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Princess shouldn't be responsible for her student loan

catsmom01's picture

My boyfriend mentioned that the IRS intercepted his daughter's tax return finally after 4 years of complete nonpayment. I said, Oh, how did you find this out? (she ceased speaking to him after he didn't pay off the loan for her). He said that she called him to bitch him out about it. He said everything was his fault because:

1. He should have paid for her to attend college and therefore avoid the pesky loan. He told her if she would have applied herself and shown dedication to her schooling, he would have gladly helped her out. Instead she failed out the first semester.

2. She didn't know it was a loan and she'd have to pay it back. It's his fault for not making that clear enough. (lie, he said he stood there and drilled it into her head that it was a loan, and the government WOULD get their money back from her).

3. She wanted him to pay off the loan for her, so her tax return wouldn't get intercepted and he never bothered to respond to the text. So it's his fault her tax return was intercepted.

She hasn't paid back $1 of the loan, works at a minimal paying job (wasn't even working full-time), gets some gov't benefits, all but welfare. Has money to get her nails done every two weeks, go on a week long vacation to an ocean resort, spends money on her hair highlights, etc. But when it comes to paying back the loan, somehow that was all on DADDY.

She's 25 years old, has a kid. The entitled attitude is downright scary. I honestly think she felt because she was so special, or had a kid and was a single mother, that the gov't would just let this issue go. And if not, Daddy to the rescue.

catsmom01's picture

I think she's done the deferment thing for four years or so...guess she can't get it anymore. But I agree with you...I would guess if she started making minimal payment on it they wouldn't have gone after her refund. She opted to spend her money on a vacation.

sandye21's picture

She's 25 and has a kid and she STILL wants Daddy paying all of her bills? Then spends money on her worldly comforts? Entitlement on steroids! And now DH is the scapegoat. Pretty convenient. Good thing DH is seeing this picture for what it is.

catsmom01's picture

It was four years ago. She understood but honestly she thinks she can get out of everything.

catsmom01's picture

No...there's no way he'd cosign a loan with her. Omg...ask her mother?!?!? Lol. Nope.

catsmom01's picture

My bf is pretty shocked/appalled at the whole "I can't be held responsible" attitude she had about it. I'm not surprised at all. She's always gotten away with this type of thing.

jam's picture

Even if he

a) paid for her to attend college, or
b) paid off the loan for her

she would have some other reason for not speaking to him. Its part of the entitlement attitude. Dad is supposed to ________ and if he doesn't I am not going to speak to him. Emotional blackmail.

Entitled adult kids also feel that their parents are responsible for taking financial care of their children.

catsmom01's picture

Yes I agree...and she really thought having a kid could ramp up her level of emotional blackmail.

still learning's picture

This is what ss's do to DH. DH has to "pay up" one way or another if he was to see gskids or have the "privilege" of talking to ss31 especially. Sad.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Hi, cat. Glad to see you're still around here.

This is just awesome sauce! Your bf really seems to have pulled his head out and taken off the Disney goggles. And hearing about a skid getting b!t@hslapped by life warms me cockles. }:)

notasm3's picture

I get so p*ssed off at these whiners who think they should not have to pay their student loans.

In today's dollars I had over $70,000 in student loans. I paid off every penny and was happy to do so. I was so thankful that I was able to attend college with the help of these loans.

I also had substantial scholarship help (private schools so very expensive). I have "repaid" these scholarships by giving substantial gifts (over many decades) to the institutions that provided my scholarship money. That was totally voluntary - but I felt an obligation to "pay it forward".

catsmom01's picture

That is awesome!! You don't have the victim/entitled mentality and no doubt you have been very successful. Unfortunately I doubt I'll ever be able to say the same about this girl.

Rags's picture

Your Skid sounds like my SIL. She went to college for 6 years on loans. Took out supplemental student loans to use as a down payment on a house and to make house and car payments, etc..... Eventually the University would no longer process her loan apps and eventually would not allow her to attend because her GPA was so low and she owed so much in loans. The house has been in foreclosure at least 3 times and she guilts the rest of the family (not us, we don't waste hard earned money on stupid people who are a waste of skin) into pooling money to save their house.... shortly after the rescue donations she and her DH show up with new tattoos.

