Helping out stepkid for 6 months, a year...
Step Kid/SK (20) currently not in school or working. His mother is content with him living like this but we are not. She told my husband: "I am okay with him living with me for the rest of his life." We moved out of state and have decided to offer SK an opportunity to stay with us. SK wants a new change in his life which is good. He used to visit us biweekly since he was 14 and up until child support ended (agreed for when he's 20 and alimony ends, September this year). So last month, he came to visit for a month...
He absolutely DID NOTHING. Did not make his bed, didn't offer to help, only greet us when greets, so I stopped saying Good morning/Hi/Goodnight to him - we went DAYS without talking LOL, crazy! He never talk to ANYONE unless spoken to (at home, in school, in public, anywhere). Stayed up late to play games, slept in and sat on the couch for hours on his phone, waiting for us to get off work and feed him. I was SO ANGRY at the end of the month.
Husband and I talked about it and we will work together to set some ground rules for when he's here. I realized SK may be immature and not encouraged to grow at home. I'm going to pretend he's a teenager who doesn't know much of anything and work with his dad to help him grow. Teach him how to be a follower so that he can be a leader of his life later on.
I'm thinking he can stay for 6 months... within first month, must get a job or enroll in school. If enrolled in school, need weekend job - I don't care if it is just 5-10 hours. Just get out of the house - I don't want to see you at home on the courch all weekend on my days off! My husband doesn't think SK will be ready by 6 months. I told him, if he does good and follow house rules, go to school and work, he can stay for a year to save up. We are not charging him rent or food, with hope he can save enough for a place to rent within a year. We will buy him a cheap used, but reliable car so he can get around. He will pay for insurance and gas. After the year, if he can't find a place to rent or still so anti-social for a roommate then he can live at one of rental property, reduced rent but he would need to help with guests on his days off, lawn work etc.
This won't happen until January/February 2022 but I just wanted to type it up to get a feel for it. I hope things will work out for everyone. We really want to help him but boy oh boy, he's not a fun person to live with. If you think I should change my mind, please let me know haha... Any similar situations? Suggestions? Comments? I'll update more when he's here. Guess I can use this post to vent.... Thanks!
Before your SS is allowed to
Before your SS is allowed to come to stay with you, his father needs to address his behavior when he had a month long visit at your home. He needs to explain that the behavior and initiative he displayed on his recent visit was not acceptable. If he wants to take advantage of the opportunity provided, he needs to agree to some ground rules.
1. Personal hygiene and cleanliness. He needs to maintain himself and his space in an acceptable manner. No one is expecting to be able to bounce a quarter off his bed each day, but he is expected to do his own laundry.. clean up after himself, make his bed.. and help with small chores around the house as needed.
2. Civility is expected. If he is sharing a home with other people he needs to acknowledge the other residents.. be polite. If he truly is not in a mood to talk, he can go to his room but he should be able to say hello and answer a brief question of "how was your day?". If he is experiencing social anxiety then I would insist that he attend counseling and get help with that.
3. House Rules. These will cover things like curfews (yeah.. you are over 18.. but you are living in my home and you won't be setting your own rules). Time to rise and shine as well. Unless he is working the night shift, there is no reason why he can't be up by 8 or 9 in the morning. No unplanned visitors.. he has to get permission to bring people over.. again.. this is because he is living in your home.. not his own. Respecting other people's belongings is expected as well.
4. RENT.. YES.. he will have to pay it. first month can be free until that paycheck.. but he needs to be paying you guys rent. I would also include in what he has to pay you the cost of the vehicle insurance.. to make sure it gets Now, if you guys want to put some or all of that rent away into an account to give back to him when it's time for him to move out? that's absolutely fine. But making him pay rent now will get him used to having to set that amount aside from his monthly budget.. it may be too tempting to spend it otherwise. His dad can help him set up an automatic savings from his paycheck too... but I would get that rent money so he learns to account for that.. and it's not a difficult transition when he does leave. And if you have been saving it. .you can give him money that will cover deposits and setting up the new place!
4. Your husband also needs to get his buy in that this IS what he wants.. he wants the new job.. he wants the fresh start.. not just he wants new scenery.
