And why do you think he can't work?? His parents have always concentrated on his disabilities instead of his abilities!!
I have read alot on this site in the past week and have come to respect some of the great advice and discussions so far. I would like a few opinions on a topic which grates at my nerves.
A little background of course: I and my future husband both have 2 children. Mine being 2 daughters ages 18 and 14. His are sons ages 20 and 22. His oldest son was born with clubbed feet and has had 2 surgeries to correct this birth defect. His last surgery was 2 years ago. He also has digestive problems which I suspect are due to the fact he eats very fast and doesnt get enough sleep at night. His younger son is a great person. He has a few issues, but is all around a good person. My future husband and I are in our 50's. We dont have alot of money and he pays all of the bills for his sons such as rent, utilities, gas money, food, car insurance etc.... EVERYTHING!!
This is the problem: I dont mind him spending his money on his sons. It's his money! Recently he has come to me for money to pay their cell bills and his storage. I gave him the 400.00 and now his youngest son has decided to live part time at our house which is not so bad because hes a good guy. When everyone is here, I am the one who cooks, washes laundry, does the cleaning, pays the bills for the home etc. When its mentioned that the boys can help, his youngest does his part, but the oldest says he doesnt feel well. My daughters do help.
The problem I'm having is with his grown son! He has been raised by an over protective mother who didnt make him do anything his younger brother has done the work of both sons all his life. The oldest has never had a job, never had to clean, etc, but wants to take part in the fun things like going to eat, movies out, parties, vacations, etc. He never seems to be sick during those times unless he isn't having fun. His mother just took them on vaction and the oldest drove the entire 11 hrs and never complained or got sick during those 5 days. He doesnt come to our house often because we can't afford internet. Did I forget to mention he is addicted to YouTube videos and his play station? When we had internet he would bring it along for his visits. He stays up till 5am playing. My future husband says he will never be able to work because of his disabilities. I dont see a disability. He walks just fine most of the time. I'm sure his feet hurt sometimes, but I dont think it's bad enough that he couldn't hold an office job. Dang, his father has paid for 2 years of college. There must be something he can do to contribute.
On another note, I suspect his oldest son doesnt care for me much. He always talks about his mom constantly. If I cook a great meal and my future husband says how good it is, he will say something like "mom cooks this often and it's so great". The biggest thing that hurt me was when he called to invite his dad to the symphony and my future husband invited me. Later when off the phone, my future husband uninvited me. He says it was that HE didnt want me to go. Later I found out that my future husbands ex was going and I got angry. I also suspect he paid for everything including tickets and their expensive meal. Later when they returned, his oldest son made the comment to me that it had felt like they were a family again. They've been divorced for 19 years. How does he remember how it even felt to be a family? I have no idea why he does this or how to fix it. He doesnt do it in front of his dad and his dad thinks he has to coddle him always. Never wants to confront him in any way. Please give me some great advice because I am at the end of my rope. I love this man and his youngest son, but my future husband thinks his oldest does no wrong.
Oh Girl, You Had Better Give Marriage A Second Thought!
I know what you posted is a glimpse, not a big picture version of things, however, if your man isn't doing anything to make his son launch, he, my friend is your biggest problem. He is the son's enabler, It seems both parents have bought into his "disability" victim mentality, if not created it. Poor brother also.
People with disabilities can work. Also, he can be evaluated by a physician, and given the "all clear" to work. Even at Wal-Mart, there are people with disabilities such as cerebral palsy working as greeters, and in other areas. There are blind and deaf musicians, for goodness sake, the son has his vision and hearing, and can speak clearly, right? He could have a call center job, or work from home with Amazon or something like that since he's proficient with the computer. Also, if he drove the entire 12 hours to the vacay destination, he could be a driver for UPS, or FedEx, or some other company. Just from what you've shared about him, I can create a marketable resume!
