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It's all about the money

Ruby55's picture

So SD, 28, strikes again. Doesn't bother with her dad, no bday card, no Xmas card but got card and money from DH as always (not from me this year as I completely disengaged). I'm working from home today, and husbands cell blowing up....I look (i pay the bill so make no apologies to him about looking and he's free to look at time any time - no secrets in our house.). Here's the text exactly "Hey, I need a favor. I'm overdue on rent again and need $650 ASAP. Landlord wants it now. Can you help me out here?" Then 10 mins later when he didn't respond as he was outside she texts "hello??????" Unreal! Last time she did this he told her, "I cannot help you, I haven't worked since the transplant and wife supports household and all my meds 100%." Here's a girl who came to see him ONE time in 3 months In the hospital, was a royal bitch to me the whole time I was literally crumbling from caregiving all year, lied and told everyone she could've been his donor when the reality is she didn't even so much as have her blood type checked. She knows darn well he can't afford to help her and yet she continues to ask. Never calls to say hi, see how he is..nothing. I guess she thinks he'll get it from me -NEVER! I told him to tell her "go ask your brother, he stole the last but of money I made while I was in the hospital!" These kids are poison!

Jsmom's picture

Curiously, did he text her no? DH won't give SD a dime and he knows if he did, I am done.

Ruby55's picture

He said he won't text back, that he told her before he doesn't respond to texts, if she wants to talk to him to pick up the phone. I'm with you. He knows if he gives so much as a dime to these people, he's gone! He can go live with them!

sandye21's picture

She didn't even say, "Please!" SD sounds entitled. You said DH won't respond to her text. She doesn't deserve ANY response. Let her go someplace else.

hereiam's picture

So, he's had a transplant and is not working, and she has the nerve to ask him to pay her rent? Because she is overdue AGAIN?

That is so messed up.

jam's picture

Either ignore the text or send one back that says "hey we are needing S650.00 for medicine this month. You think you can help us out. signed Ruby55."

Glassslipper's picture

Me and my sister are COD, I have NEVER EVER asked my parents for money,EVER!
She does it ALL the time and she is 42 now, her and her husband both work.
Dad told her no and never again, my mom is already struggling, but she hits her up now because Dad says NO!
I remember the day my grandfather passed away, I was with my mom at the bedside, about 2 hours later she showed up, we went on the porch to meet her, she hugged mom, said "so sorry mom" followed by "I hate to do this but can you help me out with money, I just had a check bounce"
I was sick, I'm glad my Dad doesn't help her anymore.
I agree with everyone else, she is an adult now and she shouldn't be living off her parents. 650.00 is alot of money to ask for especially when you have transplant meds to pay for! When my Dad said never again my sister never asked again, if my mom would say it sister just might learn to live within her means.
Good luck!

Ruby55's picture

Great advice everyone. Yep. It's hard to believe the incredible nerve of so many of our skids. I'm a skid myself and NEVER DREAMED of acting this way. In fact, I still stay in tough with my SM since my Dad passed. I'm SO glad to be disengaged. It's amazing how their true colors show thru even more once we do, validating the very reasons we disengaged in the first place !!