She and her DH owe more than $80K on her school loans and more than $50K to various family members. They are both $15/hr low skill workers with two kids and two dogs. Their whole situation just chaps my ass. They play the guilt card on us too. "Your nephew and niece are hungry!" We don't fall for it.

This summer we met my IL clan for a camping trip. SIL and her DH were the first to arrive. By the end of the trip a week later SIL had pulled every adult in the family behind a tree to beg for money. After a few days of this no one would give her any money. The morning they left she was in tears because she did not have enough gas to get herself and her kids home. Her DH had left early to get back to work.

With these types of people it is never their fault. It is always someone else's fault, not fair, whaaaaaaaaaaa.

Let people like your SD and my SIL starve I say. They might learn something when their stomach thinks their throat has been cut and may learn even more when their kids are howling from hunger pains. When we are in town we take the nephew and niece for nice meals, etc... But we do not send money. Ever.

catsmom01's picture

Geez, yup, your SIL is a professional victim. My boyfriend's daughter was shocked/angered that she reproduced, hatched the "golden ticket to whatever she wants" and her father dared to say NO to her. LOL. My boyfriend is actually retired (sold his business, no S.S. benefits or anything yet) and living off of his savings. They have to last him through retirement. His kids could care less. She pays about $130+ a month for directv (expensive package, hooked up to two TV's), and yes, also gets the tattoos, vacations, manicures, etc. Trust boyfriend doesn't spend his money on any extras like that.

erdoran's picture

LOVE (NOT!) sense of entitlement!!!! It is unfortunately a very familiar story. OP was smarter than me, I was dumb enough during our first year of marriage to cosign a $5k student loan for SS, who ultimately dropped out, and made zero payments on it. Kept promising daddy he would and never did...we used $$$ designated for other things from tax refund to pay it off. He has NEVER ONCE acknowledged it, apologized, or offered to pay a dime on it, or even work some of it off (this was 2007 it happened). NOT A SINGLE WORD OF APOLOGY!

Then a few years later he fed DH a sob story about a mixup in his room and his landlord rented it out from under him, and could he just stay with us for a month....which turned into 3 years! Not a penny in rent or twoards expenses, DH wouldn't hear of it. DSS took over MY SPACE where I had my exercise equipment, took over the recliner that DH and I liked to use - I don't mind sharing, but he was in the den, which was formerly MY SPACE, from the time he rolled his lazy unemployed butt out of bed until long after we went to bed, and all weekend, laying in the recliner so no one else could use it, watching the good tv so no one else could...and of course DH never said boo about any of this.

I finally got to the point where I dragged DH to marriage counseling becaUse I was ready to walk out, and had already made arrangements to stay with a friend. I wanted DSS to go, but we compromised on he had to get a job. DH dropped the bomb that he had to get a job because I WANTED HIM TO!!! after whining about how hard he was looking (from the recliner, between video games :>) he got something marginal. He hated me before, and that really escalated things.

So finally DSS finds a girlfriend and started spending a lot of nights at her place and finally moved in with her. Never told DH he was, and left all his junk and dirt in his room. We had to pack it up months later (DH wouldn't touch it, I figure it was a shrine to DSS) AND DELIVER IT TO HIM!

Oh, and his thank you for everything DH had done? He stuck DH for a $600+ phone bill because DH was too stupid to take his name off DSS's phone account. Again, no acknowledgment, no apology, no effort to repay one penny!!!

And yes, DSS still hates my guts and badmouths me every chance he gets!

And DH? Just lets it go.

Rant over!

SugarSpice's picture

kids these days feel entitled to everything that their parents will pay for: expensive clothing and tech products, college, weddings, and everything else.

dh is not obligating adult skid for a parking ticket in a handicapped space. dadddy will pay for it because "everyone makes mistakes"

clearly poor parenting in not letting skid take account for her own actions.

erdoran's picture

My line for not parking there "every time I pass a handicapped space I thank God that I don't need to park there"!