. You like to play headgames
3. Talking loudly on your cell like I give a shit about what you're saying
4. Using big words to try and impress me (do that by showing compassion)
5. Washing 1/2 your dishes and leaving the other 1/2 dirty
6. Attention span (you don't have enough common sense to turn on the porch light when you know we're coming home after you - so we fumble in the dark)
7. You think you're smarter than everyone else . .but you still live at home.
8. You don't wash your hands after you use the bathroom. .disgusting
9. You want everyone to kiss your ass and fawn all over you - like daddy does
10. That you still live at home with us . . .at damn near 28. :sick:
Oh this is a good thread
Oh this is a good thread
here goes
How you write on your facebook and myspace pages what a bitch I am and how much you hate it when your dad tells me happy mothers day on my facebook or his because YOUR mom is who you feel he should be wishing a happy mothers day too.
1)Your complete lack of respect for ANYONE at all.
2)Your undeserved sense of entitlement and accomplishment
3) When you call on your mothers birthday/your parents ex anniversary every year and cry to MY husband about how mean he is because he didnt call YOUR mother (his EX wife) and wish her a happy birthday or happy anniversary. HELLO THEY ARE DIVROCED AND REMARRIED LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD!
4)How you lie looking right into our eyes even after you know youve been caught lying red handed. If your going to lie at least be good at it.
5) How you try to play your dad and mom in a popularity contest against each other, and how my DH for some reason cares who you like better today.
6) The way you blame me for the fact that you and your father dont talk as much anymore, due to the fact that you cannot be civil or speak respectfully to me and 1 time out of 4 you call me every name in the book. If you want to talk to your dad every day, be respectful to me every time you call. OR dont say anything at all about me, either way is fine but your lack of respect doesnt make me the bad guy.
7) The way you make up fake accomplishments (a's and b's in school, on the basketball team etc) and when we find out you are lying get mad at us for checking up on the things you tell us.
9) How you also write on your facebook about your boyfriend spending the night or how you are at a party and getting drunk but when we ask you about this behavior which is unacceptable for a 16 y/o you either lie to us or give us major attitude ("I DONT need you to tell me how to live I am 16 I know whats best for me!!!" )
10) The way your dad falls for your "Your a horrible dad you pick your new bitch wife over your kids and thats why we all hate you. My father died the day he married that bitch." guilt tripping bullshit when in every other aspect of his life he is so smart and sure of himself.
now the 10 things i hate about sd20
1) your laziness!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) your never ending supply of excuses (I didnt have a ride, I didnt have minutes on my phone, I was sick that day...)
3) Your poor pitiful me why doesnt daddy spend as much money on me as he does on his wife never ending spiel? (When she asks for money and he tells her no then she sees I just bought something or got my hair done and whines "You dont have money to give me but she has money to spend thats not fair!)
4) YOUR LAZINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5) The way you want to treat us however you feel like then dont understand why we dont want to help you more.
6)The way that when you and your mom are not getitng along you and I are best friends but when you and her make up I am the most awful person on the planet.
7)YOUR LAZINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
8)YOUR undeserved sense of entitlement
9) The subtle ways you pit my husband against me anytime you are around
10) YOUR LAZINESS!!!!!!!!!
Wow I feel a lot better that was great
This sort of feels like a
This sort of feels like a guilty pleasure. I am going to list the 10 things I hate that my SD13 does. I can't say I hate her...
10. You wear the same clothes regardless of how many outfits I buy you. They are such cute flippin' outfits too!!
9. You are able to switch personalities on a dime and make everyone feel like they are going crazy.
8. Your fakeness.... ugh!!!
7. You lack any ounce of motivation to do ANYTHING.
6. Lack of a genuine personality including interests.. make Christmas a nightmare.
5. Love how you can be all demonic on me and then when DH walks in you go into "WHAT???" with big doe eye look.
4. You wet the bed every night (fine - you have to deal with that), but then you don't realize you STINK...
3. Since you don' realize you stink, you pretend to shower. (I just had that shiver move through my spine. ya know)
2. You hit puberty and compounded with your lack of interest in hygiene... EWE
1. You steal, you lie, you do awful things and even after seeing the painful consequences.. you feel nothing.
Dear SD, I pray one day you can reach normalcy and that they can help you. I just want you to be normal. I want you to be that younger sister to my BD and I want to trust you and have a parent - child bond. I HATE the fact that something happened along the way in either your creation or early childhood that you now will have a hard life and so will we. I HATE THE FACT THAT YOU ARE EMOTIONALLY DISCONNECTED AND LOST. I hate the fact that I have this stress. I wish I could trust you. I hate the fact that I am so bothered I went looking for help and came across a website on which I wrote a list of things that I hate that revolve around you. I don't have a list for my other kids... I hate feeling so bugged about you. I hate the fact that a child went through whatever you did that brought you to a point where you don't know what is real and what isn't. I hate the fact that I didn't show up earlier and could have been a changing factor in the end result. I hate the fact that I have a child that has a mental illness and I am truly all alone. My DH feels it differently. I hate that I even had a list and plus some. This is so sad and disheartening.
1. How obsessed my SD is with
1. How obsessed my SD is with her father; she acts likes a crazy jealous girlfriend
2. That my SD NEVER goes to her MOM's house
3. Laziness
4. Did I say Laziness yet?
5. Lies, lies, lies
6. Acting like my DH's wife
7. My SD tries to mother my child (her crazy controlling behaviors)
8. My SD getting away with murder, getting rewarded for every neg behavior possible
9. Her manipulation (it's flippin ridiculous)
10. Her OBESSION with her father, oh I guess I already said that one.
OMG my SD does this! She
OMG my SD does this! She treats my husband like they are an ITEM. Ugh it makes me want to barf.
Oh, I forgot one Daddy,
Oh, I forgot one
Daddy, daddy, daddy
ahahahhaaa I know that one
ahahahhaaa I know that one Dadddeeeee
My 10 10. Your extreme lack
My 10
10. Your extreme lack of gratitude!
9. You LAZINESS!!!! (Can't do anything right, even when showed, and always needs to be asked to do something)
8. Your Rudeness (I still do not forget how you talked to MY father that one day!)
7. Your stupidity (Are you really that dumb? It's not funny or cute, BF might think so, I don't!)
6. Inability to speak correctly.
5. Chew with your mouth shut and quit the smacking! Ever heard of table manners!
4. Whispering to BF when I am in the room. RUDE, RUDE, RUDE!
3. Inability to think for yourself at all!!!
2. Ignoring the rules with the dogs...you got bit once on the face by your own dog at BM's, learn your lesson! It won't happen with my dogs!
1. Your constant LIES! I do not trust you at all now. You lie to your father, you lie to me, and you are a spy and relay information back to you BM. What goes on in this house is none of her business!!!!!!
*An extra one. Your complete lack of boundaries and any sense of privacy. If it is not yours do not touch or rummage through. Oh, and don't reorganize my kitchen cabinets!!!
Reading these lists I almost
Reading these lists I almost wet myself...and I found myself contecting them to all the children SD14, BS12, SS11, and BD8...I hate that my BS12 pisses on the toilet seat as well, but I think the biggest difference is I have no hesitation making him go clean the entire bathroom, to my standards. But if any of the offences occures by the skids I feel like I have no power or control to make them take care of it. we only have the skids every other weekend while bios live here full time with no visitation with their sperm doners.
