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Thank you Steptalk!

Geema's picture

I'm a new member but I've been reading this site for awhile. Just had to vent today. It is so great to know I'm not alone!!!

The lack of bio parental discipline, the weird lack of attention when stepkid(s) is around, the almost molestive affection bio parent shows bio kid, the crazy infant behavior in an older child, the clinging demanding brown nosing whining and temper tantrums,lack of respect for stepparent, demonizing the stepparent for caring... All commonplace.

I am so stressed I can't sleep and I'm exhausted. At least I am among friends WHO GET IT!

Thank you!!! (((((((hugs))))))))

Auteur's picture

WOW you've described it to a TEE!

I can hardly wait (well yes I can) till VD (SD12) makes her princessly return and watch GG (biodad) worship at her feet!!!


I"m sure there'll be some emotional incestual thing going on there as he's already predicted that "my VD probably has a better body at 12 than most of these women I work with."

:sick: :sick: :sick:

That is just so sick! If I ever said that about Awesomeson23, they'd roll me away to the nut house!!

Snowflake's picture

Wow! CPS!!!

I can't believe that something so fowl would come out of a fathers mouth. And that he would tell that sort of sick crap to his SO is even more disturbing.

How would he feel if her stepfather said crap like that, an uncle, a teacher, or a sports coach. I would hope that he would flip his lid, because it is sick and disgusting for a man to talk like that about any little girl.

Why doesn't he save that sort of sick talk for her mother. Why doesn't he text her mother and tell her that he can't wait to see VD and tell her that he can't wait to see what a beautiful body she has.

I can tell you one thing, after her mother heard that sick crap, he would prob not be seeing VD for a very long time!!!! I would actually be concerned about the safety of that little girl around that sick pervert.

I am sorry for getting so angry, but perverts (YES PERVERTS) who look at little girls like they are women get me sick to my stomach.

Geema's picture

Saw a comment from Donna123 today that was very insightful. She said something to the effect that the clingy adoring attention these skids give their parents feeds into the parents chronic need for adoration.

Geema's picture

Because BMs who are jealous of any relations ex has encourages crazy behavior and lazy guilty bio dad's do not do enough to discipline or stop it. Its a crazy sick cycle and abusive to new SMs who come into the picture with an open heart and good intentions discover this sooner or later. Since none of us have ever seen psycho behavior like this in children, we don't expect it. The kids do it because they are all about number one (themselves). They are being taught to be narcissistic and their bad behavior is often rewarded rather than corrected by bio parents. It gets them in control and lots of attention. They enjoy making everyone miserable as it gives them gratification, again as they are in the driver's seat. The only thing I'm hanging on for currently is a sliver of hope that biodad will wake up soon. He shows some progress but then has backslided. If he wants to let his son make everyone miserable EVERY SINGLE time he is around then he can bare the brunt of it alone. I refuse to be abused again after escaping a horrible 18 year marriage to the same kind of psycho narcissistic personality. And of course she hates her dad, he is not teaching her to respect him or any adults for that matter. The question is why are these bio parents so incompetent or lacking common sense?

jojo68's picture

Hello Geema...I know how you feel..we have very similiar situations except that me FSD lives full time with us. I wish I how these devious little minds work. It is scary sometimes.

The big G's picture

I get the same Sd13 cuddles daddy and holds his hand if we are out has to sit next to fdh. It's a jealousy thing and very pathetic. I can't remember ever holding my dad's hand when I was a teenager for the shame of it. And for the decorating I remember we decorated the front room once and Sd was about 9/10 she went mad as it wasn't the same as when mummy was here. Bloody hell she left when you where 4 the wall paper was slowly falling off. What did she expect? And it wasn't like it was a shock fdh even let Sd choose the new wallpaper and paint. Skid's who'd have them?