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Christmas Delivery

astheworldturns's picture

DH is making his yearly trek to wicked SDs this weekend to deliver Christmas gifts to his grandkids during his appointed date and time lol. Today he started not so subtly trying to guilt me into going with him. First he said to me, How bout you come with me? You know it will piss SD off if you’re there, it will be fun to watch her squirm. I smiled and replied, Yes it would, but not fun enough to have to punish myself with her presence. Then he tried the grandkids tactic, told me that his grandkids really miss me, and ask about me every time he comes. I replied with, tell them I said hello dear. He dropped it after that, but I have a feeling the next wave will come tomorrow. He will say please don’t make me go alone, SD is so hateful to me. To which I will reply, same as last year – then don’t go. Tell SD her kids gifts are here whenever she would like to bring them over to open them. Or better yet, don’t buy gifts and start a savings account for her kids. Give them all the money once they are grown and are no longer having their minds poisoned against you by SD. At least this year I have ZERO guilt for not going with him, thanks to everyone on this site!