And if I try to correct the skids behavor they just blow me off anyway, and if they were my kids that blew me off they would be punished. I am a strict parent that charishes values and morals, and I am under the impression that I am raising them to be adults that can fuction as a civilzed person when they leave me to be in the big bad world.
While my DH is a live in the moment kinda person who is trying to make his kids happy!!! He is coming around it is just taking some training...lol he has not been fully responsable for his kids for about 6 years.
I'm new here and this is
I'm new here and this is EXACTLY what I needed... I have an 11 year old SD. I can't stand her. Manipulative brat.
Here are my top 10:
10) The way you hang on my husband- you rub his leg and kiss him. It looks nothing like a dad/daughter relationship should be.
The way you have to know EVERYTHING that is going on in our lives.
9) You're a compulsive liar.
7) The way you cry and whine when we don't buy you something you want.
6) When we come pick you up, you call 47 times asking where we are.
5) The way your hair looks like you stuck a finger in a socket.
4) You smell. You literally stink.
3) You're failing in school. Even though I tutor your stupid azz, I hate that you're just plain stupid.
2) The way you manipulate your father. It disgusts me and ruins are marriage.
1) The fact that you breathe.
It certainly is! I thought I
It certainly is! I thought I was the only one on this Earth who felt this way!
Time to rip!! 10) As if I
Time to rip!! }:)
10) As if I don't hate being seen in public with you as it is, you sit in the passenger seat of my SUV and eat your boogers! I don't need people thinking this window licker actually BELONGS TO ME!
Finding your encrusted underwear all over the house, I could make pizzas out of it!
9) The horrible, constant stench eminating from every oriface of your body.
7) How you urinate on yourself day and night to the point where every mattress we give you has to be thrown away due to mold.
6) How you talk as if God gave you no brain, and were raised in the ghetto.
5) How nobody in the family enjoys your company, so they avoid coming over. Thanks a lot for that by the way.
4) That disgusting slurping sound you make when you eat anything-both of yoU!
3) Your plan to corrupt my biological children. Don't bother, they will never be anything like you!
2) Your pre-pubescent sexual perversions. Shame on you! Sickos.
1) Your lack of respect and care for the quality of life.
Put that in your juice box and suck it you little freaks! hahaha
1. The whining. Oh God, the
1. The whining. Oh God, the whining
2. The complaining. About everything.
3. Laziness.
4. Picky, picky eaters.
5. Selfish, sense of entitlement.
6. If SS pisses on the toilet one more time, so help me!
7. Expectations to be waited on hand and foot.
8. Turning DH into a guilt-ridden wuss
9. SD standing twoninches from tv with Disney channel on a full blast
10. The words no and shut- up coming out of children's mouths directed at parents.
1.you both smell horrible. 2.
1.you both smell horrible.
2. no manners whatsoever
3.Hanging on to your dad like your his girlfriends. it's gross and so are both of you.
4. Dirty clothing. I'm not your mom so I don't wash your clothes.
5.Brush your teeth once in awhile.
6.put your fucking itouch down before I feed it to you.
7. stop asking your dad for money , I take care of our bills and what not so you should be asking me for money..but I wouldn't give it to you anyway.
8. You both look like your mother so I can't even look at you.
9.I wish dh would of wore a condom every time he slept with that fat C
10. I don't want you looking at me ever or talking to me
I sound horrible. But no one has any idea what I was put through the last 5 years. I'm so done with them.
I am new to it all but I have
I am new to it all but I have a list already.
1. you exist.
2. you are about as smart as your mother.
3. your hands are filthy and sticky and you must touch everything.
4. dad? dad? dad? Joane? dad? Joane? dad? dad?
5. you beg to watch a movie then yell "LOOK LOOK" and jump around the whole time...we aren't watching a movie! you are!
6. the smell...ugh
7. you look like your mother.
8. did I mention you exist? that you're no more than a sprung and empty mantrap? yes. you.
9. no, I wont buy you shoes. enjoy the $1 flipflops your mom sent you in. yes, that means you don't get to go fishing with me.
10. I don't know if it's a kid thing or just a Kid thing, but the lack of volume control makes me have violent thoughts.
11. and...you exist. the fact that you exist is a constant reminder that the Mister is an idiot. really. just as stupid as can be. thanks for reminding me that he had sex with a fat retarded woman (nice, yes,but fat and retarded) but that he had unprotected sex with one.
in short, Kid, you're a f*cking downer.
and for a bakers dozen; 13.
and for a bakers dozen;
13. your dad and you didn't get a cool new car. I did.
but I guess you figure it's ok not to mention me to your grandma? it made her laugh, at least. "a car for your dad? OHHHyou mean JOANE'S car."
I am new here and relatively
I am new here and relatively new to being an SM... I hate it!!! It makes me think twice about having my own children. From what I understand from friends, when they are yours you can deal with a lot of actions that from a skid will make you insane! All of your postings have made me feel a sense of normalcy that I lost. I honestly thought it was my fault that I just don’t like these little brats (the other b-word is more appropriate). I have two of them.
Reading these posts has been a cathartic occurrence for me! I felt so alone, overly mean and misguided before this site. Often I asked myself if I hated them or their mother, I see now, it’s all three.
10 Things I hate about my step kids...
10. Contrary to what your dear old Dad thinks, I do NOT miss you when you are gone and am apparently a better actress than I give myself credit for. He thinks I like you and so do you. I tolerate you and either stay drunk when you are here or just count down the days until you leave while watching over my belongings diligently and protecting my cat from your horrible petting sessions.
10a. My cat hates you... Quit following her around and leave her alone, she doesn’t like you for a reason. Better yet, what the hell did you do to my cat? I wish she could tell me so I could do it to you... she's my baby, dammit!
9. We have plenty of soap here, why aren’t you bathing on the mornings of your menstrual cycle??? Do you have any idea how disgusting that is?? Ugh, that’s Woman 101; we all know that bathing during that "special" time is paramount.
8. If I catch your a$$ sneaking into my bathroom one more time to "borrow" my limited edition MAC makeup (expensive and mine), I will smack you into maturity. I told your dad you knew it was wrong or else you wouldn’t have snuck and done it. He thought you didn’t realize that crap was wrong. Don’t bull5hit me little girl. This ain't my first time at the rodeo. Also, do you know how long it takes to build up a good stock of makeup? Of course you don’t, your mother is a hog to the nth degree... what does she know about looking halfway attractive, ever.
7. Picky eater at 12, are you kidding me??!!?? You want attention; I can assure you my dining doesn’t need to be maligned by any attempts to get you to eat. As a matter of fact don’t eat, I DON'T care. You're not mine... eat nothing; I don’t have time for this.
6. Do you really think it’s acceptable to sit in MY spot every time on MY couch; your dad doesn’t do it, neither do you. Get it? (Yes, I am aware that could be seen as petty, but it was my departed mothers white leather couch and they spill)
6a. If you eat on my couch and spill those damned Oreos & milk one more time I will (again) smack you into maturity.
5. I am fully aware of the fact that your mother doesn’t care what you do, but if you tell me you are having sex, it is my duty as an adult to tell your Dad and you need to tell him too. Quit acting like you're innocent and like it was only one boy and several years ago... I've been your age. Don’t bull5hit me, little girl.
You're a ho, I know you're a ho, you're a ho, because you told me so.
4. You exist. I am not appreciative of that fact and when I start creating software I will see if it is possible to back into time and un-create you. Condoms should be available to all at all times.
3. I can’t get married to my FH until you are 18, and I can’t have my own kids, because you are a drain on his/my money. 800/month... what do you eat? GOLD… From what I see of your clothes, the money isn’t being spent on you. What is that hog buying?
