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Exhausted. Ready to explode

green.willow's picture


Just found this forum and happy for it.

My husband and I are retired and recently moved to a warmer climate. Been together for 30 years. I have two, and he has two.

My husband has never been very close to his children who were teenagers when we met Frankly, I'm surprised he ever had kids because he was an only child and has really no kid skills at all.

A month or so ago, his daughter informed us that they had bought tickets and were coming for a week. We had not issued an invitation and the timing was not great for us, but we put our stuff on hold and prepared for a visit. Then two days before they arrived, daughter wrote her dad to tell him she was on a special and very limited diet. We were aware that both she and one of the grandchildren have dairy allergies and had already food shopped with this in mind, but now were being told no gluten, no sugar, no grains, no margarine and no nuts.

If this wasn't bad enough, they have thought nothing of raiding our refrigerator and cupboards for things to eat and cook which goes on from 7 am until bedtime. They haven't bought a single item of food and haven't eaten out once, preferring to pack huge bags of our food when they leave for outings in my car.

If cooking, cleaning and entertaining wasn't enough, their snotty, over-confident kids continue to bore me with stories and demonstrations of how smart and wonderful they are along with griping about missing birthday presents (NOT MY JOB) in spite of the fact that they were both given family jewelry pieces the first day they were here.

They have offered to take us out for dinner tonight, and since there are only a few of our poisonous (dairy and sugar)foods and one egg left in the refrigerator, I'm hoping they'll head to the airport early to have breakfast there, but more likely we'll have to find something acceptable for them.

My husband doesn't say much, but I know he is exhausted from the noise and activity as am I. I'm frankly ready to explode and hoping I can make it through the next 24 hours without slugging someone.

Thanks for letting me vent. Looking for suggestions for how to handle this in the future because when the other daughter comes she also has issues with food and arrogance.

green.willow's picture

Smile Okay, I lied about where I live to protect myself.

Yes, we offered them my car. The other vehicle won't hold four people. Lending my vehicle isn't a huge sacrifice - I'm too tired to go anywhere, anyway, but it was provided to them with a full tank of gas, so if it doesn't come back tonight that way, it will be the last time I'll do that.

The idea of not having food in the house for them is not bad, but I don't want them to cook if I can avoid it because then the kitchen is a mess all day. I'm seriously thinking about making house rules about when and how meals are served since they get up in stages and by the time the last one finishes breakfast, the first ones are looking for lunch. I'd also really like to tell them they cannot use the stove unless they are feeding everyone and we've agreed to that.

My other idea is to buy a travel trailer and park it on our lot for overbearing visitors.

green.willow's picture

Great advice about not waiting. I know we'll both fall into hoping it will be better next time.

CLove's picture

Welcome to our StepWorld!

UGH. You put up with that treatment for HOW long?????
Sounds like they are just horrible. Where does it say that parents are required to be doormats for their kids?

Sit your DH down TODAY and tell him:
You will send SD information on hotels/car/restaurants - not because she cant Google for herself mind you, but as a definite message that she and her brood WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT be staying with you and DH. The first SD might tell the second what their trip was like staying with you, so it might create a little stir, but perhaps a little more honest communication is necessary for everyone involved.

Hope the next visitation works out better for you, Green!

moeilijk's picture

I know it is really difficult, but you would be much less irritated if you addressed these things yourself, closer to the time. By biding your time, your irritation grows, because they don't stop!. By addressing the issues with DH, your irritation grows since it's not HIM annoying you. And ultimately, you put yourself in a powerless position.

If you confront the SD et al., you'll be anxious about it... but that's still more comfortable than how you're feeling now. Even if you get pushback, you'll be more comfortable because you drew a clear boundary.

Every time the children are rude, say so. "Gifts are to be appreciated, not expected." "Complaining is rude, dear." "People who tell me I'm supposed to give them presents don't get any presents."

When SD emails with an extensive and exclusive shopping list, "I'm sorry, dear, we don't usually buy those items. I'm sure you will be able to pick them up somewhere once you arrive though."

Eating all day long, "In this house we have set mealtimes. You're welcome to have a snack anytime, of course, but please tidy up after yourselves, and make sure you leave enough for everyone else to enjoy as well."

Not being good guests, "It's been lovely having you stay with us this trip, but it's been a lot of work and cost us a lot of money. We'd love to keep the door open for you and your family in the future. Why don't your reimburse us a token amount for gas and groceries, say $200?"

green.willow's picture

Great advice. I'm too much of a coward for some of them but I promise my defenses will be up for the next visit. This has been a learning experience.

