most current problem (sigh)
I wont go into all the boring details right here because it would be a TL;DR situation. So i will start with the most recent/current problem in the list of many: My youngest SD is about to graduate college in a couple of months. She has just informed us that she can only get 4 tickets to invite people to her grad. She wants (understandably) her late 80s aged greatgrandma to come as she has had no children or grandchildren to grad college. SD will be the first (and possibly only) great grand child to do so in her life time. This woman helped raise the kids when their mother left until my husband received full custody. So i understand. That leaves 3 tickets...of course she wants her mother to come, she wants her dad there...that leaves one ticket. She is having a hard time deciding who gets that one... because he boyfriend, whom she USED to live with until he decided to move out and in with friends, but still wants her around one night a week (who has no good job, is in his late 20s and i think i know why he wants her that one night a week). anyway..I think this boy has no plans to be with her long term, shes been crazy about him since she was 14 (and he was 19 or 20 then). He's pretty much used her when her mother was paying their rent, etc, (guilt of having left them you know) until he was able to move elsewhere. SD of course, does not see this,or doesnt wish to think about it. So she says since he helped her with much of her studying and therefore being able to pass subjects...she wants him to come and is torn as to how to divide the 4 tix into 5 ppl. SIGH.. i think personally its high time for those girls to realize, DH persued me and asked me to marry him. We are a team. Shouldnt he make it known to them that we are a unit. (Biblically speaking as well as legally). and that if one doesnt go, the other wont. Personally if it came down to him not getting to go, i would step aside because this IS a big deal as the older SD is probably never going to see college as she is married, pregnant and having to work full time to maintain as her husband doesnt bring in much to the budget. So,SERIOUSLY I wrong to think this??? if so, PLEASE tell me b/c honestly i would almost rather it be that I expect too much, than to think that I just am not being respected enough to be included. It would have helped if, almost 8 years ago when he proposed, he would have sat down and talked to them and told them what he told me, ..that he had been giving up his life for them for years and it was time for him to have happiness and that if "they dont like it, maybe its time for them to live with their mother" (his words to me with no prompting, because at the time, it kinda stunned me lol). I have been the one to do without. BM finally remarried to the man she lived with for years. kept my husbands last name though. and tries to use it as if she is MRS. Dangerfield (not real name, got it from Rodney dangerfield getting NO RESPECT btw). Things like this have been going on since day one. I am just so sick of it. i STUPIDLY thought that when they grew up and moved out this would all crazy was that....? thanks in advance if anyone has anything to help...its just hard. (we are not blended as i wasnt ablt to have children of my own).
actually she was 12 when we
actually she was 12 when we met and 13 when we married.
I understand and appreciate your advice. I just always have seen others say "no, she's my wife, she goes or i dont" but i guess those were just some lucky SMs who had good DH's...because when it was started off like that, the kids KNEW that was a non issue. However, after reading here, i guess that its the norm for SMs to be disrespected. Shes 20 now. and we had custody of them and ended up having them 85% of the time when they were growing up until this SD turned about 17. then BM came back to town full time. Just hurts because i was the one nursing them back to health when sick, going to first GYN appt with them, taking this one out for icecream when she had a miserable break up...oh well...maybe would have been different if i had kids of my own then i could haver maybe had a child who would consider my feelings. yeah, i know..pityparty! lol.
thanks for the quick answers.
thanks for the quick answers. I just feel left out so much wheni have been by her side for everything she has had to go thru when its bad, just wish i could b there for the good. I appreciate the advice and will take it.
I absolutely agree with
I absolutely agree with eveything Kayro said - she just got there first!
This is a tough one but like
This is a tough one but like others have said, she'll probably invite the loser boyfriend who probably won't even show up. Don't take it personal, it rarely is. Kids, even in their early 20's are not the best decision makers, they don't see how they hurt others with their actions. Whether or not you were there helping her thruout her youth will bare no weight when it comes to how she distributes her 4 tickets. Definitely join them all for a nice lunch after the graduation and don't be sad about it. Graduations are boring anyway.
I know it kinda hurts, but it
I know it kinda hurts, but it is what it is.
I opted not to go to SD's graduation and DH went by himself for the same reasons. There were only so many tickets, and I wasn't high on SD's priority list. (Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure I wasn't even ON it.)
I didn't want DH to miss it, so I told him to go ahead and go without me. At first he didn't want to, but I told him he'd regret not going.
I can see where it upsets
I can see where it upsets you, but if there is only 4 tickets.... I guess (honestly) I'd be MORE upset if seating was unlimited and I was NOT invited. You didn't say anything about the other stepparent. I'm guessing he is not attending either?
I would not tell my DH he couldn't go, all that will do is breed resentment from SD, and possibly DH.
Wow. I cant imagine what
Wow. I cant imagine what that's going to be like. My SD is going to graduate this year and I have a feeling, she's going to choose her boyfriend over me.
My father and step mother are seen (in my eyes) as one person. They stand as such a united front that I would NEVER dare ask my father and not my step mother. Wow. I guess that's just how I was raised. Now that I have a SD, I guess things are different. I never thought (until reasing these posts) that not being invited to graduation was a possibility.....Oh, wait! Yeah, I will be at home catering her after party I'm sure.
Did you contribute and money
Did you contribute and money to her college education? If so, you deserve a ticket - you paid for it. In my case, I supported DH so he could pay his share of her expenses. DH did not go to her graduation so it was no big deal for me. Some of the posters have written that you should speak with DH and I agree.
I agree with the poster
I agree with the poster above. If you paid, you go. I assume this gal has always come to you for $$$ so it's too bad ifthe idiot BF cannot go.
I am sick and tired of stepmommy's paycheck being good enough to spend...but stepmommy being disrespected. Any child who gets help with college ought to bend over backwards with thanks.
This sounds like a tricky
This sounds like a tricky situation to be in. I think its rubbish that she would choose her skanky user bf over you. But then she is young and the mantra here seems to be "she will learn from her mistakes".
Doesnt help the way you feel though. I agree that dad should be there and it would be wrong to try to prevent it. But it might be an idea to talk to him and say that actually you are feeling quite left out, snubbed and hurt by this. He may even have a gentle talk with her to make her realise how a snub like that might make you feel.
Although I guess its the age old thing of we are just the step mothers and are always going to be the outsiders. I think thats something that many of us are just going to have to accept.