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Survived SD23's Wedding :)

ThatGirl's picture

Well, it's over and done! A lot of work, but it came out beautifully Smile

Of course BM was a major pill, but that's her problem. What kind of mother could have her oldest daughter get married without offering any assistance? SO and I did it all. She was pissed that I was wearing wedding colors (she did not) and that I was in the bride's room (I helped her pick out her dress and undergarments, paid for it, did her makeup and nails, drove her there, and she wanted ME to dress her). We were there three hours early to do this and BM blew in a half hour before the ceremony to shove her way in to zip her dress. I stood aside and tried to help SD18 with her wrinkled up dress and got the death stare, so I gave up on that, as well.

We fully intended/expected for her family to take the first seats on the bride's side and we would take the end (or the pew behind if she didn't leave room), but she seated herself several rows back. Friends had to go tell her that she was supposed to be up front, but she took the second pew. So we took first and had visiting family move up with us. I'm sure she'll spin it to look like we forced her to sit behind us.

She complained to someone at the reception that I was wandering around like I owned the place, even though I'm the one who orchestrated the whole thing. She contributed half of the hall rental, but I did all decorations, food, drink, favors, etc., plus our half of the hall rental. Of course I was busy checking the buffet line, talking to photographer and DJ to keep things moving along. If she wanted to be the host, she should have stepped up and done it!

cmwolfe1264's picture

Gee sounds exactly like my oldest SS wedding!! Except the ex had to sit in the front row to the left of my DH and I sat on his right. She was supposed to sit farther down at the other end of the first row. I was supposed to be walked down by my youngest SS but no she had a hissy fit right then and there and so I told him to escort her and I walked down with another groomsman. She then proceeded to cry hysterically throughout the wedding ceremony. So glad all of my SKs are now married and I don't have to go through anymore wedding crap again!! Well oldest SD is now divorced but I won't be going to her wedding even if she invites me~I've disengaged myself. Hopefully you were able to enjoy some parts of the wedding and admire your handi-work. I know that your SD probably appreciate all that you did and how it turned out but she may never tell you so. But plz know that she knows.............

ThatGirl's picture

She was incredibly thankful for all I had done. She's been "my little girl" for years before her father and I dated Smile

ItAlmostWorked's picture

Many congrats! So glad it went well! It is interesting that you mention she was your little girl before you and DH dated. I have been wondering about SMs being hand picked by SD or at the very least known and liked before beginning a relationship with DH and wondering if it would make a difference.

So happy for you!!!!

ThatGirl's picture

It's an interesting idea, huh? We had been neighbors for about 10 years before their Mom left. Our kids were already friends. It seemed like it should work out great. But not so much. His oldest (who was always my favorite) is the only one I'm close with.

Poodle's picture

Confirms my abiding theory that it's all about natural compatibility, and relationships don't develop unless they were going to anyway, because of that indescribable "click". Happened with my YSD.