Oh, LOL, and I forgot to mention that she actually invited someone (a mutual acquaintance) to join us for dinner one night without asking me first about it. It was someone who is always welcome at our house for a meal, but honestly!

green.willow's picture

Great advice. I'm too much of a coward for some of them but I promise my defenses will be up for the next visit. This has been a learning experience.

Oh, LOL, and I forgot to mention that she actually invited someone (a mutual acquaintance) to join us for dinner one night without asking me first about it. It was someone who is always welcome at our house for a meal, but honestly!

still learning's picture

Live and learn! It seems that many of us overextend for the skids in the beginning and then back off when it become overwhelming and we get no thanks whatsoever.

I couldn't imagine expecting a host to cater to all of my and my children's food whims. We plan on going shopping or out to eat when visiting others. If there is a meal offered we will pitch in, eat thankfully and help clean up.

Next time direct her to the nearest grocery store.

joan mary's picture

I have learned over the years to think out my replies in advance and PRACTICE them. That way when the mooches call you have a response ready to go and you have said it to the mirror 10 times.

1. Oh, I'm sorry, now is not a good time for a visit with us. Can I recommend a couple of local hotels? Then you SHUT UP. She will have to fill the silence with something.

2. Oh, I'm sorry, we don't buy those products. Would you like directions to the grocery store?

3. Oh, I'm sorry, we don't have an extra vehicle for you to use. Would you like a lift to the car rental place?

4. You get the drift. Practice makes perfect.

SM12's picture

I would recommend not being available for the next visit. She clearly has to give you some type of warning so next time just say "OH sorry SD, but that time won't work for us" You don't owe them any further explanation than that. If they press, then you tell them you have plans to go out of town to visit friends and the house is being bombed for bugs. That will keep them from wanting to stay while you are "away". Or you could limit their visit to 2 days. Tell them you would LOOOVE to see them, but they can only stay for two days because you have other obligations to attend to.

NO way I would offer up my home for a week for people who clearly don't appreciate it or you.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Oh, there is an easy way to fix this.....visit them; turn the tables completely and make certain you have various dietary restrictions etc. shared ahead of time and no car. You could even take a guest or two with you and do not lift a finger or offer to go out to dinner.

I doubt you will have to experience this mess again, after you impose greatly upon them. if they get to experience an equal amount of expense and fun-- at their own home, waiting hand and feet on you and your family.

Make certain you have at least 4 people in your visiting party too.

Thumper's picture

This is what I would do IF IF IF my own adult bios tried to pull this.

I would print out extended stay hotels in our area and give them TO HER.
"This should help you decide where you decide to stay. DAD and I have decided once we retire our family hotel is closed :). I am sure you understand. You can order all of your special meals from the Piggly Wiggly. When YOU pay for it they will also deliver it to your room for free.

'Oh by the way WE will take you and Stu(assuming that is her hubbys name Wink , and the kids out to eat for dinner at xyz' one Sunday at 4p please check their menu'

OP, I have an adult who is married to a wonderful wonderful spouse AND I am a newer Grandmother. There is no way, I mean NO way my own kids would do this to me. I would not allow anyone in my house who is so demanding.
Your problem if you don't put your foot down.

IT IS OK to say no. At our age it is time to relax a little---just a litte since I still have minor bio's I am also raising!!!

Thumper's picture

PS Weird that you were not made aware even in passing of their dire medical needs and strict dietary requirements.

Heck I know co-workers who have restrictions whom I barely know and THEY are not family.

This is odd.

OH my goodness-0---don't you have some vacation time YOU can go book yourself into a posh hotel with bar and spa. I would be tempted to let my hubby deal with this.

And that is a true statement.

green.willow's picture

Evidently, this new twist on the food obsession occurred recently.

I agree with the person who said she can't imagine her kids behaving this way. My own would never do this. Indeed, when one of them accidentally got grease on DH shirt, she went out and bought two new ones immediately, in spite of the fact we told her the shirt was old and not worth worrying about.

Oldmom's picture

Frankly the next time one of the kids calls to let you know they will be visiting, ask them if they are making the hotel reservations or would they like you to. (assume they are not staying with you)

Also let them know you already have a list of restaurants and local (sight seeing) activities for them

SMforever's picture

Sounds like you are trying way too hard to please these insensitive parasites.

I think a lot more of this should be down to DH to solve. It is hard to believe they would just buy tickets without communicating first. Are you sure that he didn't issue a general invitation in the past without remembering to tell you? So many men of this generation just expect the domestic stuff to be taken care of, and think that cooking, hosting, cleaning is woman's work and they can sit and smoke their pipe while the guests mingle around.