2. Who told you it was ok to come to someone else's house and funk it up with cheap assed lotions and perfumes??? I demand an answer. I came home from work and vomited from the smell of that crap... Are you serious! You can’t skip a bath and expect to cover your stench with that crap. My home smells like a French whorehouse.
1. I just don’t like you, and am glad you're not always here. I literally, ended up in the hospital with a visceral reaction to your existence that didn’t go away until you were good and gone. If I could find a way for you not to come back to my house, I would obtain it.
I know thats a lot of stuff, but it felt so GOOD to get it out.
Am I a bad person for feeling this way?
Sorry I too am late to the
Sorry I too am late to the discussion but here's my list for my SD15 and SS22. BTW I'm the new step father (also new to this great sounding board).
10. I hate how seemingly every conversation includes something your BF did or is doing.
9. I hate how there seems to be this entitlement with stuff from your BM previous home and for whatever reason from my previous home as well.
8. I hate how your BM makes excuses to justify your actions.
7. I hate how you burp and act like it's nothing (no excuse me) and try even harder for a louder burp the next time if it's brought to your attention.
6. I hate how you can steal from me.
5. I hate how every weekend you want to spend the night at a friends house or have them spend the night at our house.
4. I hate how you compliment when your BM buys or makes dinner but not me.
3. I hate how you say good morning or hi to your BM but act like I'm invisible.
2. I hate how your BM allows you to scream at me and disrespect me.
1. I hate that you are in my DW life and now I have to deal with you.
Well that was probably the most refreshing 10 minutes of my life over the past few years. My DW said that what I was going through was a transition and most blended families took time some even years to develop into a functioning family but after 5 years living together I'm wonder the worst case. This is the best it gets and dealing with the step children and BF never go away...even when the kids are both out of the house there will still be birthdays, holidays heaven forbid grandchildren, then baptisms...it'll never end. For the first time after hearing the BF father complain to me about my parenting skills (both step kids are on probation for crimes) and disrespecting SD15 I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever work out. Probably the worst part is I keep thinking about my kids (BD12, BD17) both of whom are good citizens either on the honor role at school or Principles List for Straight A's. How does this environment affect them? Do they become like their step siblings because they think that's cool to be rebellious and not be held accountable?
I like this!! SD14: I hate
I like this!!
I hate the way it's so easy for you to lie
the way you make my BD12 feel like a piece of crap
the way you look at me - like you want to kill me
the way you walk right by me and up the steps to our room just to ask you daddy a question
the way you only talk to DAD when you talk
the way your room reaks out into my house (she know I HATE that spray)
the way you take stuff that isn't yours and then lie about it
the way you drop all your friends the minute a boy comes around
when you walk in with a group of your friends w/o even asking
but mostly I hate the way DH lets her do all this to me; then has the nerve to ask why I don't like her....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Glad to see this stuff
Glad to see this stuff doesn't just happen to me
But sad to see it happens at all...
I know isnt' it sad! Then my
I know isnt' it sad! Then my DH has the nerve to say "I don't let her do those things to you" Ya right!! and the kicker is she knows it!!
I could make an individual
I could make an individual list for each of the 3 kids, but I'll narrow it down to one.
1.) I hate how I can't get up from sitting beside your father on the couch for 30 seconds and expect my spot to still be there when I get back. In fact, I hate that you're so needy and clingy that I get almost no attention or closeness with him when you're around, unless we're sleeping, period.
2.) I hate how your BM is raising you to be materialistic and wasteful.
3.) I hate how you haven't been to the dentist in the 2+ years that I've known you, and even though it's your parents' fault, you still gross me out for that.
4.) I hate how you have no concept of keeping your mouth shut if you have a rude thought ("This car is a mess!" REALLY???? Well, I didn't want to spend the gas money to take you anywhere in my car anyway, you little a-hole, how about that????)
5.) I hate how your father insists on comparing you to my kids. A lot more work has been put into them than has been put into you, thank you very much.
6.) You have awful hair, and it always looks dirty. In fact, you always look dirty to me in general. Your clothes are always too big or too small, and I fear that you're basically turning into the same sort of white trash as your mother.
7.) I hate how you think it's okay to walk away from me when I'm talking to you, and even if you don't walk away, you won't look me in the eye or respond to me.
8.) I hate how at 5 years old, you STILL need to be told to close & flush the toilet and wash your hands EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
9.) I hate how every time I go out of my way to do something nice for you, I regret the time, energy, effort, and money expenditure, and end up feeling exhausted, because you're entitled, ungrateful, and NOTHING is EVER good enough for you!
10.) I hate how I allow you to make me so angry, hurt, upset and frustrated. I hate that you cause problems between me and your father. You're not even worth it.
THIS 100% 1.) I hate how I
THIS 100%
1.) I hate how I can't get up from sitting beside your father on the couch for 30 seconds and expect my spot to still be there when I get back. In fact, I hate that you're so needy and clingy that I get almost no attention or closeness with him when you're around, unless we're sleeping, period.
It is sick how close she has to be sometimes........wierd!!
All 3 of BF's kids are
All 3 of BF's kids are clingy, but DD is 7. I couldn't get my 7-year-old to sit on my lap for more than 15 seconds if her life depended on it, I don't think. And my 3 girls and I are EXTREMELY close, and quite affectionate; the difference is, my kids are WELL-ADJUSTED, and obviously my presence makes his DD feel pretty flippin' insecure
She hangs on him constantly. She can sit on his lap for hours. She's the one (IDK if you remember my post from the other day) who crawled into bed w/us on Sunday morning. *GAG* :sick: I think there's also a component there of her trying to challenge or one-up me as the lady in his life, which is a whoooooole 'nother post, haha.
^^oops, that shoulda said HIS
^^oops, that shoulda said HIS DD is 7; I have a 7-yo BD as well, that may have come out kinda confusing up there.
that says it all - well
that says it all - well adjusted -
when DH and I watch TV on the couch - SD will stand in the doorway and peek her head out and just star at me?!?!?!? I can feel the ray through my head almost.
Or when she needs something - instead of asking me since I am IN THE SAME ROOM AS HER, she will go upstairs and walk right in our room (even when he's sleeping)and ask him the question. Yet my BD isn't even aloud up the steps to get hairspray!!
"when DH and I watch TV on
"when DH and I watch TV on the couch - SD will stand in the doorway and peek her head out and just star at me?!?!?!? I can feel the ray through my head almost."
OMG, this sounds like the opening to a bad scene in a bad horror flick, LOL! And the asking-- how about when you tell the kid no to something so he/she turns around (RIGHT in front of your face) and asks him for the same damn thing?
THANK YOU FOR THE LISTS!!!! I TOTALLY AGREE with all of them!!!!
I have a 16y\o SD and I hate
1. The Disrespect
2. The Lying
3. The Whining
4. Her being Sneaky
5. Her voice
7. her Manipulation
8. Her Mother
9. Her Promiscuity
10. Her Body Odor
11. Her Jealousy of My Kids
12. Her Lack of Home Training
13. Her calling me by my first name like she is MY equal!
10 things I hate about
10 things I hate about you....
10. that you never say thank you to anyone but DADDDDDDY, even when it has nothing to do with him.
