I Am Venting Today Again But Im Getting Better:)
SD calls DH telling him about the birthday party for his grandson for this Saturday.Of course its the same thing as always.She tell's DH to come alone .Her brothers agree with her that Im not welcome. SD told her dad,even if I agreed to let Lady come to our party my brothers wont treat her right and if they snub her well then its not my problem and she is getting what is coming to her. SD told DH he needs to come. These SK's are mad at me because after 8 years of their evil ways of mistreating me I finally stood up for myself and I am glad I did. They cant deal with it.Its probally the first time anybody has stood up to them.
DH is getting mad at her.He told her he was sick of how they are with me.He told her he loved her and his boy's and his grandkids but he is just sick of their drama .DH said to her I will not come to the party simply because I love my wife and I respect her.He told SD I know if Lady comes what will happen to her so for that reason me and Lady will do something enjoyable that day.DH told SD that WE had his grandson a really nice gift and if she wants it for him she could come pick it up at OUR house. If she didnt want it then we would get our money back on the gift.Its her choice he told her.DH told SD that I should have took up for myself and he stands behind me for doing so. DH told SD that from now on if she wants him to come anything else if she cant accept me and treat me right then to not ask him at all. SD and her brother and the DIL's are beyond mad again. I thank God my DH is standing up for me.He knows he is doing right .I think he is finally seeing the hurt that his kids and EX Wife have caused me for so long. I dont see his kids ever changing but what is sad is his kids dont give 2 flips about their dad. If they cared they would make a change.
I'm glad your DH is standing
I'm glad your DH is standing up for you too.
I have to wonder how your SS' would feel if their wives/SOs were receiving the same treatment they have shown you.
I applaud your DH for
I applaud your DH for standing up for you and your marriage. You are his wife and you deserve that, no questions asked! His children are older and have their own lives and he should be standing up for you and putting your marriage first no matter what. I am glad to see that at least one DH on this site has his balls firmly in their rightful place.
Completely agree with Tasha.
Completely agree with Tasha. Well said!
Way to go DH!! I just love
Way to go DH!!
I just love when these victims of the Golden Uterus stand up and grow a set!
so happy that dh is sticking
so happy that dh is sticking up for you. the skids and in laws always get pissed when we defend ourselves, no matter what the skids ages. they get too used to us being quiet in the beginning, so they think they can do whatever they want and when they find out we really DO have voices, they are outraged. too f'g bad. most of my silence came from a combination of shock at sd's behavior and an expectation that fdh would deal with it. he never did. after awhile, i knew i was the only one who would stick up for me, so i started doing it. and sd didn't like that one bit. }:) mil didn't like it when i told her off after a shitty email, fdh's uncle didn't like it when i informed him where his nose did not belong, and smil didn't like it when i set her straight on her gossiping and speculations about me.
i guess none of the dumb asses ever stopped to think that maybe *I* would not like being treated like that! imagine that, i actually have thoughts and opinions, too!
Good for your DH. I wish
Good for your DH. I wish mine had a pair like that LOL. your DH is doing the right thing and I truly wish more of these guilty daddys would just stop being asses and stick up the women they love.
DH keeps reassuring me that the RA has stopped - I don't believe it - but I don't hear about anything SD has to say anymore. That has all stopped.
When I did stick up for myself SD acts so shocked and upset. AS if to say, how dare 20 years say anything to me that isn't an adoring compliment. She acts like she should be able to shit on me anytime she feels, and I should say 'thank you' instead of back the hell off.
We have decided to move farther away than originally planned. Now our plan is to move 2 hours away rather than 45 to 1 hour away. I think this will be the best decision we could ever make. Can't wait to get away from this neighborhood!
I'm so happy he stood up for
I'm so happy he stood up for you!! Make the best of the day and whatever you do, don't feel guilty about it. Maybe they'll all pull their heads out and realize people can only take so much crap before they stand up for themselves.
It's great your husband is
It's great your husband is standing by you! They are drawing lines and forcing him to take sides. I'm glad they did that, it's much easier for your husband to make a stand.
I dealt with a lot of PA and aggression calculated for when my DH was not there. I wish they'd have been a little transparent so my DH could have seen it for himself.