It is your husband who needs to understand your boundaries and who needs to have a good understanding of what is to be offered to his relatives. Of course, if your own kids are allowed to stay then it's hard to exclude his. You may need a frank conversation with him to prepare for next time although dissing his spawn will only get his back up. The answer is, make your hostessing services unavailable, and make that clear to him.

Maybe agree to a communication with them before they leave, or by email that says...we enjoyed seeing you all, but it really tired us out to the point where next time we think it's best you stay near by from now can eat crow and say you are getting too ancient to host visitors.

I would respond "tough titties" to any special dietary requests. Make em buy their own. They are ultimately responsible for what goes in their own mouths! Please dont say you are cooking for them. That's being a doormat. Why?

Do not keep car insurance that allows them to drive your car. Or get a two seater. That's exactly what we did when skids started finding excuses to borrow our van. We just bought a sports car and made it off limits to borrowers. They were so shocked we even hid the keys when we went away so they didn't come in the house and borrow it. And they had the gall to ask why we hadn't left the keys! (I took them on the trip with me)

Entitled brats need to face firm limits at any age.

Rags's picture

If you had plans already... you and DH should have stuck with those plans and informed the SKid and her family to come another time .... stipulated by you and DH.

On one hand I can understand wanting my home to be open to my kid anytime he wants to visit... however.... he needs to be polite enough to call before buying tickets for a visit to make sure we will be home.

Your supposedly adult Skid missed that part of growing up apparently.

SMforever's picture

Yeah, we did that....told SS we had other plans, and his eyes lit up and he asked if he & gf (whom we had never even met) could stay at our place while we were away! When I realised DH had not exactly told him no way, but left it unanswered, I went about ensuring it would be the most damned uncomfortable place to stay. We don't get frost here but it does get cold and wet, so I disabled the furnace, turned off the rads and hot water, locked up our files, passworded the computer, and left the dishwasher full of dirty dishes. I took the keys to our cars with me. Usually before a vacation, Imwash the sheets and towels and clean up so it's all nice when we return. Not this time, and it worked.

Apparently SS brought GF to the house and she suggested they go to a hotel!

still learning's picture

Loss of relationship w/his child? Dh wasn't even there; did you mean ss's loss of relationship w/the car and house?

sandye21's picture

DH couldn't have been blind to this. What did he say or do? Does he support you in your impressions of these people? Maybe you were both unprepared for the skids and their offspring but if he allows this again, let HIM take care of everything - including buying their special food out of HIS pocket, entertaining them, cooking, cleaning up after them and renting a car if necessary. If he waffles and expects you to do all of the work again, arrange for an 'emergency' at one of your kid's house and leave him to it.

Wifeypoo's picture

This sounds very familiar minus the food allergies. When my SD and her family come out to visit they want to eat non-stop. It's mind boggling to me. We could eat a huge breakfast at 9:00 am and by 11:00 am my SD will start asking about lunch, because "the kids are starving". Also they get jealous if one gets something the other didn't. For example I made my SD a huge chefs salad one day while the kids were at the zoo with my DD and her BF. I know they got treats and lunch at the zoo nonetheless, when one of the kids found out I made her mother the salad, she whined until her mother made her one as well. I just shook my head.....

green.willow's picture

Update: They are gone!

DH and I had a good talk on the way home from the airport. Boundaries will be set for future visitors. My biggest peeve is folks digging in the refrigerator (they ate tonight's dinner for breakfast this morning in spite of the fact I'd put cereal, eggs, cookies, last night's left-overs, and bagels out for them) and then cooking on the stove because I get stuck with the flotsam and jetsam from all of that activity, and because I find it downright rude for people to fix food for themselves when I have already stood on my head to make them meals, so an end will be put to that.

Anyone who wants to stay with us will be given a bin in the fridge and told where the grocery store is so they can stock up on treats they might want, but they are not to eat our food unless invited. They can use the microwave as long as they cover their food. (My hint of a great big roll of paper towel in the microwave was completely missed.)

Car use will be strictly limited as my car left with a full tank and came back half empty.

We will do our best to cook for gluten-free, dairy-free and vegetarian, but will not stand on our heads for this, and high maintenance people will be told they'd probably be happier if they found a place to rent with a kitchen where they can do their own cooking.

LOL. When they were packing up, I discovered that they DID know where the grocery store was, but were keeping their food in their room. Their parting gift to us was a package of something they decided they didn't like the taste of, and so weren't going to take home with them. I feel so appreciated!

Oh, and their precious kid who has never had a "poisonous" can of soda in his life, steals jelly packets from restaurants and eats them when his parents are not looking.

