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FINALLY getting what's coming to her!

lac925's picture

So, for the longest time (don't ask me WHY), BM has been getting the same amount for CS - even AFTER FDH's family business burnt down and they had to rebuild (which in turn caused him to take a pay cut). She's been getting the same amount even though her oldest daughter (SD11) does not live at home (due to the hostile environment at home, she's had to move in with her grandfather, BM's dad);and I doubt she's giving her dad SD11's portion of CS even though she tells FDH she is (but you can never take BM's for their word). AND to top it all off, she's gotten over $15K from the gov't to "help her with SS10's ADHD" - which of course, is all gone by now thanks to her shopping spree! - yet she's always crying to FDH that she's broke!

Well, just this morning, FDH met with his lawyer to (FINALLY) have SD11 (not his bio, BTW) dropped from the CS - we haven't seen her in over a year and they have her calling FDH by his first name. AND! He's having the total amount of CS LOWERED - his tax returns show a significant decrease in his yearly income since the last time they checked it Blum 3 So begins the lengthy process of have the CAS info released to the lawyer so he can proceed with taking the whole shebang to court Biggrin

I can't even begin to explain how glad I am that it's all finally coming together. All BM cares about is the money and she spends it like the end of the world is coming. Then she has the balls to complain/yell/cuss at FDH that she's broke, like it's all HIS fault that she spends the money on a new 3DTV (they don't even have CABLE! It was cut off due to NON-PAYMENT!) instead of FOOD! And we know she hordes SD11's CS for herself instead of giving it to her dad who is basically raising her daughter for her! Sad She's just disgusting when it comes to "managing" her funds. OH! And not to mention the hundreds of new pets they get every week! (We should get the Humane Society over there too!)

I just wish I could see the look on her face when she opens up that (court order/subpeona/whatever legal papers they serve her). THAT would be a Kodak moment for SURE! FDH has been threatening to lower CS all year, but she never figured he'd go through with it LOL She's been thinking she's living the high life over there in her low-rate trash hole of a home. Well, she better start saving up her money, because she'll need it if she wants to fight him in court!


lac925's picture

Yes, it was. He wanted to adopt her when he and BM first got together, but without the permission of her biodad (aka BM's dad's FRIEND!!! :sick: He doesn't know BTW *SMH*), he couldn't legally adopt her. And he was technically "the only father figure she's ever known", so he paid CS for her, too.

lac925's picture

He knew from the very start, but (foolishly) agreed to take her on as his own. And I agree with you, she SHOULD repay back all the CS (seeing as NOW, they're trying to turn the girl against him, making her call him by his first name)...But the most they'll probably do is make BM pay up all the CS she horded for herself that should've been given to her dad (who is SD11's legal guardian now) that whole year that he had sole physical custody of SD11.

Myself's picture

And what about the other two kids? How come SD11 moved to her grandfather's due to the hostile environment at home whilst his other two bio kids are still living with her in that "hostile environment"? I don't get it.

lac925's picture

Basically, it was SD11 who was causing problems with the other two (and her mother); and being her mother's daughter, SD11 is very headstrong and has some serious anger issues. So, she couldn't handle her anymore and sent her to live with her grandfather. Granted, the other 2 are no better and getting worse! It's just a very messed up household, but somehow she manages to put up with it :O