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Stuck w/ Skid an Extra Day

ThatGirl's picture

This sucks! We're stuck with SS14 an extra day because BM doesn't want to drive home in the snow. I drove home in it, SO drove home in it, but she can't? If it were up to me, I'd drop him at her house anyway. He wouldn't be alone, SD18 lives there. But nope, we're keeping him an extra night. Not only that, but they will probably cancel school tomorrow, so he'll be here ALL day, camped on the couch and glued tothe TV Sad

ThatGirl's picture

The only thing I could focus on when SD was here for weekends is "What time are we dropping her off on Sunday?"

Yes, this is it. We have 50/50 and switch off every Monday night. Every other Monday is a downer coming home from work knowing that he's coming, with the alternating Mondays being happy because he's leaving. Having him the extra day isn't a huge deal, if I had known about it ahead of time, but having it sprung on me totally ruined my night.

School was cancelled today, so he's in our house unsupervised all day while we are at work, when he should have been at BM's house with his 18 year old sister.

When I raised my sons, it never dawned on me that I could just quit being a mother for a day because of the weather. I can't imagine calling them and saying, "Sorry guys, the weather is icky and I'm not coming home."