I'm so done.

jam's picture

I am so glad you and your dh had a good talk. Boundaries are certainly needed and maybe you will be fortunate next time and they WILL rent a place with a kitchen, however I doubt it.

Also I hope it didn't take you too long to clean up & recover your home after they left.

I was once given a list from my sd to put on my refrigerator. It was a list of what her children could not have. The list was long mostly dairy stuff. (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, yogurt,) but also listed were things like (peanut butter,syrup, flour, oatmeal)etc. She had NEVER taken the kids to the doctor about any allergies, she had just decided that she did not want her children having these items, saying she thought they may be allergic. So when we had them over (sd, her husband, their 3 children) I had to prepare meals based on her restrictions. They or just the kids would be at my home for days and it was difficult to even plan meals. (I wont even go into the totally messed up house)

One Thanksgiving we had my family (bs & wife, & their two children), my sd & husband, and their 3 children. What I found was that I stress over cooking everything to accommodate my sd and her family that things that my family loved (such mashed potatoes made with milk & butter)were no longer enjoyed because I now had to make it with only rice milk.

By the next Thanksgiving I had had enough. I did not even discuss it with my dh as I knew he would go straight into the auto pilot mode of (defending or making excuses) for his kids. First I took down the list from my refrigerator and threw it away. Sd came over with her family and the look on her face when I started making mashed potatoes with milk & butter was priceless. I decided that if she wanted to have all these restriction that she could bring what she wanted to allow her children to eat or eat what was okay to have from the meal I prepared "such as vegetables". NOW, the funny thing is "hallelujah they have all been cured". "SHE NO LONGER AS A LIST". They come over and eat what ever I fix which includes EVERYTHING she had place on her list.

I realize that people do have allergies, however, I also think that sometimes these skids are just deliberately making some excuses to justify making life difficult.

I feel for you in your situation. I can relate to the SD's visit announcements without any courtesy of our possible plans. I guess they are just so damn important that "of course you would cancel your plans to have the opportunity to serve them."

I also have experienced the grateful borrowing of our cars (sarcasm intended). We would ALWAYS turn the car over to them with a full tank of gas and it ALWAYS with out fail, was returned empty.

Stick with your boundaries. Without them, it gets worse.

Good luck!

green.willow's picture

Thanks for the empathy. Even though they left yesterday, I could hardly sleep last night I was so worked up. I mean WHO boils up eggs and takes them with them when they leave?

As far as the house mess, I did smarten up enough to get some help with the beds before they left, but of course I have a ton of bedding to wash, dry, fold and put away today.

All I know for sure is that I will never allow people to take advantage of us like this again. My BFF is coming next month and we are close enough that I can run through my house rules with her and get them perfected for the next visit.

jam's picture

Really, who does boil up a bunch of eggs and take with them?

Once my SD and her family spent the night. They told us that they had to get up before the sun the next morning and leave to get back to their home early the next day. They live a couple hours away. we got a couple sleeping bags out for the kids. The next morning I get up and find that they had taken one of the sleeping bags and one of the pillows. Who does that? Entitled SKIDS that's who!

green.willow's picture

Thanks for the empathy. Even though they left yesterday, I could hardly sleep last night I was so worked up. I mean WHO boils up eggs and takes them with them when they leave?

As far as the house mess, I did smarten up enough to get some help with the beds before they left, but of course I have a ton of bedding to wash, dry, fold and put away today.

All I know for sure is that I will never allow people to take advantage of us like this again. My BFF is coming next month and we are close enough that I can run through my house rules with her and get them perfected for the next visit.

notasm3's picture

For future meal planning: Cook a gigantic pot of beans (with no meat) and leave it out all day. You could be very "accommodating" and cook black beans one night, white beans one night, and then pinto beans for a third - but that's still way too many nights.

After all that would be gluten free, dairy free, nut free and vegetarian.

green.willow's picture

Bawahahaha! I HATE beans. Unfortunately, eggs and beans were also on the restricted list for this visit. (Why they boiled up a dozen eggs and took them with them is beyond my understanding.) I might add these are two working professionals who live an upscale life compared to us.

notasm3's picture

Oh you shouldn't have to eat the beans (if they are ever allowed) you could cook steaks, hamburgers and pork chops for you and your DH. }:)

Maybe a nice bowl of rice? White rice, brown rice and then maybe some quinoa for variety. No seasonings - but maybe throw in a can of spinach or corn. Is there anything worse than canned spinach?

TwirlMS's picture

I'm wondering what kind of people take a vacation someplace warm and then stay back at grandpa's house all day? Some vacation. If they can't afford to eat out then they can't afford a vacation.