9. "dadddddy, dadddddy, dadddddy, Smileygirl where's my dadddddy"
8. Your smell, your filth, your terrible heigine in general - you disgusting pigs.
7. You've never EVER done anything for yourselves, at anytime, anywhere and nobody expects you to. Your daddddddy will still be changing our diapers when your 40. GROSS
6. Your awful eating habits and that you WILL grown into big fat beasts just like your mother because of it.
5. The fact that your mother gets more in child support than most people make weekly but you still make demands for money and gifts every single day.
4. That you lie about everything. You wouldn't know what the truth was.
3. That you call my son by the same sweet nickname I do when daddddy's around but call him by a very different nickname when daddddy's away (worthless bastard) - that's right you little prick, I hear you.
2. That you honestly seem to believe that my home and my car and my posessions are your daddddy's. Right, he magically had all of these things appear just for you, when he met me.
1. That you exist. I hate everything about you. Did I mention your disgusting?!?!
Wow! I thought putting it out there would make me feel better but actually writing out a list and realizing that I could atleast double this actually has me really upset. I'm really glad they are will BM this weekend or I would probably lose it.
You guys are killing me - I
You guys are killing me - I am lmao!
SS 11 (going on 4)
11. that you think you are better than my son because of your last name.
10. that you leave your stuff all over the house and think I should be your maid (is LAZY)
9. that you shoot me dirty looks when your dad is not looking (ie HATE ME)
8. that you are spoiled
7. that you don't deserve to be spoiled
5. your DIRTY SOCKS period.
4. that you WHISPER to daddy when you think I cannot hear
3. that you LIE (ie You are a LIAR - yes, I called you a liar!)
2. that you manipulate EVERY situation to suit you and if it doesnt, you:
1. CRY
What I LOVE:
1. that you go home
2. that your dad has FINALLY seen the error of his ways
3. that you see that your daddy loves his SS as much as he loves you
4. that your daddy isn't going to let you be the downfall of our relationship ANYMORE!
[DEEP BREATHE IN, DEEP BREATHE OUT] i feel so liberated!!!!!!
Why don't these children
Why don't these children realize that we did not steal their daddy's? They came running!!!!!! If they would accept this perhaps the daggers of death would stop shooting at the SM's!!!!!!
Well said Glittergal79! I
Well said Glittergal79! I APPRECIATE YOU!
LOL! Love this! Here's my
LOL! Love this! Here's my list for SS23 going on 5---
1. That you exist
2. your voice
3. You change girlfriends more often than you change socks. (I don't bother learning their names anymore.
4. You go in my room and rifle through my $hit while I'm at work. (What are you looking for?)
5. You think your dad (my man) should kiss your a$$ because he divorced your fat ugly mom 20 years ago! Get over it.
6. You can't handle your alcohol, which causes the cops to show up at MY house at 1 in the morning, disrupting my sleep and my household.
7. You never look for a job like you're supposed to. That was one of the conditions of you living here.
8. you try to boss my kids around. You have NO authority here, even if you are older. I tell them not to listen to you.
9. You make out with our chubby girlfriend on MY bed. Ewwww! WTF?
10. You won't leave. I'm miserable now, because your dad forgot to wear a condom 23 years ago. That pisses me off to no end! I do not like you.
11. You sit on your ass all day and reap the benefits of our (mine & your dad's) hard work. Who the f#*k do you think you are?!
12. You flop all over my living room with your feet up on my coffee table, drinking and eating the groceries that I buy for MY kids.
13. You put your nasty lips on the milk and O.J. jugs. GROSS! Get a glass. Like I want to drink something that you had your filthy mouth on?! Lazy f*#k!
Did I mention that I hate you. I get up in the morning, you're there. I come home from work, you're there! GO AWAY!!!!
Oh, I forgot some stuff.. 1.
Oh, I forgot some stuff..
1. You have 2 babies with 2 moms that you do not help raise. NICE!
2. You are a loud, stupid racist. Always saying wetback this, beaner that. Hello! Some of my best friends are hispanic. You can't live in a geographical area that is about 50% Latino and say $hit like that! I hope you get you a$$ beat down by a whole gang of them.
3. Maybe you could get a job if you would take all the ugly stupid piercings out of your ugly face and cover up the Nazi tattoos! IDIOT!
4. You run your mouth WAY too much! About $hit that has nothing to do with you!
I have enjoyed reading this
I have enjoyed reading this post - going to join in!
1. hate that you think your the prettiest girl in the world! your are pretty girl but you are not all that you think you are!
2. hate that you think you are smarter and ALWAYS right about everything
3. hate that you think you can boss your bio/sibilings and stepsiblings around
4. hate that you have your father wrapped around your little finger
5. hate that some of your other family memebers know how you really are but do nothing to stop you
6. hate that you call ur brother fat constantly and you aren't that slim yourself
7. hate that you think your above all the other children
8. hate that you get special treatment bc you cry and whine that you feel unloved to get what you want
9. hate that you lie CONSTANTLY about EVERYTHING - even stupid crap that no one cares abt
10. just down right hate your voice.....
11. Absolutely hate that I have to share my life with you, and hate that my kids have to put up with you!
Well, that did feel good!
Yeah momof3stepmomof3, Number
Yeah momof3stepmomof3,
Number 8 applies to ss23 too. He cries and has meltdowns if he's expected to act his age in any way, shape or form. Makes me sick! Doesn't ACT like ex-military!
This thread is brilliant I
This thread is brilliant I HAVE to add mine for my SS15 ( I have 3 of my own bios 9,13 and 18 and they are NORMAL)
10. Immature (very very very)
9.Lazy (see above)
8.Lies to everyone (he knows I have him sussed but dad bel every word eg dad thinks it is ME that lies)
7. Sprawls all over dad on sofa, slapping his face while he watches TV. Holds his hand in public. He is 15!!!!
6. Is dirty and unhygenic, he refuses to clean the toilet after himself.
5. Refuses to work at school.
4. Eats like an animal, you can tell whre he sits at table, there is food everywhere. I cook the whole meal-why does partner always serve him first.
3. No manners at all.
2. Thinks the whole world owes him something.
1. Treats his dad (and me) like crap.
Hurry up and move out, you're ruining my life......
my list for sd3: 1. The way
my list for sd3:
1. The way you manipulate your father
2.attention fits
3.acting like a baby because your bm has another baby at home so you dont get away with everything
4. the fact you're 3 and still wear a diaper!
5.The fact that you're father will always favor you
6.the way you antagonize your sister and get her in trouble
7.the fact that you will NOT eat no matter what
8. you look like your mother
9.how you PRETEND you dont know right from wrong
10. That you look too much like your father so it's obvious that your his
11. your annoying whining voice!
12. The fact of when told "no" you still wont listen and get away with it
13.the way that you NEVER sleep and if you do it's not in your bed
14. You have NO manners
15. the way you scream at a pitch only dogs should be able to hear on a daily basis
my list for sd4:
1.when you whine
3.when you yell "you're not my mommy!" no kidding...i am aware of this
4.when you chew on your hair
5.when you boss your sister around
6.that gremlin face you get when you're mad
7.the way you whine rather than ask your sister not to take things
8.no manners
9.when you play dumb
10.when you dont listen
yay good rant! feels somewhat somewhat guilty... :?
1. That you think the world
1. That you think the world world revolves around you! no one can do anything or have any fun unless you are involved
2. Your mom gets more in CS than most people earn working a full schedule!! Yet you still think that you can call up when you are at your moms and ask for 30.00 here 50.00 there!!! WTF are you thinking
3. That you think you are on my level!! Not even close little girl. I don't need your advice or opinion on cooking, cleaning, laundry, computers, or anything else!!!! You are 12 not 40!!!!
