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Should I get rid of my stepson’s belongings?

Monsterchick87's picture

Hi. I used to post in this forum a long time ago but a lot of things have changed. My ex and I broke up and it's been almost a year since he left my apartment. It was his decision to break up. 

He left some boxes that he never picked up. I contacted him to pick them up a few months after the breakup but he did not bother to come get them at all. Since it's been almost a year I went through the boxes and most of the stuff there belongs to his 21 year old son. His son lived with us for a few months while we were together and all his stuff is still in my apartment even though he moved out while my ex and I were still living in my place. 
Since my ex has ignored me the last few times I reached out, I decided to contact his son on Sunday to tell him that his stuff is here and see if he wants to pick it up (videogames, graduation gown, books). I haven't heard from him and he didn't message me back. I don't think it's my responsibility to provide storage for him in my apartment so I'm planning in waiting a few days but if he doesn't communicate I'll get rid of them. Should I care?? I don't want to text him again and beg my ex or his son to come get their belongings. 

AgedOut's picture

Contact them both together on one text


DHead and son,

I have contacted both of you to arrange for the picking up of sonsnamehere's belongings. This will be the last time I contact you. Starting today datehere, I will give you an additional 21 days to make arrangements, set up a time for pick up w/ me, and pick them up. If the items are still in my home after datehere I will be donating them to a local center for displaced families.


Thank you.


CajunMom's picture

Most states have laws on this issue. Typically, you have 30 days to get your stuff from a person/place once notified. It's been a year. To be safe, try to go back on your phone logs and screen shot all attempted calls. Also, save that text to the son with date showing. I would wait 30 days after that last text to the son and if no response, bring that to your nearest charitable organization because....NO! You do not need to store an ex's stuff for over a year. 

If you have any doubts, just text the son again, tell him he has 30 days from that last text to get his stuff or it's getting donated. If it's past 30 days, I would not give either of those two a second thought and get rid of that crap.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Agreed - just one more message with deadline but then DONE. You do NOT need that toxic crap around you - that stuff needs to be away from your precious space.