Thank you
Thank you so much for spelling it out for me. This was extremely helpful.
#4 sounds reasonable. We will make him pay rent, save it in an account and give it back to him. We both agreed to not take rent from him so he could have enough save to rent. This person never worked a day in his life... he is pretty much a 14 y/o in a man's body. I like the idea of taking rent now and giving it back. Will talk to my DH about it.
Rent is crazy high right now. My husband is worried about this so if he can't find a place to rent after 6 months/a year, he can rent from us - our rental property, at a reduced price. He will work for us part time. That was discussed last night between DH and I. That's a back up plan. I hope it doesn't get to that point.
No, don't let him live in
No, don't let him live in your rental because if he loses his job he'll just stop paying. Well, it's only dad's place, isn't it? Dad won't expect him to pay rent when he's broke, will he? Especially if he's working for your part-time. He's going to feel entitled to that place. Don't do it. Let him get a room mate like many others have to do. It would also teach him a TON about life in the outside world to live with others in his situation.
I think others have
I think others have encouraged you to get him into some counseling.. both for mental health and career counseling. My father had a neighbor with an adult son who had not received proper support like that as a younger person and he was basically the mid 40's guy living in his mom's spare bedroom with no skills and social issues that made keeping a job difficult.
Some things to think about regarding housing is that having a roomate (or two or three) can also be helpful... Maybe if he was encouraged or even if it was a condition of him staying was to take at least one course at a local community college. He might meet some people close to his age.. and perhaps between that an a job he might meet someone who is looking for a roomate? That would probably be easier than just trying to manage all of it on his own... plus it is somewhat of a built in social life.
I would map out everything
I would map out everything you expect from him and when you expect it by. I would add therapy and job coaching to the list. While going to school would be ideal, if he is that unmotivated, it'll just be a money suck. Perhaps working for peanuts will motivate him, or maybe he'll find a trade that he wants to pursue. I'd spend the first three months helping him get a job and getting established with a therapist and career counselor, then the next three months either helping him find schools to enroll into or help him come up with a long-term plan.
Also, make sure to cover that plan with him BEFORE he moves in and have him literally sign off on it. Let him decide before time, effort, and energy goes in to him if this is really what he wants.
Finally, make it clear to your DH that you WILL kick SS out at any point if he isn't holding up his end of the bargain. And if your DH won't make your SS leave if he isn't doing what is expected that you will.
Good luck.
Thank you
Absolutely! I will make sure of it. I love that you mentioned therapy. DH tried to suggest social classes for him but he was so upset over that. Prehaps job coaching would be ideal first then some kind of therapy to help him with anxiety, etc.
I have no problem kicking his ass out and told him that.
He wants a change of scenery?
He wants a change of scenery? He can get that by staying with BM and getting a job there. Not sure why he has to move out of state to get it. I wouldn't do this. It will cause problems in your marriage when skid fails to do anything and your DH is reluctant to kick baby boy out.
Yes He Can
Yes, it would definitely be ideal if he stay with BM and get a job but BM is cool with him staying home, doing nothing. She actually want him to stay home to dogsits her dog... it's pretty sad.
Honestly, I am okay with this because I do care for him. I've known him since he was 14. I really don't know him because he doesn't talk much but definitely a scared person, scared to do anything. DH knows I have no issue kicking baby boy out, but I told him it's his job to kick him out if things goes south... because this was DH's idea.
I'm scared of the bumpy roads ahead. That's why I posted here. So far, I've gotten some good advice. Thanks for your time to reply.
Get a signature on a contract!
If you want to help out SS I would draw these terms up as a contract and have him sign them before he moves in. I would also include exit clauses and what a breach of a rule will mean, ie: don't get a job and your out of here.
Please make sure that your DH is on the same page with the ramifications, otherwise you might just end up with a year long version of the month you just went through.
Good luck to you - I hope it works out well and you get SS on the straight and narrow.
Thank you, I will definitely do that.
My SS21 lives with BM in a
My SS21 lives with BM in a similar manner, and I'm pretty sure she would allow him to live with her for the rest of her life. No way in HELL is he ever moving into my house.