Wow! Who wouldn't ONLY want to do the fun stuff? He's been ALLOWED to sit back, claiming he doesn't feel well, and the brother gets the brunt of the chores, and anything else that pops up.
What will this man-boy do if mom dies and he can no longer suck the proverbial hind tit? Daddies die too, then what? You seriously need to talk to your husband to be, and get this all settled. It will only fester and get worse if you don't, especially since the son made the decision for you not to attend the symphony. This speaks loud and clear as to who runs the show around there, and it's not your man. I hope you have a testacle lock box, or Tupperware for him to store his balls in to keep them fresh unti he's ready to use them!
The toughest part here will be getting his dad on board.
Miss Texas you are so right!!
Miss Texas you are so right!! He is very intelligent or seems to be. Oldest son uses the excuse that he would have stomach problems all day at work and can't stand on his feet long. If he had as many stomach issues as he claims to have, he would be thin. THIN he is NOT!! His dad would never admit it was his oldest son who didnt want me to attent the symphony, but I knew it was his son. He lied and said he just didnt want me to go. Hurt my feeling terribly.
If I can't get this issue resolved, I can't get married. I just dont know how to approach the situation because he gets defensive when I bring any issue up about his oldest son. My future husband is no longer financially able to continue paying his bills and I refuse to let him live with us. He hasn't asked yet, but that will never happen. Future husbands ex lives with her brother so I dont think he can go there. He better grow up fast is all I can say!!
As Upsetting As It Is, I'm Glad You're Seeing It For What It Is
Do you have a copy of "The Little Red Hen" children's book handy? I would read it to the son and your man. It's a classic theme of not wanting to work, but reaping the rewards.
Why is your husband paying all his bills?? I'm imagining your man waving the big feather plume over his son while holding a platter of food (think Julius Ceasar here). He needs to be foced out of the nest! Nothing good will come from this situation, trust me.
No, you absolutely CANNOT get married under these conditons. It will only become more hellish.
Yes, he had better grow up fast!
dicatorships are not fun
It sounds like OSS is a dictator and until you came along, perhaps was worse, OP?
Miss Texas I hope I didnt
Miss Texas I hope I didnt delete your prior message. I'm new to all this stuff and pressed the wrong button on a few of these posts.
You are very insightful and I wish we could have coffee. You've given me a different view of the situation and it may be time for me to just ask him to leave. I can love him from a distance and maybe after our talk, he will understand why. I dont understand how I end up with these shitty men.
Miss Texas I have never
Miss Texas I have never laughed so hard at these posts!! You are a ray of sunshine. I know the book well. I may even have a copy. I have read it to my girls constantly for the entirety of their childhood. It's a favorite of mine. It does fit perfectly! I can imagine the looks on their faces as I pass the book around at the table for some light outloud popcorn reading. Lol. This could actually get the point across clearly.
Thanks! Glad You're Getting To Laugh! Yes Pass The Book Around
at the dinner table. Maybe they will take the hint?
Great reply Texas...
but "I hope you have a testacle lock box, or Tupperware for him to store his balls in to keep them fresh unti he's ready to use them!" made me *biggrin* so much!!! You made my day *yahoo*
If We Don't Laugh, We'll Cry! I'm Glad You Got A Good Laugh Out
of it!
We gals have to lean on each other!
Yes we do! I'm so glad I
Yes we do! I'm so glad I found this forum. I've gotten some great ideas and good insight. It's funny how it all become a little clearer once we write it all out. I appreciate all of the help with my problem and will try to update everyone after our talk. I just hope he sees it my way, but if he doesnt it's ok too. I dont want to end up in another bad marriage and I'm not raising someone else's bad parenting mistake. I'm just glad I will not be losing anything this time if he doesnt see it my way.
What are the positive
What are the positive attributes that make you think marriage is a good idea?
You can date a person, share a bed with a person, love a person and not have to marry them, or pay all their bills, and their grown sons bills and be treated like crap by the grown son.