4. You constant state of boredom! Go read a freaking book or call a friend why do you have to be up your dads ass 24/7
5. The way you have to sit in my spot on the couch then look at me with that shitty face!! You dad always tells you to move so move your ASS!!!
6. The way you literally gulp down your dads sodas makes me :sick: Get your own damm drink!! He doesn't need your smarmy germs and I sure don't want him kissing me after he drinks after you :sick:
7. Your whiny ass baby girl act. Grow the f*** up and act your age. You aren't a special little princess no matter how much your stupid BM tells you that you are.
8. Stop with the damm illness!! You are a freakin hypochondriac!!! No one is sick all the time you dont have allergies to everything. You make me want to scream. I don't want to hear about your numerous aches and pains your not 80 yrs old!!!
9. Stop with the hanging all over your dad!! It is just pathetic and sick! You don't have to sit in his lap and hold his hand and walk with your arms around him. I am not competing with you!!!
10. Your idiotic laugh you think you sound cute you sound like a demented little clown. It is not cute or funny you sound like an idiot!!!
OMG this felt good I had so much of that bottled up for a while!!!!
1. How all of DHs' attention
1. How all of DHs' attention is on YOU the entire time you are in MY home.
2. How you make DH feel as though you must be CONSTANTLY entertained.
3. How you never bring things to entertain yourself. Poor bored things! Whatever. Be bored. Learn something.
4. How stupid you are. Seriously. Are you going to apply yourself to your education at all? It's not a fucking playpen.
5. How you act scared of me when I voice a mellow, opinion. Shut up.
6. How you never clean up after yourself. I don't have to make your bed, but otherwise the room looks like shit for the week you aren't here.
7. Your BM is a huge bitch. But I can't say that out loud.
8. I wish you didn't exist. This would be so much easier and better for me.
9. How I am the bigger person all the time. I am the voice of reason, the mature person, the step-mom. And I don't want to be.
10. How you never freaking go to bed. I want to go to bed or spend time with DH without your voice. Go. To. Bed.
Thanks. That helped.
5. Your dog loudly licking
5. Your dog loudly licking himself for hours
Just be glad your skid isn't that bendy or you'd have way bigger problems than the dog!
Wow! Here mine goes! 1. I
Wow! Here mine goes!
1. I actually love when others notice what a bully you are when we are around your side of the family.
2. I hate that you act like a 2 year old around your Dad and tell him that I'm "mean" just to get attention and sympathy, and then he actually buys it.
3. I hate that you eat like a caveman/dog and also have the nerve to complain about my cooking.
4. I hate that you make fun of my disabled son and then you lie about it when he tattles. Im the one that told him to call you froggie because you have frog eyes like your mother and you know it. I know your buttons too.
5. You have no respect for adults and I would slap your mouth everytime you opened it up to me if I could.
6. I hate the damn dog that you don't even take care of a dog that you brought to your dads house from your moms and now in stuck with the shit, and when. He bit me you cried to your dad and he let you keep him still. Useless animal, just like you.
7. You always have to brag about what you have and how your so much smarter than my kids.
8. I loved it when you sat your cell phone,that I pay for,close to the sink and I got it wet. You don't deserve to have such luxuries if you don't earn them .
9. I love how my kids can save their money, not beg me for things, and have money to buy themselves ipods and you get pissed off because you think its everyone's fault but your own that you didn't have any money.
10. I hate that you think your entitled to my kids things and how you have stolen most if my sons games and hid them at your moms.
11. I hate that my DH believes every thing that comes out of your dirty mouth.
Okay, here goes mine...SS16 &
Okay, here goes mine...SS16 & SD12
1. Entitlement issues
2. Your just like your mother
3. Your nice to DH at home but when you go to BMs you trash talk him with her. Nice way to bond.
4. You steal
5. You Lie - all the time
6. You try to coerce your younger siblings to do the bad things you do.
7. Lack of respect for authority, adults, yourself!
8. I cannot trust you.
9. You brought drugs into my home, probably more than I'm aware of.
10. Your just like your mother.
11. Everything is always about what you can get, money, clothes, shoes, hats.
12. Its all about your image.
13. Don't understand how to take responsibility for your actions.
14. Slacker
15. It's your junior year and your GPA is 1.5
SD12 - probably cant come up with 10 as she isn't so bad
1. Lazy
2. unthoughtful
3. Somewhat like your mother
4. greedy
5. sneaky - but not very good at it, lol.
For me, it's the fact that my
For me, it's the fact that my fiance still feels like he has to make up for something with his son. He and his ex have been divorced almost 10 years, but he is the golden boy and while most of the time he's a great kid, I catch him in lies and he's willing to lie and accuse my kids instead and I just can't deal. The relationship isn't worth this much work. I suck!
This one goes to eleven. 1.
This one goes to eleven.
1. You break into my room and steal makeup, clothes and money from me.
2. You ruined the peace in my home.
3. You call me every day with some excuse to find out if I'm away from home so you can use my house to do drugs and have sex with your entitled little prick boyfriend. I live in constant fear that you're going to cause my home serious damage or that your boyfriend will hurt me or BF.
4. Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie.
5. You are the product of BM attempting to get SO back in her life forever; she got herself knocked up on purpose to keep him.
6. You are seventeen and you are about as mature as a five year old.
7. You can't do your own laundry or cook for yourself; only steal my clean clothes and food I've brought home for myself.
8. You make my life hell when you don't get what you want.
9. You say, "You guys don't take care of me," and "you're neglecting me," because we don't bow to your every whim. You think I'm here to be your servant. Then you wash dishes once in three months and complain the whole time.
10. You're a copy of your mom, who sucks.
11. BF and I can't go on vacation for fear that you'll break into the house and steal our valuable things to support your drug habit. You don't care about us. You only care about yourself.
With that much theft, it
With that much theft, it might be a good idea to get a camera and record what goes on. If you can catch her at it, then people might be forced to address the issues. Also, buy crappy make-up to keep where she can find it, and keep the good stuff in a convenient hidey-hole for yourself. (I need to do this with my tools.)
Top Ten for my SS10 1. You
Top Ten for my SS10
1. You actually wiped your feces on the bathroom wall. OMG. I don't even know what to say about that.
2. You brush your teeth so little that you actually had a tooth become rotten and infected to the point that I had to pay good money to have it removed before your entire jaw was infected.
3. Despite above, you still won't brush your teeth.
4. Anything you ever get in trouble for is obviously someone else's fault. You are entirly justified in all of your actions.
5. You actually have the nerve to look me in the eye and say "cause I wanted to' as an excuse when you are confronted with something you've done to break a rule.
6&7 You're never hungry enough for dinner, but I'm always finding snack cake wrappers in your room. Mostly because you never even try to hide them! You do what you want and you never care if you're caught!
8. You shop lifted from a department store and instead of showing any remorse at all, you were all smiles and pride when the clerk thanked you for returning the item!
9. You were nearly expelled for taking a pocket knife to school when there was a clear rule established that nothing goes from our home to the school with out a parent's approval.
10. I am embarassed to read reports from your teacher that in 5th grade you still cry, scream, and throw yourself to the floor when things don't go your way.
You’re a freeloader You have
You’re a freeloader
You have a sense of entitlement the likes of which I’ve never seen in my life, you believe that it’s OUR JOB to continue to support not only YOU who is 26 years old, but now your “girlfriend” who is 20 AND the “oop” baby you managed to produce!
