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First weekend with SS

FirstLady's picture

I'm spending my Friday night on this site because I'm SUPER frustrated...

BM has decided to allow US to take SS4 to visit his grandparents this weekend (OOT). We received this gem today. We're leaving tomorrow. She has not allowed SO to keep him overnight in almost 2 years. I also haven't laid eyes on this child in almost 2 years. Long story...

Thing is, I'm having a really hard time trying to figure out how I feel. I don't have children of my own and for the last 2 years that's the way I've been living. I want to be excited about seeing him, but I feel very awkward at the same time.

sterlingsilver's picture

I think that feeling of awkwardness is completely NORMAL! When we have our own child we get to know them in utero and then give birth and the baby grows on our love and emotion, etc. Well you are suddenly taking in this older child that is not your bio child and you don't know how to feel. He is either going to grow on you and you'll bond with him, he will just be a kid you have to deal with once in awhile, or if you're like me in my situation, eventually this child will become your nemesis. Wink He's not your flesh and blood so just treat him like he's a friend's kid or a nephew or something and see where is goes from there. Even I would not know what to do, it's not easy and I've even worked in day cares and had 3 of my own and babysat my 20+ nieces and nephews (yes I'm from a big family!)... it's not easy.

FirstLady's picture

Thanks, I have no choice at this point but to go with it.

Thing is, when he was a baby/toddler I got to spend time with him often and loved him and it was great. Then BM spazzed and has kept him away for 2 years. I can't expect this child to remember who I was to him. We're starting from scratch and I hate that.