Lying, manipulating, ....
I was reluctant to post in this forum because the behavior I want to describe is not very adult-like. This concerns my SD19. SD is in college, or was, and we helped her with everything we could including car, insurance, clothes, toiletries, dorm supplies, school supplies, cell phone, and student loans because she procrastinated applying for scholarships. The student loans were supposed to be the first semester only and she was going to apply for scholarships for the remaining time. She has the grades and extra curriculars to get a free ride to college. She has been in school for three semesters and has not applied for a single scholarship but has renewed the student loan every time (found out this week). She is not eligible for grants because of our income. She was awarded one scholarship that she did not have to apply for but was offered through professor recommendation. We made her get a job in the summer because she was staying up til 6 am on her XBOX, she was waking people up in the middle of the night, and not doing a thing. We took her car away from her for a while because we learned from BD that she was smoking pot in it. When she came home for summer break, she knew she was in the hole financially with tuition and did not tell us (found out this week). Fall semester, she quit the job almost immediately, and very soon after totaled the car. She came home for XMAS break and told us she was stressed out and overwhelmed and needed to take a break from school, then she said she "needed to find happiness and independence", she "needed to live in the now". We told her that was okay, happens to everyone, but you have to get a job. We were angry, thought she was being ridiculous and a little put out that this did not come out until the night before she was supposed to go back, but we supported her decision. Husband convinced her to take at least 2 classes and live at home so she wouldn't have such a hard time getting back in when she was ready. Next day she went to get her stuff and change her classes. She was gone for five hours, said she was talking with her friends. When she came back, she had no stuff and told us that she was on financial hold because she owed money. First she said it was the school's error, then it was a FAFSA error. Through investigation and digging the truth out of her over two days, we found out that she has known there was a problem since May and knew she was not going to be able to enroll for Spring. She told Husband she took care of it and is just waiting to hear about it, that she made payment arrangements (without a job). School told me on the phone they don't do payment plans. ?? More lies?? To pay this debt would be no big deal for us, and we could have taken care of it in one day. A professor reached out to her before summer asking her if she needed help because she had the same problem semester before. SD's response to the professor was "it isn't easy finding money just lying around" and she indicated at about the same time to BD that she felt like she didn't have a dad either (BD's Bio dad is out of the picture). The professor recommended her for a scholarship which took care of the shortage that semester.
Husband is beyond angry at her for lying and manipulating, but is still willing to let her live here. Since she has been at school, she has become hateful, rude, self-centered, disrespectful, she doesn't bathe regularly, she doesn't want to do anything but watch Chiller and play XBOX. He told her she had to have a job, so now she is going to stay with her mother for a few days but come back here (when husband is not still so angry with her). I think she should be free to go find her happiness and independence on her own. I think if she is going to lie, manipulate, be disrespectful, she can go do that somewhere else. His parents and mine both put us out when we were that age and made these kinds of choices. I don't want her here, frankly. I don't feel like I can tell Husband this. He feels lots of guilt about leaving them with their mom because she is kind of a wild animal. He feels he has created this problem with SD by leaving. We have been married for 15 years. She lived with us for 5. So, I'm pretty sure it is not his fault. He looks and sees a damaged kid with no skills. I look and see a selfish, spoiled manipulative kid with tons of very usable skills. Mom will not make her get a job, will not make her pay her debt (with our name attached to it) and will not help her get back in school. Mom believes we "stole" the child from her, and will use this as an opportunity to dole out revenge, not caring for the consequences to her child's future. TBH, I want to strangle SD just for letting people think she didn't have parents who were willing to help her if we knew she needed it. For her to play the "my dad left me" card at this stage is reprehensible to me. Her dad left her mom, not her, sixteen years ago. My husband works a horrible production job with swing shifts to be able to support two families, and he has never denied them a thing. He has worked overtime to pay for things like cars and college text books (mom helped with nothing, not a thing, nada). I hate seeing him sign up all the time for the abuse SD is dishing out. This SD has been a source of some woe for me throughout my marriage because she has been a bully to my daughter and to me. She is inconsiderate, uncooperative, and at times has been downright mean to us. There are times when I wonder if she is not a sociopath because she seems to feel absolutely no emotion when you tell her something she has done has hurt you. She says she is sorry and immediately wants to know what you want from her to make it right, but she does it with shark eyes, there's nothing there. The mom has been a relentless source of misery for fifteen years and done things like stolen my debit card information, told the whole PTA that my husband left her because we were having an affair, sent the children without appropriate clothing for the season, let them stay up all night, let them get emergency room trip sunburned several times (we had to take them to the ER because she brought them over crispy critters), not taken care of their basic needs properly, and stolen the allowance husband gave them on top of the child support he was paying. My husband has not pushed her because she has no qualms at all about taking it out on the children. I'm sorry this is so long. I feel helpless, and I feel cruel. I feel selfish. I feel if I say any of this to him, I am alienating my husband from his child. I feel like a terrible person for not wanting her here. But the fact is that I don't even want to look at her right now let alone house her, clothe her and feed her. Is she damaged and I'm just being terrible? Or am I just as big a sucker as he is where she is concerned? If she is damaged, then how much does that absolve her of what she has done?
