Just wondering
Why is it when you have kids from a previous marriage and your DH has kids from his marriage why do our kids treat our DH and his kids with respect and cause no trouble but his kids are destructive liars greedy throws fits controllers etc.Oh yeah always have to add the Ex wife in there also. I see this happening all the time.Just wondering.
Me too!!! My BS8 and my BF
Me too!!! My BS8 and my BF get along great!!! My son hugs him and tells him he loves him and they get along great, they have their moments but seriously they are great together!!! My BF's S10 is a lying, greedy, whiney, bratty, loyal-to-mommy, little shit and I cannot stand him nor do I want to be around him when my BF has him. Bf's ex is also a major loser, his son is with him EOW and 2 hours every Wedn which is not too bad compared to what it could be BUT I still cant stand him and being around him EVER!!! My BF is totally ok and respectful of how I feel about and towards his son. He understands and he sees these qualities and behaviors in his son too. Thankfully my BF is perfectly fine with how I feel and that I want nothing to do with his kid period!!! But yes I do notice this too....if my kid acted the way his kid did I would slap the taste out of his mouth!!!
it kinda goes both ways in my
it kinda goes both ways in my house lately
my DD is 13 and on top of typical teen angst, she seems to direct her attitude toward my husband more than anybody
I cringe, and she gets punished for disrespect, but that hasn't seemed to be much of a deterrant lately
You have not escalated the
You have not escalated the punishment enough. Want to see angst? Take her phone away. Put her in a electronics free bedroom. etc