The future is not orange
Worried for the future. So been reading on here a few things and something comes to mind and I know already I got issues with it.
When Ss8 gets a phone. I already had to comment on girly cuddling with him and need to be a father figure. But I fear whe the skid gets a phone and constantly texts daddy ita going to piss me off abd I'll have to leave and meant to be getting married next year and I'm already worried. We have the skid every sunday bar pay day weekends as we got shit to do and adventure. When it pops up how do I deal? He already got a iPad like a iPhone and I'm worried
You deal with it by not
You deal with it by not looking at his phone. He only sees his kid 3 days a month, so of course the kid is going to be clingly and of course he'll text his father.
A stepparent doesn't have to be a cheerleader for a relationship between their partner and the SKs, but they should not be getting in the middle of the relationship, either. If the mere thought of text messages makes you want to run, then run. Don't make a kid who only sees his dad 3 days a month feel even more disconnected from his dad by limiting his communication with him before it's even a problem.
I have this same worry. I've
I have this same worry. I've already told DH we're putting off the older kids (my ODS and SD) getting cell phones for as long as possible. They can have pay as you go non smart phones if necessary. I dont want SD to have one because right now theres zero contact with her when shes gone and it's great. I dont want ODS to have one because of the constant exposure to social media etc that I dont think is healthy.
I would wait to get married
I would wait to see how thing plays out with SK. But. The big But. You having SK 27/7/365 is just one BM accident away. Or BM finding her true love and moving with him to another state, with out the kids. Or BM gets arrested for something. If you are not prepared for SK 24/7. You should not get married to this father,
Please don't marry this man
Please don't marry this man. You seem very resentful of a kid that only sees his Dad 3 days a month and it sounds like he can't see him a fourth day because you need to do things and have adventures. It is not "girly" for a man to show his son physical affection. At this point, how do you know how often the kid will text his Dad? And even if he texts him a lot, how will that effect you?
If you are at this point pre
If you are at this point pre marriage, don't waste your time on marrying. 3 days a month is not a significant invasion of your life by a Skid. You may want to suggest an EOWE schedule to your SO so that you get half of your weekends Skid free.
I suggest that you do some deep soul searching as to your willingness to have this kid as a part of your life for the duration of your marriage to the Skid's father. Any kid is an invasion of one's life. A Skid is a bigger invasion even than a BioKid. A person's interest in and tolerance of someone else's child tends to be limited.
The "it will get worse before it gets better" adage is a near constant reality for SParents.
Count yourself as lucky if
Count yourself as lucky if you only have the Skid 3 days a month! good heavens i would be leaping for joy! As for the texting, my SD15 texts my wife incessantly whether they are in the same place or apart. Anytime my wife and I get a moment to step out I dread the customized "text tone" she sets for SD15's text which my wife drops everything to engage her. Drives me nuts.