Well I dont see many
Well I dont see many positives at the moment. I guess that's the biggest reason i am here. I dont know if the situation can be fixed, but if it can, i would be willing to work on it. It's just seeming like more of a task than I'm willing to work on now
Ive never had to deal with his boys this closely as in the past year. I've only recently come to the realization that his son is not as sick as he would like everyone to believe. And I may be wrong, but he walks perfectly normal when he thinks nobody is paying attention and if he had such terrible stomach issues he wouldnt drink liquor. So I guess it's just my opinion after all.
Lately there's nothing positive except I love this man and his younger son.
I'd give some serious thought
I'd give some serious thought to marrying this guy. He does not sound like a prize, and you do not seem like his priority. Your household can't afford internet, which frankly is vital these days, yet he's paying everything for his kids? Unacceptable. The kids are the way they are because of the parenting. Put the blame where it belongs and if you decide to marry this man, stop blaming his kids, because it's more his fault than theirs.
You're absolutely right about
You're absolutely right about it being his fault. I've never said it wasn't. He raised this train wreck and all I asked is if anyone had been through this and had any idea how to fix it. Before I go any further in this relationship I need a solution to this problem or I need to cut my losses now.
This is not a situation you
This is not a situation you can fix. Your SO is not suddenly going to realize that his son is a lazy moocher. He has all the proof he needs of that simply by observing his other son ... and your daughters. I hate to say this but I think his main interest in keeping you around is having you help with the bills.
We've been together for 4
We've been together for 4 years and I've never paid his bills until he asked for the 400.00 last month. I will not continue on that path either. We didnt meet each others children till 2 years ago because we are both protective of our kids in that way. His boys have just started coming around for the past year regularly. I didnt have a clue that his oldest was so manipulative till 6 months ago. I hadn't spent enough time around him to know much about the situation. I was told he was the sweetest most caring person in the world and had been through so much. My future husband assured me that his oldest son would accept our relationship and be kind at the very least. He puts on a good show and has most everyone fooled. I think his dad feels helpless and doesnt know how to deal with this train wreck him and his ex wife created. He says he told his oldeat son yesterday that he better find a job because he cant afford to support him and his luxuries any longer. We will see how this goes and work from there. This blending of families is much harder than I imagined it would be.
yeah, no.
Thats hell. no. Do not marry this man who thinks its a very positive thing to "put the children first". Society out there teaches this, its a very common conception to have, yet, what does this actually look like? When we go out, Munchkin SD13 will give her opnion but I have final say. When Munchkin is with us, we dont really go out, we hang at home. We take turns choosing movies. Priorities change with need. The children when they are minors, should be the top responsibility, but not top priority.
Perhaps, if you think this is salvagable (I dont, based on your post and comments), perhaps try explaining it that way - priority vs responsibility. Talk to him about how he is enabling the elder SS, and actually encouraging his lack of work ethic. OSS needs to get a job, FDH needs to give him 30-day notice.
About excluding you and going on a "date with BM". Well gee, why is he with you then? "I dont know" is not an appropriate answer IMO. You need to be very firm and very explicit -no sugar coating! No spackling!!!
I've received great advice
I've received great advice here today and I appreciate everyones input. This is my last ditch effort to fix the problem. He has potential to be a great husband, but there's always that BUT....
I will have a conversation with him and hopefully he will see it the way that it truly is. I have nothing left to lose at this point. I promise everyone I will lay it all out and not pussy foot around the issues. I just wish sometimes i would have never put myself into this situation.
I hope the conversation goes
I hope the conversation goes well. I have always found it is best to have some notes to refer to ensure I don't get sidetracked - these DH's or STBDH's have such a great way of distracting us and trying to get us around to their way of thinking...or even worse - blaming us for what is glaringly obvious and preceeded your relationship, such as eldest SS simply doesn't want to work, other ex's have told your STBDH that he is too close to his ex, having original family dates that don't include you. Sadly it seems the list is quite long.