Let well enough alone - he's grown now and can live how he pleases. Don't have him come live with you in hope that you can turn him around, you are inviting trouble. If he wants to improve his life, he'll do it on his own.
Could not agree more with tog
Could not agree more with tog. Good intentions in step land, often (usually/always) end with living in step hell, with no way out. Except, maybe, divorce.
Six months to a a year, turns into 2 years, 5 years, with no change in behavior.
He came for a month and did NOTHING and was rude, yet, husband did nothing.
Do you really see this working out? I know it sounds good to "help him grow" but seriously, that should have been done a long time ago. He showed you who he is when he stayed for that month, your husband, too. He had a month to start teaching his son some basic stuff but did he?
He's 20, he really should be able to feed himself and make his bed. He's old enough to know basic manners. He's lazy and rude and he's not going to change for you or his dad.
If he wants a change in life, as opposed to a change of location to continue his slothfulness, he would make a change where he lives, now.
My guess is that he will stay
My guess is that he will stay for a month and then climb back into BM's uterus, where he's most comfortable.
I didn't want to type a long post
But yes he was here a month. In DH's mind, son was on "vacation." But yes, even if someone is on vacation, at someone's house, they should be proper guests. That was why I was so angry.
When I told husband, immediately it was corrected. SK only do what he's told. Living with BM doesn't help him because she never once encourage him to continue school or start looking for jobs. When he was 16, DH tried to help him find a job, she was so angry and stated that "it is okay for him to stay at home with me for the rest of his life!"
So YES, he need to leave that house. It would be ideal if he doesn't come stay with us, have somewhere to go but besides BM, he doesn't know anyone else. This is someone with social issues. Zero friends...
It's way beyond the point
It's way beyond the point where you can guys can fix this problem. I get that it upsets your husband to see him live that way, it bothers my DH too that his son is such a lazy Mama's boy, but the kid is 20. If he doesn't like your rules, all he has to do is leave and go back to BM's. If he's ready for that kind of discipline, have him join the military. Again, I do know why your DH wants to try to fix this, but I think you will come to regret it.
My experience
If that month was ANY indication of how SS will be, that would be a hard no from me.
SD22 Feral Forger lives at her mothers 1-bedroom apartment and sleeps on the couch. Shes was horrible in her teens and according to SD15 hasnt changed - in fact has gotten much worse. I have told DH that I will never ever ever live with her rude, disrespectful, mean, dirty, horrid self.
SD22 Feral Forger sounds much like you SS20. She has no job, and she has no drivers license and has not been taking college classes. She mooches. She is enabled. Last Christmas I invited her over and she just started arguing and yelling at me. Just so over it.
If SS WANTS to start becoming independant he should start NOW. I honestly think this is a mistake - Good Luck!
Thank you for sharing your experience
Yes, these adult kids are so enabled. I've used that word that word to describe him with DH. DH and BM definitely crippled him with their "love." Both loves him so differently. It is sad.
Thank you for the good luck. Will need it. Definitely need to cover some bases with DH, based on some advice here.
Emotionally Atrophied
That is a new term I learned this weekend.
And a common theme is Enabled to the Point of Disabled.
Good that you are getting prepared and doing the research and reading and posting ahead of time.
Toxic BM Toxic Troll had SD22 Feral Forger on all kinds of meds since 13. She babies her and SD15 a LOT, as she considers that being a good mother. But she doesnt parent.
Lots of Good Advice
Personally, after his one month visit, it would be a hard no for me. Someone who wants a change and to be different would not have come to your home and did what he did for a month. But as you are determined for this to happen, you and your DH need to be VERY clear with him about expectations. Write it out, discuss in advance (if necessary, via Facetime or Skype), and make sure he understands that if he does not follow the rules, he heads back to BM. And then stand firm on the contract.
DH had three similar to your SS. One came to visit and thought he was going to stay forever. Stayed out late in the club scene, slept all day, then woke up around 2 to go sell meat (yes, you read that right....sold meat on the street corners) to make enough money to fund his necessities and club fees. He lasted about 4 days and DH told him to go back to BM.
Good luck.
What did DH do about his
What did DH do about his abhorent behavior during that month? Did he force him to make the bed, do chores, treat you like a human being? You say you went days without speaking - why was this allowed to continue?
