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Do your Skids PAS your Skids against you

Disillusioned's picture

H`s eldest is PASing SGS against me as much as she can

For example, she will get SGS super excited about seeing H when H and I are visiting. Talk endlessly prior to the visit about how GRANPA IS VISITING!! Are you going to show GRANDPA your new toy Ask GRANDPA to play in your toy room with you. Give GRANPA a hug when he arrives etc... etc...

Nothing wrong with that. I`ve overheard H`s eldest talking about how she always does this when YSD is coming home (once or twice a year) will show SGS pictures of her and do the same thing AUNTIE is visiting, give Auntie a big hug, show Auntie your toys, ask Auntie to babysit you and so on

H`s eldest does this also with H`s sister and FIL. All good, however, you know she NEVER does the old GRANDMA DISILLUSIONED is coming, hug Grandma Disillusioned, etc... etc... NO WAY

She will however distract SGS whenever he does try to talk to me. If he sits in a chair beside me she will find an ``appropriate`` reason he should sit somewhere else. If SGS asks for H, H`s eldest will make a big fuss about SGS asking for H. If SGS asks for me she will tell him to hush or change the subject }:)

She is working hard to further rub in my face that she does NOT consider me family by bringing SGS to treat me the same way. It is uncomfortable as the child grows closer to H and H`s family but is distant to me - ALL H`s eldest`s daughters doing

Have any of you experienced this

tired and stressed's picture

This will only work for some time...SGS will get older and will not be easily distracted away from you.