Thank you and yes I will make
Thank you and yes I will make notes for this one. I usually get sidetracked and forget or fail to mention key issues. I'm so discouraged because after putting all of this into an actual post and reading all I have wrote. When it all comes together I see why I've been so upset. Each of these issues alone would be cause for worry, but seeing them all in writing kind of makes the situation seem hopeless.
Yeah, I would rethink this
Yeah, I would rethink this one, unless you want to be supporting his kid for the rest of the kid's life. He's clearly capable of working (all jobs have to give accommodations to disabled people, it's the law) and doesn't want to.
I just hate being the one who
I just hate being the one who has to mention him getting a job. It should be obvious to everyone who cares for him. He doesnt like me obviously and will be resentful if he finds out it was me who mentioned it. Not that it matters,, but he will probably try to plan another outing with my future husband and his ex. Lol
At the moment, you are paying
At the moment, you are paying even your boyfriend's bills... so youbhave EVERY RIGHT to say something.
I do not pay hisBill's, but
I do not pay hisBill's, but he also doesnt pay mine. I have my own home and his boys come here to see him. Even though I do not pay his bills, I still feel I have the right to request certain things within this relationship. I will never force a man to change. If he sees it upsets me, he should make a decision to make it better or not. The issue with his oldest son and visits with his ex I am not willing to compromise on. He either puts a stop to it or we have to end the relationship. Bottom line! I guess i was just looking for suggestions about HOW to fix this problem.
Welcome to Step talk. Sorry
Welcome to Step talk. Sorry that your going thru this.
Is it safe to assume your boyfriends adult son who is disabled receives SSI? How much does he get per month? That also means he qualifies for free health care and other govt subsidies, correct? Maybe low income housing, food stamps.
In your community there should be Voc-Rehab who will help with skills and employment. Google it and call. They may be in the next larger city,,,IF you cant find them call your Social Services for 'direction'.
I don't have the answer to your question. What I do know is your boyfriend is not helping his disabled son BECOME the best he can be maximizing his abilities. Thus placing a very high burden on living siblings to care for him when they should be focused on their own seperate lives after boyfriend passes away at a rip old age I HOPE.
Find out how much ssi he is getting AND all other entitlements too. I would hate for you to be getting the shaft. LOOK up average ssi /ssdi monthly checks for 2017, 18, 19----your jaw may drop.
He doesnt qualify for SSI
He doesnt qualify for SSI because he is not disabled. He has been to doctors his whole life and they all say his stomach issues are because of lack of sleep and his diet. He had clubbed feet when born and it has been corrected with surgery. When he doesnt want to do something he claims hes either I'll or his feet hurt. It's just because he doesnt want to do anything. He sits up till 5am playing video games and claims it was because he was sick. Hes not too sick to slug back shots when there's a party here though. I've mentioned that also. My future husband has asked him to talk with the disability office to get help with a job. That remains to be seen. I have the feeling he lies about looking for jobs and services. Hes content sitting home doing nothing. Btw he doesnt live with me. His dad pays for his home etc...
Does your boyfriend pay his
Does your boyfriend pay his kids housing bills, while living with you but "can't afford to help" with the household bills?
He pays his sons bills, but
He pays his sons bills, but he really cant afford to. I know he feels guilt about the divorce, but they are grown now. He lives with his brother but comes here with his boys on weekends and sometimes during the week because my house is large. I provide the food, drinks and most everything while they are here. I'm not asking him to contribute, but I cant see myself marrying a man who let's his grown son act privileged in my home. If we were to marry, I would always be resentful that his son takes advantage of his father and isn't trying to contribute even though he knows his dad is broke. The worst was when he made the comment that his sons would always come first. Makes me want to tell him how much of an idiot he is.
If you stay in this
If you stay in this relationship (give that some serious thought, ok?), you need to set some boundaries for yourself. DH is free to do what he wants with his ex and first family, but that doesn't mean you just have to take it. SHow him you mean business and you require that he commits to his relationship with you.
