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No doubt about it, I'm the crazy one.

WSM wants peace's picture

I recently wrote about DH's secret FB account. His reason was that I didn't share pictures of grandskids with him when SD posted them. I probably would have shared them if they appeared on my page but mysteriously, they didn't. Long and short, SD and DH became FB friends, I found out, asked DH about it and then the fun began. When I dare suggest that SD had control of who could see her pictures and postings, DH said that it was I who probably deleted them.

The past week has been the worst of my married life, we have barely talked, much less been civil. Of course, this is my fault because when I tried to talk to him about the triangulation of our marriage (per my therapist) and how family members are concerned about our marriage because of SD's actions, I was told that I was an F'n snake.

Last night we tried to talk again and I calmly told DH that I didn't appreciate his emotional and verbal abuse. DH suggested that he, of course, would not have to be this way if I didn't always start things. I told him that I could understand how his codependent relationship with SD developed. While BM was sick, DH and SD became even closer, and after her death the two of them created more of an inseperable bond. When I gave examples to DH of codependency his response to me was, what am I supposed to do,she doesn't have a mother? I'm not a cold fish, I understand how it must be, but BM passed away 12 years ago when SD was an adult and had her own family. I know there is pain for everyone involved but maybe it's about time that SD seek counseling to address the pain she keeps deep inside and learn to have a healthier relationship with DH rather than be the mini wife.

I then told DH that as his wife I want to be respected and he wanted to know what I meant. He always asks for examples so I told him that when SD asks him to babysit that he just say "let me check with xxxx to see if we have any plans and get back to you." This is what he tells SS when he asks if we can babysit. His response was that he would have no problem if I told my children that we could babysit without asking him if we had plans. He also said that I just wanted control.

I also asked DH why he treated SS so differently, they rarely talk, DH criticizes SS often, and as SS once told me, their relationship is what it is. DH said that he holds SS up to higher standards. By the way, SS is a succesful man, both professionally and as husband and father, other than SS wishing DH had never remarried, I have no issues with him.

DH and I were supposed to go to the weekend place today. Needless to say, I am home alone. Before DH left, he hemmed and hawed while I worked around the house. He finally came to me to tell me he was leaving and I said, be safe.

I don't know that our marriage can survive this latest episode. DH will always feel the need to protect and take care of SD no matter what. On a side note, DH is no longer friends with SD on FB, I can just imagine how that conversation went.

WSM wants peace's picture

SA I totally agree about compromising with DH, I am all for it but when it comes to SD there is no compromise. She will always come first, he knows it, she knows it, and I know it. She drew the line in the sand when she told me that she hoped DH would not have to choose between us.

I feel sorry for DH because he has to attempt to balance two women in his life, one has his constant attention and the other has what's left over. I'm sure I am envious of their relationship, who wouldn't? They talk on the phone daily, it's rare that DH calls me. Typically, whenever I've called him, he's direct and to the point, not the sweet voice that SD hears. When he comes home, he's tired and doesn't have much to say. I ask how his day has been and he says "I'm still alive." I don't mind having what's left over but by the time DH gets to me there's not much left.

I also have never shared anything negative about DH with my children, as he has about me with SD. He has no boundaries when it comes to her.

I don't care that he has a FB account, the part I didn't like was that he lied to me when I discovered he had one last year. I sent him a friend request months ago and he has not acknowledged it. The only reason he friended SD recently was because DH said I did not show him SD pictures. Well I can't show him what I don't see and the only person who controls who sees them is SD. By the way, SD friended me on FB when I first joined, I guess I shouldn't have accepted her request.

I'm an honest woman, DH knows that but when it comes to SD I'm accused of lying and wanting to be in control. No, I don't want to be in control, I want to be DH's partner and be respected by DH, even if that means he checks with me to see if we have plans before we commit to babysitting. You see, a few months ago SD sent an email to family members, however, DH was not included, asking for babysitters while she left town. No one responded within ten hours, email was sent at night. The same group received another email the next morning saying that she was covered because DH was taking the grandskids. I read this and asked DH if we were babysitting. DH said that he told SD that we would babysit if no one else could. There are two issues for me, I would have appreciated DH asking me if we had plans before he responded, not to mention that I had to read it in an email and secondly, no one had the opportunity to respond to the request before SD called DH, and the way SD twisted what DH said.

Yes, these may seem to be small issues but over time they chip away at our relationship.

sthomas3372's picture

Your situation sounds a lot like mine. Unless your DH learns to set boundaries, it doesn't look very promising. I put up with it for 3 years, and I finally couldn't take it anymore - his kids don't do anything wrong -I have to always be the bigger person. I took my two BDs and our daughter and moved out. I hope he comes to his senses and realizes what he could lose if he doesn't make you his #1 priority.

forgotten wife's picture

^^^^ absolutely. You can't just take one incident, minimize it, and think that's it, all is taken care of. Then do it again the next time and isolate each incident.

It's like Chinese water torture: one drop of water is harmless. But drop, after drop, after drop, after drop...

It will make one lose one's mind. It's the ENTIRE picture that's the problem. Nothing can or should be taken out of context.

Freshstart's picture

Oh dear. You and I and these posters share a lot in common. Recently I had a similar explosion over 'the straw that broke the camel's back." The problem is I ended up being in danger of looking stupid and petty because after 3 years of water torture I chose my equivalent of your fb issue to lose it. Please learn from my experience and stop focussing on the particular small thing that pressed your buttons and was one step too far. Pull back and hold your tongue for a while until you feel calm and confident to prioritise and communicate well. Your DH will be like mine and have answers for everything because they do not want to know that their relationship with their daughter is not ok. No parent wants to think they are a bad parent. You and I and others in this position cannot afford to be too emotional when we are in this crazy world. We love our DHs but we have signed up to triangulation without knowing it. We are women so the SD smirking because they know that they are stealing our role as wives really annoys us. Be honest about it to yourself first. Yes they win stupid games because daughters should not get the same privileges as wives but these SDs do. They know that they are winning and we know they are winning. Reframe what winning looks like. Is this woman really winning? If she is like my SD, she is a silly girl woman with an unhealthy attachment to her daddy. Seriously? Who are you? Probably a normal balanced woman in every other part of your life. Get strategic or get out. Either is a valid option.

Do you think your DH would see a family therapist with you? We got some real traction with that. He listens to her and has made some changes. She handles the communication around the issues better than me I have to admit. She seems to read him better and explain things in his terms.

Hang in there.

Towanda's picture

Chinese water torture is a good analogy. Love it.
I agree with Freshstart, while you have absolutely had it with DH, take a deep breath, treat yourself to some delectable self pleasing things, block them all out of your mind and don't make any rash decisions now. I am not saying bury this problem, just cool off first before making any earth shattering decisions. Your cup is full right now and can hold no more!

WSM wants peace's picture

I can't thank you all enough for taking the time to write, you have each given me much to consider. I do want my marriage to work out but in order for it to be what it used to be there will need to be changes by both of us.

DH still is not home,hopefully, he has taken time to think about what has happened. I'm praying that he didn't talk to SD about our issues, I don't think I could handle that betrayal.