You are inviting a shitstorm into your home. SS has already shown you he does not know how to behave like a member of the household. AND your DH has already shown you he will do nothing about this behavior. I highly doubt SS will be leaving in a year. They have shown you who they are - believe them.
Do look up the Burning
Do look up the Burning Platform as you will need it. I'd use that as the "penalty " for not following the contract you come up with. Make it clear that ignoring the agreement will lead to the Burning Platform. If he won't follow that then back to mommy he goes. Do this much for yourself. Give yourself an out if none of this works. Don't allow too much hand holding either. Granted he is stunted from BM but he has dna from DH too.
I also like to recommend DH tell stories of growing up and the failures and challenges that helped him grow. Don't hide this from SS. He will need to know that growth comes from the hard times. We rush way too quick to protect young adults from the tough stuff that they can't handle much of anything. (I have 3 launched adult kids).
I did this for my YSS
He was younger than your SS when he moved in but you can finish school earlier here. Due to an awful family situation, he could no longer live with BM.
SS was reasonably polite and DH cleaned up after him from day 1 but I still ended up fantasizing about leaving and living in a studio apartment on my own after a really short period of time. It also led me to this website. I felt like I was living with a parasite who leached all my money and sanity.
Eventually YSS was kind of launched to live with room mates but the experience nearly ended my relationship with DH. And DH wasn't a complete Disney dad and he did do all of the cleaning up after YSS. We subsidised the rent because we live in a really expensive city.
I won't advise you one way or the other on trying to help to get your SS launched but DO NOT let him move into one of your DH rental properties. Making him get room mates will be much better for him even if you have to help him with the rent. If you let him go to one of your properties you might find that instead of having a non launched 40 year old living in BM's basement, you have an unlaunched 40 year old living in your rental.
Someone else suggesting not letting SS20 rent from us - I agree.
I spoke to DH about sticking to the 6 months... and if truly needed a year, but no more. Another reply suggested talking about hardships, for DH to share hardship stories - we have plenty! It took us years to get to where we are now. DH said he will do a mock job search, interview and go over rental listings in the area so SS20 know what to expect when he move out. Along with working on social skills...
DH also know if I feel like things aren't working even before the 6 months, SS20 has to go. I feel like I need to sign contracts with both of them. I also said DH can leave too, if he feel things are unfair because I'm not putting up with BS. It is his idea and I'm just being supportive. I also want to help SS20 since I've "known" him since he was 14.
I'm sorry to hear it almost mess things up for you and your husband. Happy you guys came out hopefully stronger![Smile](
The one month he was here and husband just let him do whatever (which was nothing) because he was "on vacation," I started to resent my husband. We talked about it and he said things will be different. I've shared all the wonderful advise here with DH and he agreed to it, so we will see.
I would also chime in on the
I would also chime in on the letting the kid live in your rental. I went through that with my YSD... and I LOVE my YSD.. and she was generally a good kid.. held multiple jobs down plus going to school.. hard working etc... We had a home we had bought to flip but it kind of lined up with her getting out of school and having a job and she was looking at some semi sketchy apartments locally so her dad figured we would delay selling and give her an alternative that was cheaper than the rat holes she was looking at... It is actually the reason why I found this site.. that very situation. I was frustrated that I had put all that hard work into the house (I did the lion's share of the renovation by myself.. no contractors.. just me)... and I was a little bit miffed he offered her the house for much less than I thought we agreed on.. plus she didn't actually seem all that grateful for the opportunity at the time.
And... we initially had a deal when her first BF was living there with her that if she had a roomate then the rent was higher than just her. Of course, after they broke up and she started dating another guy.... she ended up letting him move in while telling us he wasn't living there.. and keeping her rent low. I mean.. we now know the guy wasn't paying a dime to be there anyway.. but it was the principle of the thing.. she had agreed to do something and then was shady with us. Plus, as a young kid with little knowledge of house upkeep... she let some things go on that caused some damage when she didn't tell us about them in a timely manner (water leak). I mean the CAUSE wasn't necessarily her.. but not telling us let it get to the point where some stuff was damaged. They also hung pictures with what I can only describe as railroad spikes..haha.. and the home had wood paneling so that looked great when it came down.. (not).