Something like: "DH, if you ever have a "date" with your exwife or have "happy family" time with her, I will feel that you care more about her feelings than mine. I can't be in a relationship where I'm not your top priority. If that happens, you will need to move out of the bedroom (or the house, or whatever) until we can work through this with an impartial third party."
I also don't get why it's been ok with you to totally support these people financially. And why is your daughter expected to contribute when even your SO is not? I'd be stopping that immediately. You're showing your daughter that his sons are more important than she is. And that it's up to women to take care of loser men. Again, boundaries. If it is important that he provide for his sons and only his sons, he can just go live with them and let you and your daughter take care of yourselves. Stop providing your money to people who are clearly taking advantage of you.
LOTS of disabled people work--maybe he can't have a job where he's on his feet all day, but he can darn well sit at a desk. I could do MY job if I couldn't walk, and I make a very good living. A coworker of mine has severe IBS, and she works just fine with an accommodation. His physical disability is not his biggest disability, you know what I mean? My own DD, who was temporarily disabled, still went to school fulltime and worked two part time jobs. Gimme a break with the "can't work" nonsense. "Won't work" because he doesn't have to, and that is squarely the fault of his parents.
I do agree that he can work
I do agree that he can work and should. He does go to school but his grades are miserable. He only stays in school so his dad will pay his bills. He says he can't work because he is always sick. He seems to manage when we are all having a good time. I agree it's from bad parenting. He has been taught that whatever he needs will be provided.
The reason my future husband moved in was due to his health. He is well now and started a new business. He is an amazing person who was dealt a bad hand for a couple of years. He has always taken care of everyone else and put himself last. I saw this in him and decided to give him that hand up. I would never allow him to take advantage of my kindness for too long. The problem I have is with his older son and how he expects his dad to still provide while he sits on his lazy tail and tries to ruin our relationship. Btw my kids adore this man. He does try hard, but some of his beliefs and his Disney dad attitude really frustrate me.
I may have missed this
I may have missed this information but ... since he moved in with you, has he been paying his share of the bills?
He doesnt live with me, but
He doesnt live with me, but he may as well because they are here half of the week. My problem is that he pays his sons bills and his oldest isn't even looking for a job because hes become comfortable knowing his dad will give him money. His dad sold some property and suddenly his oldest son came to visit yesterday. We hadn't seen him in a month, but he knew his dad had the money so he came to tell him all of the things he needed which includes a new stereo and amp for his vehicle. He knows his dad has been struggling to pay his and their bills, but wants him to spend this money instead of waiting till he can afford it on his own. Makes me sick!
Wake UP, please!
You have a 14 year old daughter who should be your primary worry! NO WAY would I bring my minor child (nor my just-adult 18 year old) into that kind of a situation.
PLEASE end the engagement! Date the guy. Move out and away from him and his sons and just date him.
I always make sure my
I always make sure my daughter has what she needs and his sons do not live with me. His youngest comes sometimes but doesnt live here. My problem is that his oldest son expects to be supported his entire life as his dad has always done. His dad thinks he does no wrong and made the statement his son would always come first during an argument about his oldest son. His younger son comes to work with his dad and is helping get his business underway. I dont have a problem with his youngest son. His oldest son is never here unless we are having a party or get together. He only comes if we have something to offer. He comes once a month to get money from his dad. That's one of the things that makes me sick to my stomach.
If he can't afford to pay for
If he can't afford to pay for his part of your combined household and the one his sons live in, then he (and youngest son) need to go where he is paying (with oldest son).
New businesses (in general) need time to become profitable. Unless something changes you will be supporting him for years. And if the business takes time to be profitable, expect oldest son moving in too.