Thank you. Husband is not
Thank you. Husband is not willing to let her stay here without doing anything. She has to be out looking for a job from 8 to noon and noon to 5, rain, sleet or snow, until she finds one. obviously, she doesn't like doing that without a car. I wouldn't either, but thems the breaks. I gave her bus fare. He wants her to be productive most definitely. He has to tell her though to get up at a specific time, put on clean clothes, fix her face and hair and be out the door by specific time. If he doesn't, she tries to wake up five minutes to 8 and leave in what she wore yesterday to ask someone to give her a job. It's ridiculous. I suppose he feels like he owes her the benefit of the doubt, but for how long? How long is long enough for him to realize that she's using him? I had a hard time accepting it and she's not my child. I can't imagine what's going on inside him trying to do right by her and not wanting to admit that she is intentionally working against him on it.
In my state, once they are 18 and no longer in high school, there is no responsibility financially. We were not under any court order to help her with college. We offered the same help to the other two girls. One SD is still in high school and wants to go to technical school, and we offered to help her too. My BD went to beauty school and we helped her the same. They were allowed to live here rent free but they had to either be working full time or be in school full time. This SD doesn't want to do either. So she's gone to stay with her mom "for a couple of days". He told her nothing was going to change here.
We did cosign the loans. We
We did cosign the loans. We were aware of the risk, but up to that point, she was the one reliable, steadfast child that we thought we could count on, and it was only supposed to be the one loan for one semester. Now we're on the hook for three semesters. We weren't romantic about the fact that she might go nuts without adult supervision, but we were not prepared for her to completely check out of her own life. My wild child was the one we were worried about and she's the one who seems to have her life all put together. She stayed home and went to trade school and had a part time job. She just passed her state board and is moving out. I feel really stupid. I agree with everything you have said, and I do need to really let go of the BM BS. I am working on that. There is still one at home with her that we are partially responsible for because she is still in high school, but come May, there will be no ties at all. Thank you.
Thank you. I thought I was
Thank you. I thought I was being so ugly on the inside about all this, and I can see that I'm not. I'm being pretty reasonable. She is a princess but you wouldn't know that from talking to her or looking at her. She would lead you to believe that she is starving orphan who's mother was lead into a life of abject poverty because her father abandoned them all, like a Dickens novel.
I wouldn't go so far as to
I wouldn't go so far as to call her names, but I did not think about blackmailing with her affection. That is exactly what she is doing. She isn't blackmailing me though. I feel like a hostage in the situation. I think he would understand the blackmail concept. He scheduled us for counseling, and I really think I am going to talk about black mail during that session. Thank you for pointing that out. i just wanna knock her upside the back of the head with a frying pan to reconnect her brain stem.
Sounds like you, and probably
Sounds like you, and probably your DH, have some guilt about not being "more supportive". Or something. I'm not ENTIRELY sure what you feel guilty about. So I just wanted to point out to you that requiring your children to be accountable and responsible at an age appropriate level is GOOD PARENTING. And at 19, she *should* have the ability to be entirely self-sufficient, unless she has some mental or physical challenges you haven't mentioned. Now, that's not to say she HAS to be out on her own - and you've given her that option. "Here are the house rules, we're perfectly willing to let you live here as long as you follow them." Yay, you. But telling her "If you decide NOT to abide by the house rules, then you need to have your own house so you can set your own rules" is perfectly acceptable, normal, and actually good for her at that age.
Don't cave on this, and don't let your DH cave either! You are NOT being bad people, you are actually being GOOD PARENTS. Allowing a 19 year old to set her own rules in YOUR house would make you bad parents. That is a privilege you only get when you can get and maintain your own home. Besides, you've heard the saying, right? "Kid are going to be mad at their parents sometimes as long as parents are doing their job correctly." Truer words...