You are one of the most irresponsible, “adults” I’ve ever seen, with money, with clothes, with food, with your car… the fact that it’s been over a year since you learned that this child was coming and you don’t have a DIME saved pisses me off and I hate you for that!
You cut your hair in the bathroom with clippers, getting little tiny hairs all over the GD place and don’t clean up after yourself!!!
You don’t clean up after yourself at all!! Dirty dishes in the sink, in the TV room, in your bedroom, shoes all over the place, hats and clothes in the dining room. Yours, your baby’s your g/f’s stuff is ALL OVER MY HOUSE!!!
You’d rather STUFF MORE CRAP DOWN into the kitchen trash, then take the full trash bag out to the can, thus causing numerous broken bags and complete messes on my kitchen floor
You will eat food that is labeled for someone else’s meal… especially if it’s for me or my daughter!
You have zero respect for anyone, including your ‘booty call’ that you knocked up that’s now living under OUR roof… if you had any respect for her, then you wouldn’t have been sneaking her in the house after we went to sleep at night and back out again in the morning after we went to work/school. (if she had any respect for HERSELF< she wouldn’t have put up with your b/s in the first place)
You have made it very clear that I am NOT a part of YOUR family, yet you live in a house which is HALF MINE!
You try to correct MY kid, as if you’re any kind of adult to tell her what to do?
You “tattle” on my daughter … to MY HUSBAND for crap that either just isn’t true or is a complete exaggeration! If you think she’s doing something she shouldn’t be, tattle to me buddy… see what happens!
You haven’t even gotten your father so much as a stupid card for his birthday or fathers in ages… because you’re “too broke” Hello, you can get cards for A DOLLAR… you’re not THAT broke, your FATHER Is the one that raised you when your crack head mother took off with her drug dealer! He bends over backwards to make sure you have a birthday present, Christmas presents, and even this year a Father’s Day present (puh-leez!)
Your g/f takes off and goes to her mother’s or her sisters every day, and refuses to do ANY Cleaning around the house to help out.
You BOTH use the shower
You BOTH use the toilet
You BOTH use the skinks
You BOTH use the refrigerator
You BOTH use the stove
You BOTH use the TV room
Yet, neither of you clean ANYTHING!!!
Wow, that felt good!
1 - I hate that you tell me
1 - I hate that you tell me you love me and we have fun together all the time and then you tell EVERYONE, even my own friends, that you hate me and that I am mean to you.
2 - I hate that my husband is virtually unrecognizable since you moved in and I miss the man that I fell in love with.
3 - I hate that you pretend to LOVE us when we are doing what you want and you HATE us when you're not getting your way.
4 - NOTHING IS EVER YOUR FAULT, not even your own grades.
5 - I hate that every single pair of your stupid jeans costs more than any pair of jeans I have ever bought for myself or my children in my entire life. In fact, I hate that your entire wardrobe, your purse, your shoes, your phone, and all of your material possessions are nicer than mine or my children's.
6 - I hate that you are completely unaware and/or unaffected by the actions, thoughts, feelings, and desires of any other person on the planet.
7 - I hate that your bad attitude, bad manners, lack of respect, crude jokes are contagious to my impressionable children. I hate that they look up to you.
8 - I hate that I have turned my life and the lives of my children upside down for you.
9 - I hate that I have put myself in debt, something that I worked hard to NEVER do until now, for you.
10 - I hate that nothing I have ever done or ever will do for you will be enough, that you will never really appreciate it, you will never really love me, and I will always be playing second fiddle to those that cater to your every whim instead of doing what is best for you.
Ten things I hate about
Ten things I hate about SS13
1 - You're greedy and eat/drink everything in sight, without caring if anyone else has had their share of it or how much it cost.
2 - If someone else is eating you make stupid whimpering noises whilst looking at them as if you haven't been fed in weeks.
3 - You never go out of the house unless its to school or going out with me or your Dad. Sitting on your lazy fat arse all day and night deliberatley annoying me with your constant noises, fidgeting and tapping things.
4 - You argue about anything and everything, you are always right and you know better than we do.
5 - You talk constantly about utter bollocks. You love the sound of your own voice and are constantly wanting the attention on you.
6 - The way you follow your dad around like a lost puppy, always play punching or trying to cuddle up to him. You have no awareness of other peoples personal space including mine.
7 - Your lack of hygiene, not showering or brushing teeth for days and days on end. You argue that you're teeth will be ok if you dont brush them because you've not had problems before! I will try not to be smug when they fall out and you look a tw*t, after all you know best!
8 - Your lack of respect for teachers and all adults in your life. Again you know best.
9 - You think the world revolves around you and that the world owes you everything you want. One of your favourite things to say is "What about me?"
10 - The way you think life is going to work out exactly as you want without any effort on your behalf. You think you are going to get a job as a computer games tester and continue to sit on your arse all day.
And finally to sum you up in one
11 - You are a complete loser and if you don't start listening to our advice now then you will always be a loser!
AGREED!!! 10. How you act six
10. How you act six even though you are ten.
9. That you are rude.
8. That you think your dad is your slave.
7. That your dad let's you think he is your slave.
6. That you are an expert manipulator at the age of 10.
5. That your dad spoils you and you are a brat.
4. The way you always want my husband's attention.
3. The way you manipulate your dad.
2. The way you lie constantly.
1. The way you bitch and moan about everything when something doesn't go your way.
The way you make me feel like a third effing wheel. :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
Thanks for letting us rant!!!!!! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
What I love most about this
What I love most about this post is that it has 145 relies....and that most posters simply can't stop at 10....never feel alone SM sisters and keep on venting.
Shit!! only 10??? 11. That I
Shit!! only 10???
11. That I do love you after all.
12. That it is your dad's fault more than yours.
13. That maybe I should not have married your dad.
14. That I love your dad.
15. That I my kids don't like you.
16. That I am at the bottom of your dad's list.
17. That I am lonely and live two hours away from home because of your bm.
18. That I want out ......
19. That sometimes I still feel sorry for you.
Hi I just found this site and
Hi I just found this site and I feel so much better. I hate, did I say hate, my skids. I have tried for 8 long years to be nice and love them but I am tired of their horrible behavior. Here is my list:
1) You lie all the time and with a smile on your face
2) You manipulate your dad and if he doesn't give you what you want you won't talk to him. The latest thing was liposuction since you are fat and lazy. What 20 year old needs lipo ? Maybe if you ate the right foods and every meal didn't have to be specially prepared by your dad , you won't have needed the fat sucked out of your stomach
3) You go through my things when I am not at home and steal makeup and clothes
4) You play the victim with my husband's family and tell them how horrible I am. Now my husband's family ignore my kids and me and just ooze adoration to the skids in front of us and we should just take it
5)You told everyone that you couldn't afford to go to college since your father stole all the $$ out of your college fund. BTW, your father's name is not even on your college accounts so he doesn't even have any access to the $$.
6) The way you ignore my kids and you always have to have something better or be the best in everything. I don't care what you do, I really don't...
7) If your father tries to talk to you and tell you that you shouldn't be driving alone with just a learner's permit, that you refuse to talk to him until he "begs' you to talk to him again.
