child trying everything to get mum back
So basically im 21 and havr a 5 year old step dsughter her mum ran away
She has tried ecerythinh to get her mum back dhes now gone and said i ve hurt her then sdmitted i didnt,but she said if i was gone mummy would come back my partner is now saying its sll my fault and i feel conpletly lost i dont know what to do.
Sadly if your SO is not
Sadly if your SO is not mature or man enough to not blame you for the disappearance of his spawn's womb donor and the associated issues the 5yo little girl is struggling with then he is not the man you should want to make a future with.
Cut your losses and move on. Live your life to the utmost, be happy, and you will find someone worthy of you and of notable character enough to go through life as your partner.
Take care of yourself.
Were you involved with dad
Were you involved with dad while he was with mom?
Heya no we got together when
Heya no we got together when lil girl was 2 he split with mum when shr was 6 minths old we ve been together nearly 4 years sd started playing up minute mum left i can understand tht but she said im in the qay of mum coming back