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Small annoyance

ETexasMom's picture

It's mine and DH's anniversary. Every year on our anniversary MSD repost this article from her work posted where there is a quote from her about why she became a drug counselor and how if her mother knew about resources she would still be alive.

Yes it's a sweet article but her mother was a meth addict and had been for years. DH and BM1 had divorced years before she died and DH was married to BM2 when BM1 died. Even if she had sought help and got treatment for her addiction DH and her would not be married and it would still be our anniversary! BM1 was a cheater way before she was a meth addict which was why DH and her got divorced.

Ok rant over! Time to enjoy my anniversary!

DaniAM73's picture

Happy Anniversary!! Wishing you and your DH a wonderful day and many more anniversaries to come!!! Enjoy your day!!!

Dovina's picture

Your SD gets an A for effort. In her PA way she remembers your anniversary, how sweet.
Happy Anniversary, and enjoy !

Thumper's picture

Guess sd doenst stop to think "HEY today is my Dad and his wife's anniversary" ?

Is today the day her mother died? She would have more of an impact IF she ran her info on her moms death date. JMO

Happy Anniversary!!!!

ETexasMom's picture

Nope her mom died in early September 18 years ago. DH and I were sure not to get married on day that had anything to do with our exs. MSD is the same one who told me that DH and her mom "were soulmates and we were only together because she had died" when she was a teenager.

sandye21's picture

In my opinion SD's actions sound a bit spiteful, to create a distraction by 'one-upping' your anniversary. If SD is doing this instead of wishing you a Happy Anniversary, I'd be tempted to look up SD's birthday and post whatever happened on that day in history instead of wishing her a Happy Birthday.

OR reply to her post with a mushy poem about how much you love your Husband on this special day.

witch.hazel's picture

Yes, that has to be the explanation if there's no date in history that makes sense for why she posts it on this day. She also sounds quite dumb if she's thinks that's not obvious. Or maybe doesn't care if it's obvious. I'd post something about you and your husband and then block her. Happy Anniversary!

SacrificialLamb's picture

I do not understand the mental makeup of an adult who cannot accept that fact that mom and dad did not stay married. It does not invalidate the child. It does not mean that the child is not still loved by their parents. But some, like my middle-aged OSD, cannot accept that her family looks different now. Her father still loves her. Her mother still loves her. It somehow threatened her sense of her own security, but she is in her 40's with her own family. I just don't understand it, and I am a COD too.

Your MSD wants to convince you that despite your happiness, you should not think that your happiness would exist had her mother not passed away. Were her mother to be still living, MSD is convinced that BM and your DH would have gotten back together. After all, they were soulmates, right? Blech.

I am glad you know all you could do about this was rant and then go enjoy your anniversary. And I hope you did!

Maxwell09's picture

My six year old stepson seems to grasp the concept of mommy and daddy deciding to find new best friends to live with fairly well. Maybe OP should send her skid one of those “Bonus family” books in the kids section each year to help her cope.