8)The way you talk for hours on end about yourself, after awhile, it sounds like blah, blah blah
9) Every holiday has to be centered around the skids and what they want and everything else comes secondary. This year I'm going to my parents with my kids going to after opening presents with the skids. The skids and my husband are going to his family
10) After spending so much time and effort asking my skids what meals they would like me to cook for them and snacks to buy, being a servant to them and their friends and still being disrespected all the time. I tell my 17SS that I try and be thoughtful and cook him his favorite meals, buy snacks etc ,and tell him that I am hurt by his behavior towards me and that I wanted to know why he treats me this way(this was in front of his dad), I was non-confrontational and sincere. He replied that I was an easy mark and it was easy to make fun of me. I just got up from the table and didn't say anything. Needless to say, from that day forward, I wasn't any easy mark anymore
10) The fact that you couldn't ask me once, just once how my mother is doing. She has ovarian cancer and has been through 3 rounds of chemo and radiation. You see my mom at some holidays so you know her but you couldn't ask her how she was feeling. You don't care about anyone but yourselves but you expect me to care about every breath you take.... forget it... it ain't happening...
1 - The constant questioning
1 - The constant questioning of everything I say, no matter how insignificant.
2 - The body odor, regardless of the fact that we provide six different options for deodorant.
3 - The constant lying that he's done the things I've asked, so that he can play some stupid online game on par with solitaire.
4 - SS14's INCESSANT refusal to get dirty for anything that isn't fun.
5 - The two-faced way SS14 treats me. I'm GREAT and WONDERFUL if he wants something, but HORRIBLE and MEAN the rest of the time.
6 - The way SS14 manipulates his mother and I in order to try to get us to split up.
7 - The TANTRUMS. Holy crap! The kid's 14 and acts like a 4yr old.
8 - SS14's total lack of care for his appearance. His acne wouldn't be half as bad if he just washed his face regularly. His hair wouldn't be greasy if he'd just use shampoo instead of rinsing his hair (at best).
9 - The constant farting, and frankly I could probably do without the surprises he leaves in the toilet all the time.
10 - I've been asking him to eat with his mouth closed since he was 5. 5! You'd think that 9 years was enough time to figure that simple task out!
Oh, Me too, Me too!!! 10.
Oh, Me too, Me too!!!
10. Your obsession with Thomas The Torture Engine
9. That you don't use utensils when eating your food (damn it, you're nearly 5!!)
8. That when you wake up from your nap you lay in bed yelling, DAaAaDdYyyy! (get the Hell up & look for him, he's probably outside working on his truck since he's not allowed to get anything done when you're here)
7. DAaAaDdYy, hole (hold) me! (every 5 damn minutes)
6. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, DADDYYYYY!!!
5. That I become the uninvited houseguest the moment you walk through the door
6. That you shove, swat at, and kick my cats. They were here BEFORE you!!
5. The power you have to guilt your father when you don't get what you want
4. That you won't go to bed & stay there if Daddy doesn't lay down with you. (and stay there all night)
3. That you run through the house screaming when I'm sleeping, MANNERS!!!
2. Your insistance that anything you want that is mine should be yours
1. You break my stuff & act like it's ok!
Sd5 1. Your inability to
1. Your inability to speak above a whisper.
2. When you DO speak above a whisper, its a whine!
3. The way you hang/sit/lay all over dh.
4. Your nappy a** curly hair that's ALWAYS matted because Jabba is to fat/lazy to brush it!
5. The fact that your almost *6* and still call dh, Dada!
6. You cry if anyone LOOKS at you straight.
7. You cry if anyone says boo.
8. You whine ALL THE TIME "I want my mommy"
9. You don't really want to be here.
10. When its time to leave, you cry cause you don't wanna leave DaaaaDaaaa, but, the whole time here you whined to GO HOME!! Wth?
1. You look just like your Bm.
2. You ACT just like your Bm.
3. You lie about EVERYTHING.
4. You are SO TWO FACED.
5. The way you TRY to cause problems between dh and me.
6. See #3 above.
7. Your CONSTANT knocking on my door to say "I love you" when you told me you DON'T REALLY.
8. The way you pick your nose.
9. The fact that if not for YOU dh wouldn't have married Jabba in the first place.
10. You are a lying, thief who stole my dead brothers ring and now will not give it back or even admit you took it!
Whooo, that's a load off! I'm ready to go pick up said princesses for the night now. I think. Maybe. Hell, I don't know!
1. you exist 2. my man met
1. you exist
2. my man met your fat, ugly mother first
3. you are a stupid racist
4. you make babies and don't raise them
5. you always bum smokes. (they're expensive and they're MINE!) support your own habits.
6. you are lazy
7. you look like your ugly mom
8. you brag about Salt Lake all the time. Go back there then!
9. you exist
10. you have taken over my house (I hate coming home from work because of you).
1. YOUR FATHER THINKS YOU ARE THE PERFECT ANGEL OF A LITTLE BOY, when deep down I know you can be a defiant, manipulative little shit.
2. You have no baby momma, so i'm stuck raising you 24/7
3. When you whine and cry for something, you expect everyone to just get for you what you want..and they do in most cases..but not me!
4. That you stim in public places, spinning those stupid plush toys around your face and moaning and talking at them, you are 8 yrs old, find another outlet.
5. You can't wipe your fuckin ass; I have to wash day old shitstained underwear, PUKE!!!
6. Everyone thinks you are soo sweet and nice. they have not yet tried to raise you in their homes.
7. you eat with your mouth open and make messes all over the place like a 3 year old would.
8. your squeaky slow lispy speech
9. you can't do anything physical or occupational wise that a normal 8 year old can do, so I have to do it for you.
10. whenever you're in trouble, you blame someone else, ANYONE else, just not yourself!
wow...a lot of the things you
:? wow...a lot of the things you said about the 3 and 4 year olds are things my SD11 does...sigh
I applaud the dh for
I applaud the dh for supporting the children's relationship with theit mother. Studies have born out that children have good relationships with step-mom when dad and step-mom support the kid's relationship with their mother. Why are you undermining dh's efforts? Don't feel threatened. This is a win-win situation.
Ten things I hate about
Ten things I hate about sd12.
how you hang on and sit in your dad's lap all the time. What are you doing? do you really need to be 2 inches from your dad's balls?? do you really love him that much? are you pretending to be his little girl? I know that you don't even want to be here!! You and your mom plot to come up with ways for you to get out of it each week!!
1) whining
2) backtalk/disrespect
3) pretending to be stupid when you know full well what's being discussed
4) interrupting adult conversations with your stupid observations of randomness
5) your little tight tshirts over little padded training bra! really?
6) your complaining about food, all food all the time
7) how every single conversation is turned back around on how your mom does that, your mom wears that, your dad, your uncle, your grandma that makes you call her by her first name does that!! or they have that.... everything in your entire world in centered around those people. you think they really made hoodies just bc your mom was cold??
9) the wet messes that you leave in the bathroom when you take a shower and how you go through all my stuff in the bathroom like you think it's yours. it's ridiculous.
10) i hate that you are a spoiled brat and that you get every single thing you want materially. Someday you'll realize that your designer purse won't buy friends or happiness. I can't wait!!!
WOW this is my SD exactly!
WOW this is my SD exactly!
here i go..... 1. the way you
here i go.....
1. the way you burp at the dinner table FORCING it out so your dad notice's you are there. HELLO we already know you are there! YOU NEVER SHUT UP!
2. your underwear that are all over the house even on our nightstand for some Gosh awful reason?!
3. the lies you always expect me to go along with when you are LYING about where you actually went when you were out!
4. The way you put me down every single chance you get when we are out in public
5. Your bullshit when you say hey dad mom got her hair done isn't it pretty? Mom got a new piercing isn't it cool? Did you notice mom's new this or mom's new that.....
6. You and your need to have $200 jeans and how you and your mom lie about where you buy them and the cost of them. SECOND HAND stores.... Um I know what they carry as that's the only place I can afford to SHOP!