When his kids come again, make yourself scarce at dinner time. Stay late at the gym, go out shopping, have your hair done, read and relax at the library, anything. They can take DH out to dinner with them, after all, they came to see him, right? Wink
Let DH know ahead of time not to plan on you being home much that week, since crowds make you nervous and you want him to spend as much time as possible with his kids.

green.willow's picture

They did do some day trips in my car, but they took food from our refrigerator with them for their lunches.

sammigirl's picture

I would not wait until their next visit; I would address their departure with them, thus including what you expect of them the next time they want to visit. Set boundaries and stick to them.

I would not have your DH do it; I would do it myself. I would inform DH that I did it, only after I took COMPLETE control of the situation.

If you don't address it immediately, it will only bug you and make you hate the entire situation more every day. Get it off your chest and give yourself some peace, along with a clear understanding they should just make their own arrangements and visit only, while they are in town.

This is what I do now that we are moved away from SD56. We have only been moved for three months; but I've made myself clear to everyone on her visits to our home. If DH wants them for even a meal; I'm not cooking, they can pick up something on the way, visit, and then leave; no staying over. There is no misunderstanding and they know it came from me, not DH. They don't like it and DH has been good at accepting it.

Good Luck. Only you can change it, believe me, nobody else will.

Rags's picture

As long term multigenerational Expats our family has an established dynamic of extended visits.

Whoever has a home and lives in the US acts as the home of record for the Expat elements of the family. This allows us to keep driver's licenses, car registrations, insurance, banking, credit accounts, etc.... stable and easily manageable.

When we lived in the states and my parents were Expats our home was their home of record. Though my younger brother also had a home in the states (just up the street from our) and lived in the states our home was the home of record for mom and dad .... mainly due to my bride the hyper organized CPA.

For the past 9 years (for the most part) both my brother's family and my wife and I have been Expats so mom and dad's home is the home base for everyone. We often spend several weeks there periodically throughout the year. My brother and his family usually spend several weeks there every summer.

My wife and I make sure we do a lot of grocery shopping, filling of gas tanks, taking mom and dad out t dinner, keeping our room clean and our laundry done and put away, etc........

It is actually for the most part a seamless enjoyable time for all of us when we are hanging out at mom and dad's.

It would be a whole different story is we took advantage and were burdensome in our presence. Neither mom nor dad would have a problem putting us to the curb is that were the case.

Acratopotes's picture

next time that want to visit.... simply ask what hotel they are staying in....

not in your house again!!!

TwirlMS's picture

I love to host people in my home but no one has ever tried to remove bags of food when they leave. Again I say, what kind of people do that?

If they weren't nasty to you personally, as so many skids are on here, I wouldn't leap to forbid them from ever visiting again.
Any complaints should not come directly from you, but delivered by your DH to his own kids. I disagree with the other posters there.
I doubt they will visit at all if they have to spring for a hotel.

green.willow's picture

I'm doubting my husband will have the nerve to do it straight-on. It's going to be easier for us to tell them ahead of time what the rules are (I've prepared them and already put a copy in the guest room.) When they see them, I'm guessing they will recognize they aren't going to get a free ride and will be a lot more reluctant to show up.

It's funny that I somehow managed to get through it all with a pleasant smile, but now that they are gone, I'm realizing just how angry I am and how much they treated us like a high-class B&B. NEVER AGAIN!

Wouldn't it be lovely to send them the dregs they left behind in my fridge with a note saying, "You must have forgot this."?

TwirlMS's picture

Funny. Reminds me of cousin Eddie from National Lampoons Christmas. At least when they come by plane, they can't bring a giant dog with them.

My SD36 always brought her big collie who liked to mark her territory in our den. Biggrin We've since moved so pet sitting is out.

watergirl714's picture

I would not wait for them to see the rules in the guest bedroom. Great that you did the rules; send them with a note signed by both of you if you're sure you want them to stay with you next time. Consider that if these are the kind of people who are too cheap to eat at a restaurant, hoard food in their rooms, take your food on trips outside of the house, they are indeed unable to afford a vacation. I suggest that DH visit them next time a visit comes up. Then all of these problems go away. Because the kind of people who would return your car's tank half empty will find ways to enrage you while they take advantage. Just remove the problem altogether by DH visiting them instead or insisting that they stay elsewhere. I had a "friend" visit once. She didn't observe any of the common courtesies you'd expect from a guest. Believe me, she was never welcomed into our home again. Life truly is too short at our age to put up with these kind of people. Let him see them if he wants outside of your home. NOT YOUR PROBLEM.