She also had the assorted parties there.. and the house just wasn't kept as nicely as it really should have been... young kid.. a lot on her plate.. etc..
I will say that she DID pay her rent though.. it wasn't a huge amount.. but she paid it and it "almost" covered the cost of ownership for us.. we did subsidize a little bit.
She has long moved out and we have since sold the place.. but it took another round of renovation to fix it back up to saleable condition. Our relationship was not permanently damaged.. but it was a bit shaky for a bit
I honestly think it would probably be better for the option to be to find a place for him to rent.. even if he needs a roommate or two and even if dad ends up helping him make the ends meet.. but paying a third party will be another notch in his adulting belt.
Thank you for sharing your experience
When I read about people's experiences with their young adult children staying up late clubbing and party, having people over... I never could see that with SS20. I actually thought so when I read the replied this morning. I failed to remember how I was: a shy young adult who lived on her own with a boyfriend. The first year... I partied like crazy, every weekend, no parents to stop me.
With stories like that, I definitely agree to not having SS20 rent from our properties. I told DH this today and he is okay with this as well. Rent is crazy high right now, which is why I CAME UP WITH THIS CRAZY IDEA. DH doesn't think his son will have friends or can find a roommate... lacking in social department. I will need to remind DH people do grow up and SS20 may not be that shy when opportunity to make friends/roommate presents itself.
Still lives with BM. He is a perpetually unemployed actor which means he sits in his room playing video games all day.
BM doesn't mind him living there. I guess it avoids feeling and being alone for her. It is clearly stunting SS though but she is selfish and wouldn't care.
SO has a nit-so-strong relationship with him but does try to encourage him to move out on his own. Unfortunately he realizes there is no fixing this unless 1) BM actually steps up and pushes him out of the nest or 2) SS realizes he's a loser and moves out on his own.
Your SS moving in with you is not indicative of wanting to grow up. He is probably bored at BMs and this will be a big vacation for him.
And once there getting him out will be a big issue.
I have no problem kicking him out
SS20 actually didn't want to go home to BM so I think you're on to something there. DH said his BM probably yell at him at home so he doesn't want to be there.
When he come to "live" with us and tries to make it a vacation out of it, he is out the door. That very day, we will ask him to leave and stay at a hotel while waiting for his flight home. Already discussed this with DH. He will not stay a day longer.
I told DH I have no problem kicking him out. Will call the cops if necessary. Also, we will change all the locks in the house once he is moved out/"kicked out." Or update our codes (switching to keypad soon). I don't want anyone to have access to the house except DH, me and my toddler son.
Based on advice here, we will draft a list of expectations for him to review prior to coming here. If he is willing to give it a try, he can come here. If not, he can stay with BM. We would at least tried to help him out, one last time.
When one month feels like a year
My experience turned into a year and a half. The worst part is feeling your life is on pause while everyone functions around the non-contributing adult. I like to be home alone sometimes and that wasn't possible. Do we go out and eat alone or does SS always have to come or be asked? Weekends we are doing our chores and he is still in bed, so when he showed up at 2:00 to make coffee DH is like "Hey Buddy!" and I'm like "WTH?" Meals had to include food and sides he liked, and if we went away for a weekend we had to leave SS money and/or food (according to DH). UGH, now I'm all worked up remembering it. Good, good luck. I truly hope you are successful quickly!
It's a terrible idea to have
It's a terrible idea to have him move in. He's a big boy and if he is making zero effort to handle himself like one it'll be no different at your house. Plus you say you'll kick him out but it might be harder to get him out than you think. Personally I am on team buy your own Huggies.
Try the burning platform….
Try the burning platform rather than the welcoming coddling support. Before he moves in inform him that he must either be in school full role or working full time.Or 1/2 -n-1/2. If not, he is your full time live in beck and call boy/chore bitch for 8hrs per day when he is in your home.
It worked like a champ with my skid who grew tired of working his ass off only for room and board and joined the USAF after 4 mos as our chore bitch.
Meanwhile back at the ranch and 10.5 years later he has a great USAF career and has completed 10 years of service. His mom and I are very proud of him.