7. the way you speak just opening your damn mouth infuriates me!
8. your pure laziness at 16 amazes me. The dishes all over the house, the make up all over the bathroom the left over food where ever you lay it down
9. the manipulation you use when you talk about God to your father because you know it's his faith that he relies on
10. every tantrum you have over every single thing that YOU don't think is right
11. The fact that you think I shouldn't be able to hold his hand or touch him around you or your brothers
12. the disgusting fact that you think you can just walk into OUR room any time you want something
13. the non stop calls when you know your daddy is with MY kids
14. your glaring at me that you think nobody can see but WE ALL SEE IT
wow I feel pretty good now.
SS 22 1. I hate that you
SS 22
1. I hate that you still come around even though your 22
2. I hate that the air force only made you more disrespectful and immature.
3. I despise everything you like. Your hobbies of watching Japanese cartoons and playing videogames always annoyed me.
4. Your Fat girlfriend
5. The way you treat your bio brother and sister better then MY kids whenever you come around.
6. The fact you are proud of ruining the interior my car your 18th birthday when you left to go the air force.
7. I hate that my DH treats you better then our OWN son.
8. Your. unlike my DH, are a small ugly troll like your mother.
9. You act embarrassed of us and never invite anyone except your brother to hang out with you whenever you are having a a party.
10.You constantly meddle in the affairs of my household.
1. I hate that you are lazy and outside of doing your chores lay about the house all day.
2. You have NO social skills.
3. I hate how you still are into your fantasy world of japanese cartoons and videogames.
4. No matter what when I'm alone with you I can't help but feel awkward because I have nothing to talk to you about.
5. You consonantly are having trouble at school getting into fights.
6. You make it a point to call your biomom every week to remind me of her.
7. You can't swim and seem to believe water submersion outside of bathing will kill you so I don't get to the beach as much.
8. You looks and manner of speaking annoy me.
9. you exist
10. You make sure to make it known you brother spoils you with expensive gifts.
SD29: 10. Your laugh. 09.
10. Your laugh.
09. Your stinky son.
08. Your secretiveness.
07. you look just like your BM.
06. you are an idiot and are always doing idiotic things.
05. you think that you are entitled to MY money.
04. Your inabliity to support yourself and your child at almost 30 years old.
03. the fact that I pay your cell phone bill.
02. the way that you shut dh out of your life unless and until you want something.
01. stealing from me!
I really thought i was the
I really thought i was the only one who had these feelings... First time posting, and read this first. Wanted to "like" sooooo many items on others lists. Felt like my mind was being read!
So here goes:
*SD age 7*
10. You pick "fuzzies" off of stuffed animals and blankets, essentially ruining them, so you have something to stick in your mouth while sucking your fingers (@ age 7)
9. I have told you the same things about a MILLION times and you can't remember to shut off lights, close doors, etc...
8. When ever I address you, you ignore me and act like I was randomly talking to myself.
7. My fiancee's parents buy you a ton of stuff, and my 2 kids get left out, even though we have been together for 3 years.
6. Your head looks like a peanut
5. We spend time trying to set a good example for you, but you take after your lazy mom who you see a whole 1 or 2 days a week.
4. The fake laugh you use after almost everything you say
3. The way you go ape crazy WHENEVER my fiancee leaves the room and your left with me alone
2. The potty accidents and the brown underwear that I have to launder, whining, finger sucking, and crying @ night for your mom and grandma.
1. The fact that your mom walked out on you when you were 3 and you still think that you can drive me away and have your dad to yourself
10. The way you never bother
10. The way you never bother being part of our family unless there is a really good trip planned.
9. The way you ignore everyone's birthday's including your father's, but expect us to go all out for yours
8. The way we can buy you exactly what you ask for as a gift for Christmas or Birthday but then you feel it is ok to exchange it or never bother using it.
7. How you will constantly make plans during the times you are supposed to be with us and just assume your father will jump and change everything to accommodate you.
6. Your inability to do things for yourself (including making a peanut butter sandwich.) Come on, you are getting ready to get your permit. This is called LAZINESS!
5. You are involved in so many things (2-3 sports a season -yes, you read that right!) that you are so tired that on the rare occasion you are with us, you whine if we want to do something as a family.
4. Did I mention the whining?
3. The not bothering to talk to a single person the whole time you are here, except to ask for money.
2. How you whine and cry when things don't go your way (including when losing a game) Did I mention this kid is a freshman in HS?
1. Your bedroom looks like a warzone even though you are so busy you are hardly ever in it!
Dear Skid (SD5) Not that you
Dear Skid (SD5)
Not that you will ever read this, but these are the reasons I find it hard to tolerate your time spent at my home and furthermore why I feel like a stranger in my own home when your around.
1 The way you shorten every f*cking word. Blanket is Blank, Breakfast is Brek. So annoying
2 The whining voice you have mastered to get your own way with your Dad
3 The way you refer to my dogs as YOUR dogs, they are NOT yours and they are scared of you
4 The way you eat, like a pig and get food everywhere
5 The way you creep around me if you think I have bought you something but don't want
to know me if I haven't
6 The way you just ignore me when I speak to you unless there is something in it for you
7 The way you say to your Dad 'I won't be your friend, if....' to get your own way
8 The way you say I WANT to everything you see and usually get it from Dad or Grandparents
9 The trampy way you live with BM and your dirty clothes
10 The way you smell, you repluse me, your hair, your clothes stink when you come from BM
I could go on and on, I despise you, your Dad acts different with me when your in MY home, he see's no wrong in your manipulative little ways and spoils you as he feels guilty for leaving the family home after your Mum screwed his cousins (twins) at the same time. And you will turn out just like her. A dirty little tramp with no future except the benefit system.
Harsh?? Maybe, but it's all true.
My list...SS17 does not come
My list...SS17 does not come over much anymore but SS11 does..
10. You have a long face when you are bored or do not want to do things everyone else is doing.
9. Crying at the table because you are picky about food, and that its not the typical junk your mother feeds you.
8. You show your true face to my children behind closed doors, but act like an angel in from of your father.
7. Lazy, and lack of independence.
6. You expect everyone to do things and pick up after you.
5. You never admit to your wrong doings, and instead lie to your father's face, and shrug your shoulders and say I don't know or I didn't do it.
4. You wet your bed, and do not put the sheets in the wash immediately. Instead leave it, or put the sheets outside the laundry room, hoping someone else will do it for you.
3. You expect your father to buy you everything your mother needs to with the CS. IE; doesn't bring appropriate clothing, and says he has nothing, but in fact refuses to get his backpack in order prior to visiting.
2. Whiney baby talk at 11 years of age, really?
1. Totally refuses to take responsibility for his own actions, and runs away when called to discuss an issue, or tries to talk his way out of it.
10. you wear the same clothes
10. you wear the same clothes over and over without washing
9. If I ask you a question your answer is always I don't know
8. you are a boy but you cry more than a girl
7. you cannot eat without using your hands and you shove too much food in your mouth and gag yourself like you haven't eaten in weeks.
6. you constantly dig in your ass
5. you sit in the tub and do not wash yourself and lie to me about it
4. you lie to me about everything else
3. you refuse to try in school and constantly get notes from the teacher which you hide under your bed
2. you use the bathroom on yourself and wear it for hours without trying to clean yourself
1. you have a peice of shit mother that didnt know how to get her ass to the health unit for free birth control so she keeps popping out these bad ass little kids and leaving them for other people to have to raise