You are not married to this guy. If I were your friend IRL I'd be trying to talk you out of marrying this guy. I'd be telling you to stop supporting him. I'd be pointing out the huge red flags he is waving in this relationship. (Check the posts above for the red flags)
You are being taken advantage of. You deserve better.
The house is mine and I pay
The house is mine and I pay my bills. If I asked,, he would give me his last dollar (unless his oldest son wanted it I guess). He doesnt treat his sons as equal. He makes his youngest work off his portion of what he gets, but doesnt expect the same of his oldest. I see this and that's the reason I dont feel the same about the two boys.
I will definitely not marry him under the current circumstances. I am planning to start counseling next week and I hope my psychologist doesnt laugh in my face. Lol
I hope the psychologist echos
I hope the psychologist echos what ALL OF US are.
While your 14yr old daughter might have all she needs - she is still seeing how you are being treated, and supporting your bf (while he supports someone else and goes on dates eith his ex-wife). You are teaching her what is acceptable and what a relationship looks like. Not good.
Please love yourself more than you do.
The house is mine and I pay
The house is mine and I pay my bills. If I asked,, he would give me his last dollar (unless his oldest son wanted it I guess). He doesnt treat his sons as equal. He makes his youngest work off his portion of what he gets, but doesnt expect the same of his oldest. I see this and that's the reason I dont feel the same about the two boys.
I will definitely not marry him under the current circumstances. I am planning to start counseling next week and I hope my psychologist doesnt laugh in my face. Lol
You should not tolerate this
You should not tolerate this kind of treatment. When he divorced his ex wife that meant no more dates, kids don’t have a two parent family anymore. That would be enough for me to leave him. Then SS came home and rubbed it in your face. That’s unacceptable. Kick him and his kids out of your house. They can go stay with BM and play happy little family.
This was one of my biggest
This was one of my biggest issues, but I was made to think this was normal behavior. That just because his son invited him, he should be able to go. To top it off, I was invited then uninvited. All of the talk about me supporting him is not the issue. I do not support him or his sons. He has had his own money for the most part, but his kids blow it. When they come to visit I do end up feeding everyone, but the biggest thing about that is his oldest son refuses to do chores or help with things like cleaning up. He even leaves his plate on the table for others to pick up. His dad usually does it for him. I'm just frustrated at the fact everyone babies him. For Gods sake, he is 22 years old!!!! If it wasn't for this spoiled brat of a grown child, I wouldnt have many issues with this relationship at all. BUT because everyone tip toes around his feelings, he is making my relationship unbearable. I get the feeling he wants to form a wedge between myself and his dad and hes doing a great job of it. My future husbands ex is now getting a divorce and I'm pretty sure it's for some of the same reasons I have mentioned. He doesnt want his parents with anyone else. His mother's husband was a hard working man and would come home to this spoiled child in his home playing video games and snacking or sleeping all day while he worked to provide for the home. They all feel they are entitled. Their mother included. She is the reason he is like he is today. My future husband has allowed this to go on for waaayyy too long. He doesnt see that it's not good at all for his oldest son to act this way.
...and that tells me that you
...and that tells me that you have your answer. If your STBDH doesn't acknowledge this behaviour or do anything to stop it, he then becomes the problem for you. If you can't make him see reason with discussion or counselling, I would definitely bow out early. Otherwise it will not change and you will end up with a worse situation in years to come.
My thoughts are with you, this is such a difficult position to be in.
It really is a terrible
It really is a terrible situation. I've lost sleep trying to figure this all out. I think I will drag him to counseling with me and maybe the psychologist can put the situation into a better light. He just thinks I'm being mean and dont like his son. I neither like nor dislike him. I dont agree with his behavior and it hurts me to see how he treats his father. I wont marry into all of this if it cant be fixed.
Why, exactly is this guy your
Why, exactly is this guy your future husband with all of the crap he represents.
