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an interesting article

needvalidation's picture

Thought members might be interested in this, its from The Guardian in the UK....

MaGoose2010's picture

That is a really good article, Needvalidation. I cannot bring myself to love DH's kids, but I do care about them, because I am by nature a caring person. But sometimes I swear at them under my breath and want to call them 'ídiots' but I compose myself and just turn my back and walk away. Problem is that this frustration builds up until one day I explode and that over a small tienie wienie thing and everyone is amazed at my outburst! Not good... But DH adores my kids and says so easily that he loves them, especially BD11 but having said this, he has also had issues with her, as she is quite self-centred and selfish. But he is always hugging her and she is always saying that she loves him. BS19 is a typical young man between child & adult and to start with DH took a while to accept him, as BS19 & I are very close (I am his emotiional support, but also at one stage became his punching bag). But now they have developed a healthy respect for each other.

Nice to read articles like this one. Good to know that I don't have to beat myself up about not feeling that warm and fuzzy love-thing for my skids.