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So damn angry

athena2776's picture

I'm so angry. I feel it like a ball in my tummy. I've been living in step hell for 6.5 years. I've posted before, canceled my account so most of my posts have gone. Maybe some might remember. Anyway, I'll give background later but for now let me roar. 
My bf, divorced, 3 sd's posted a story on ig which was a shared post from a daddy account which read. " when people without kids tell me they're exhausted" 

I work full time, he does not. He is self employed and barely works. My work takes me around the world and I work my arse off. He sits at his desk at home, a little bit of coding, a bit of making music a bit of manual labour. I have never voiced that I work more than him, but I do. I earn more. And he posts that offensive thing. His kids are sd24, sd21 & sd9. They're not awful. But have their moments. His life is not that bad compared to the horrors out there. He is NOT exhausted! I however, am. Tired of all of this. Step life is not worth it. 

thank god for this site. 
sorry, will add more details later. Thank you for the rant 

a very exhausted and emotional unloved gf 



ImperfectlyPerfect's picture


Rose_Pedal's picture

You hit the nail on the head here, ImperfectlyPerfect!

I agree I think he is jealous of your life.

It also sounds like you are kind of too good for him anyways. I would be thrilled that you're not tied down by marriage with this guy and this sounds like a jab and an act of disrespect towards you.

I would confront him about this if I were you. Look him dead ass in the face and ask "What was that post about?"

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Somehow post got erased @Rose_Pedal but we're on the same page & what you wrote was the direction I was going. :) 

BethAnne's picture

People post stupid generalizations on social media without really thinking about it. I have to avoid social media, it is bad for my mental health. 

He might not be thinking about his life now, maybe he is thinking back some years ago perhaps when he had a baby a 14 year old and an 11 year old or maybe when he had a 3 year old and a newborn?

 I would hope that your bf did not post that as a dig at you. l get you're exhausted and feeling unloved and (perhaps) that all your hard work is taken advantage of. You said there is more to your story and this meme is probably just pushing buttons for other stuff going on in your relationship. 


Harry's picture

To give big,good, gifts to his kids ?   Face facts. SO is a looser.   Anyone who will sit on his ass not making money instead of working a real job.   Is a loser.  For us who works 60 hours a week. We can feel this way