Well he may not be if we cant
Well he may not be if we cant resolve these issues! What would you rather I call him? so, my bf, my friend? At my age, they are all just words we use for someone special in our lifes who we have formed a romantic bond. I do hold him partially responsible for the upbringing of his sons. He and his ex wife have never shown them what the real world is all about. I want him to try and understand that because he has cared too much about hurting their feelings and coddling them while they were young, he has crippled them emotionally and socially. My future husband, so, bf/friend understands there is a problem, but he gets upset when I give advice and it turns into an argument. As for my future husband, we dont have many other major issues besides his oldest son and the fact he thinks his adult children's happiness should come first.
Please don't subjugate
Please don't subjugate yourself to your SO's past. It never works out well for those who make this mistake.
You have to come first as does his relationship with you. If he is putting a child or an X even close to a priority over you and the relationship, the relationship will fail. His tantrums over discussions are just another indicator that he does not consider you his equity life partner and in fact considers you as something less than....
Take care of you. Find someone who is at the very least an adult and not a stunted semi-adult.
You do make a valid point. I
You do make a valid point. I suspect his emotional growth has been stunted by the fact that he has not allowed himself to be in a serious relationship since his divorce 19 years ago. Our relationship has been the longest in his lifetime, lasting even longer than his marriage. We've been together for 4 years. My marriage lasted 20 years and I am better equipped at dealing with problems within a marriage. It's very frustrating to know that if I want to talk about issues, he will shut down and not communicate. I will not continue to allow him to put this relationship as a second priority. If counseling doesnt work, I will run very very fast to the nearest exit!!!
You don't have internet to stop SS coming over too much.
It is very clever and sensible. However, you and your girls (who could probably use internet) will be deprived it forever instead of confronting DH and SS about the problem? Before you ever marry this needs to be addressed, all of SS's controlling behaviors need to be stopped or you accept that the adult infant severely negatively impacts your life and your kids FOREVER! Find your boundaries.
For me, I would ask your guy to move in with his son until things can be worked out. He is paying for it all anyways. May not be your choice, but it would be mine.
Best of luck.
Maybe I should stop them from
Maybe I should stop them from coming over as often, but they dont live here. We have unlimited internet on our phones so we dont have a problem in that area. We can tether to our computer from our phones if need be. We can watch Netflix etc. by connect to our television so we are all comfortable except his oldest son. Guess he doesnt get a good enough signal where I live to maintain a connection. Lol
I guess you may be in your mid to late 40's
ma'am pleaseeeeee
your being used and you don't care your being used.
I wish you the best !!
I am in my early 50's and
I am in my early 50's and dont feel I am being used. I come away from this relationship if it ends no worse for wear. I will be disappointed, but I will be no better or no worse off. I dont pay his bills and he doesnt pay mine! We have not mingled our finances or our home lives. So exactly how am I being used?
I forgot to address your
I forgot to address your previous replay about how I should save my money for my REAL kids!! This is one of the problems with people who are wanting to enter a relationship and form a blended family. If I marry, my kids become part of a family unit. This family unit is two broken pieces trying to come together as a whole. As previously stated, I do NOT regularly pay his children's bills. The problem with today's society is that relationships and marriages are expendable. I am trying to salvage what we have built on in this relationship. If I fail to make him see reason, I will end the relationship. Not because he isn't a good man in most aspects of this relationship, but because we all have dealbreakers. I am willing to do the work needed to become a family unit. People like you are not. That is the difference!!
I think that you are missing
I think that you are missing a very important point. The point that makes any family whether a blended family or an intact initial family. It has zero to do with the children and everything to do with the adult relationship/marriage at the core of the family. Without that relationship being unequivocally the priority for both partners, without each partner being the priority for the other then there is no family. People who put all of the effot into the kids, do not have durable marriages.
Those in blended marriages put in effort in nearly an infinate number of possible ways. Though each person in a blended marriage has a unique menu of contribution.
No one goes into any marriage intending for it to fail. STalkers are no different. All put in the work. Some do it in ways that can be successful, others ... not so much.