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And the fun continues!

Lauraine's picture

Wow...the older she get's the more I cannot tolerate her. Today I came home to find Melanie sprawled out on her bed watching a movie with her friends. Some snide comment was made about me while I requested the dishwasher unload. I still haven't been thanked for the b-day gift even though her father mentioned to her that it might be a nice gesture. Last night she left the house at midnight only to return at 3:30 am. She just does whatever the hell she wants with no regard for anyone. She mentioned that her college grad is in May and reserved a ticket for me. I really do not feel like going but it would hurt Tom to know what I do not want to attend his daughter's graduation. Her Mom will be there too perched on her "wonderful part-time Mommy" pedistal. I mentioned that a nice grad gift would be an advance for a vacation south. She liked that idea, but forgets that it was mine and then treats me like that? I'm thinking profanity right now. She can shove that idea where the sun doesn't shine because I am not bringing it up again!


Dawn-Moderator's picture

I like your comment about the "wonderful part-time mommy" pedistal. That is so true here too. I feel like I'm in the trenches doing all or most of the work. Biomom just steps in to get all of the "mother" benefits and pull rank on me. Sometimes I just want to say "I quit!", but of course, I never do. My two guys need me!


Lauraine's picture

Well handling my stepdaughter is sometimes a piece of cake compared with what I am helping my 23 year old bio daughter with. She just broke up with her live-in boyfriend of two years in December. Frank still thinks she wants to work it out and she does not, but wants to handle things delicately. Seems he showed up at her new apartment last night and camped outside in his car until she came out in the morning. So off she goes to "discuss" things and disappears. I tried text messaging, voice messages and she could not be reached. I nearly had a fit and the worst went through my mind. Frank is not handling this breakup well and being a 24 year old man, he has had his share of nasty life experiences. Seems his bio kids....yes ladies my daughter dated a 24 year old with two young children. Anyway his ex is taking the bio kids off to another province, my daughter broke up with him, he is now living with Mom who is having financial problems of her own and takes most of his earnings. My fear is that he may "break down and lose it". I pray nightly that my daughter will not be a target of his frustration with life at the moment. I worry constantly and the stress is really getting to me. He left my daughter with 6,000 of debt and bad credit which we helped her rectify. I don't care about the money, I just want her to be safe. I going to keep praying that this will all go away.

Sherrylyn's picture

The part-time biomom's are so awful to deal with. The one I have had to deal with has never taken the boys for more than 3 days. She sees them about 10 days a year, it's good and bad all at the same time. Though when my oldest stepson graduated from high school there she was all smiles with her welfare boyfriend. She never helped with school work, or being on his back to get things done and handed in.

Can you fake an illness, or tell her that you forgot that you made an appointment for a complete physical? Hey, with her graduating does that mean she's moving out?

Lauraine's picture

I think I may be a regular visitor now. Things with Melanie are still the same. She is out on her own now and due to be married next August. We still have a volatile relationship. To add fuel to the fire, my bio son, who is disrepectful and a know it all, threatened to "beat the sh*!" out of my husband (Melanie's father) for requesting a monthly payment on a car loan we co-signed for him 4 months ago. Well Melanie decided that she was going to take my son into her condo as a border! Now this is a toxic relationship and my son does not socialize with the greatest of people (his half-brother is a drug dealer). But Melanie feels a bond with Eric because her father feels the same way about my son as she feels about me. Eric is 25 and has worked 6 months since he graduated from welding school 5 years ago. We have only done the "bare minimum" for him (so he says) But we paid for his training, equipment, I flew him across the country to find a good job, paid for his housing and food until he found one and when he came home and needed to look for a job here, we took out a loan for the car, which he calls a piece of sh*!. So unappreciative. So now we are covering a car loan, insurance, and various other things. Well to continue the story, Melanie gets involved, and stated the same thing. "You were a horrible stepmother" "Ofcourse I feel resentment, you have done nothing for me" blah, blah, blah. Now my original e-mail to her was basically admitting my errors, and letting her know that she is lucky to have terrific family support for her wedding" None of your business, etc, etc. Her e-mail was so malicious that it kept me awake for two nights. I am fuming. And, then she states to my husband that if he takes my side on this. she no longer wants to speak with him. Now I have to live with the guilt of breaking up their relationship? I have suggested a family counsellor. She just blows things way out of proportion and has bad mouthed me to so many people that even family functions are difficult for me. I am so fed-up of this garbage, I want to move far away from her. I hate to say it but I cannot stand the girl any longer.