DH feels horribly guilty
DH feels horribly guilty because BM is a horrible human being who filled her children with all her rage, hate, and misery because she couldn't cope with her own emotions. He feels guilty, and freely admits it, that he could not get them away from her when they were little. This SD came to live with us when she was 14, legally old enough to choose where she wanted to live. I think this may be the death throes of his guilt though. he said today that he would rather have them grow up productive and able to take care of themselves, hating him than crippled but loving him.
Thank you for telling me I'm
Thank you for telling me I'm normal. I really needed to hear that. BM won't give her money but won't make her work or do chores either. BM will be happy to have her.
My SD20 has been manipulating
My SD20 has been manipulating DH for years. Makes him feel guilty about everything. Blackmail is one way to say it, but it is manipulation. It is very common with Personality Disorders. If you look up Personality disorders and manipulation, you will be amazed at how the pieces fit.
My therapist taught me how to deal with it. It takes a while to work. It will most likely get worse before it gets better. She has to learn that DH and you are not leaving her, but when she says she is not coming over, not getting a job,...
Ex You ask her to come to family dinner. She says that she can't. You simply state that you will miss her, and maybe next time. You can not sound upset, just matter of fact. She will be pissed that you don't change your plans or act upset. She is trying to get a rise out of you, trying to get you to feel guilty. Don't! Just politely get off the phone.
Ex She doesn't want to get a job. Explain calmly that there is no phone, internet, clothes,...and that she will have to live with someone else. Explain that you love her, but when she does xyz, then you will love to have her back. (Of course you don't
I have recently been doing something like this with my husband...he's not a manipulator, but liked to project his anger/disappointment with his kids on me. It has taken a year, and now it is finally working. However, now he is depressed, because he can't yell at me, because I have not said anything negative and he can't yell at his precious kids. Now he has to deal with the realization that it is his kids and not me. It is hard.
Good luck
My Skid had his version of
My Skid had his version of this issue though he was mature enough to know that he was not ready to address college effectively. We gave him the option of college on our dime or getting a job. He did not want to get a job either. His plan was world champion class sofa rodeo. Nope, we turned him into our beck and call boy chore bitch and worked his ass off.
I suggest if your SD wants to couch surf rather than stay in school or work that you give her the ever increasing chore list and keep her working for you and contributing to the home for room and board until she gains clarity and either goes back to school or gets a job. After 3 months of being our chore bitch my SS enlisted in the USAF on the delayed entry program. We kept working his ass off until he reported for BMT 4 mos after he signed up.
In a bit of awesome parental Karma the USAF sent him to school anyway. }:)
She has been a chore bitch,
She has been a chore bitch, and she's really good at it. the problem is she has no standards, so if that's all it takes for her to get a free ride, then she is going to rock it like a boss till the cows come home! i'm still not okay with that because she's not just couch surfing. She is online with the xbox and a headset raiding uganda with her crack team of online commandos or playing grand theft auto until 4 in the morning when the rest of us are trying to sleep. DH works swing shift so on days, he is getting up for a 12 hour shift at 330 am. when we have surgically removed the xbox from her, she graces us with her terminal velocity depression which functions very much like a black hole. to his credit, DH has vast skills at ignoring that kind of stuff, but I don't. I feel awkward sitting in the living room with her when she's like that, and I've told her to snap out of it and to grow up and to get a life and I've tried other tracks as well. I've tried to make sure she knows we love her, tried to get her interested in other things besides that damn xbox. if i could take a sledgehammer to that thing, i would do it in a minute. she might need a defibrilator, but she'd be better off without it. we have approached it like an addiction to drugs, and still she does exactly what DH tells her to do, gets out of the woodshed and goes right back to the same as before. she tells me exactly what I want to hear about her poor little broken childhood, gets out of the woodshed and goes right back same as before. we have taken the phone, taken the car, made her work her butt off. we have done everything short of putting her out on her butt, and I guess that's really all we have left. I hope that's the advice the counselor gives us because DH is not listening to me. he has visions of her living in a cardboard box under a bridge not visions of her saving the universe on her xbox in her mom's basement.
Put the router in your room
Put the router in your room and turn it off except when YOU want to use it. End of that problem.
If you remove any tolerable element of her life then she will launch or she will leave. Either way she is out and that if not the goal is at least an improvement.
IMHO of course.