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He finally will DaughterWife survive without daddeeeee

Olivia2020's picture

On occasion my adult son will ask me "is he dead yet?" and he would do a quick go*gle search.  I can't believe it's been over 3 years since I escaped StepH*ll even though it was only 41 days living in that house, after 5 yrs of dating, living 3 hours apart. ExNarcDH was dx with Stage 4 prostate cancer several months after he and I started dating, back in 2015. In early 2016, he was given 5 years to live. Apparantly he survived 7 years. He was looking a bit grey when I saw him in court before the divorce in 2020, I recall how he told me the cancer was spreading in his bones and his current version of pills were no longer fighting the cancer, testosterone and PSA were rising, after the nuptials of course. 

When I saw the memorial DaughterWife wrote about him on social media, he was 58, I cried in relief, I called my son with the 'news' and felt such mixed emotions...then researched articles on 'when your abuser dies.'

How will 'baby girl' survive after she blows the insurance money on drugs? boo hoo

I can take a big sigh of relief...relief from zero chance of crossing paths with him on this physical earth ever again. I'm starting EMDR with my psychologist to shake the residual nightmares from that experience. Everything else is wonderful! 

JRI's picture

Wow, arent you glad you escaped when you did?  Hiw gruesome these years would have been.

Olivia2020's picture

Walking in on them in those intimate moments would've been worse. Two times was disturbing enough   

justmakingthebest's picture

There is nothing that would make me happier than seeing my exH2's obituary. I have run into my abuser at a grocery store. It was such a horrible experience I was shaking and crying for hours. I celebrate this lifting freedom for you! 

Rags's picture

The last time I interfaced with  mine was as we walked out of court after the Judge signed the divorce decree.

I did run into the XILs a few times. The first time was 5yrs post divorce. I was with the DW and my SS.  I stopped cold in my tracks, apparently turned Ghost white, and got very quiet.  Quiet is not my usual thing.  I briefly introduced my bride and our kid and asked DW to go get our table.  My XMIL had smoke pouring out of her ears as she was doing the mental math on how old my SS was.  My XFIL was just standing there with tears running down his cheeks.  He had major issues that his daughter had never had our marriage annuled, had multiple out of wedlock spawn, and continued to attend holy communion in violation of the Catholic Church. We married in a Catholic cathedral.  I am not Catholic so no annulment was not an issue for me. It tore my XFIL up.

I could not immagine running into my XW.  During a business lunch I did see her at a restaurant once.  10+yrs after the divorce. She was with her DH#2 and their two young OOWL spawn.  She looked like shit. Tired, worn out, and old. She was in her early 30s and looked 40+.  It was sad. She was a beautiful young woman when we dated and married. She was a college athelete.  The worst thing about seeing her at the restaurant was that she was being an absolute bitch to her DH2 and their boys.  

She did not see me. Fortunately.



Exjuliemccoy's picture

Oh wow, that's big news. Is it unkind to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!? That excuse for a man left a wake of destruction in his path, and the world is a better place without him.


CLove's picture

During this time. Thank goodness you are out and doing the work will help in processing. 

Olivia2020's picture

I've healed so much in the past three years, mentally and physically from the stress it caused my body. I'm happy again, like in the pictures I see of myself from before meeting him...I got my happy back and I am smiling again ;-)  Nothing or no one will break me again, life is goooood. hugs

CLove's picture

And the update  -  I was wondering about that because of the gruesome things you went through and how extreme they were. I could never imagine...

Rags's picture

A quick correction for you. You will never see him again. Here or anywhere else. Abusers don't go where good people go.

Take care of you and enjoy living well. It is the best revenge. XDH didn't and his toxic spawn won't.  Enjoy living your revenge.

Give rose

MissTexas's picture

Oh I'm sure he left everything he owned to his daughter wife!

It is interesting how you learned the news!

Rest easy knowing you'll never have to face him (or his princess) again.