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Why is child support taking so long

stepparent111's picture

SIgned SS bio mother up for support 6-8months ago. We call CS people every month or so and they are still in process of whatever. Bio mother lives in another state and is destitute and lives with her parents. She lived off of mooches off of whoever she can. I know she has tried to become totally disabled in the past because she is lazy and does not want to work. She has some health issues that I don't beleive are so bad the state will render her lazy ass excuse my language totally disabled. 

I think the system is sexist because my husband paid CS for a kid for 20 years and he was almost totally disabled multiple times through that unable to work and he still paid and if he got behind paid back and I think it's ridiculous that this woman doesn't have to be responsible for her kids in any way and everyone just looks the other way. It is totally sexist and bullshit!

Anyone have any CS experiences similar?

Jcksjj's picture

But it took me 11 months before I got into court for child support to start. I think most states are pretty backed up and slow.

CLove's picture

It is completely ridiculous, broken and totall paints the father as either a deadbeat or simply a sperm donor. ToxicTroll, she never needed support, but a week after we eloped, she served DH his papers for court. When DH finally got his day in court with ToxicTroll requesting a child support modification because she wanted the money I was spending on the child for herself, the judge heard him speak his mind as he related how he has always supported his children, provided and did ALL transport to school.The judges response was "oh really, well keep doing that, and oh by the way Child Support is now blah blah blah." 

 All the judge really did was plug some numbers in a calculator (we are in California) and give him the lowest amount in a table. We were crushed. Not only is ToxicTroll getting alimony now, she is getting child support, and we STILL have to do everything. the child still expects us to get her clothing and supplies, and treat her out to places, take her on fun outings. And we are still expected to pay her cell phone bill. 

It is a broken system that just assumes that the father is "bad dad", and must be punished forever. As the second wife, I hate having someon able to legally steal from us.

stepparent111's picture

I would stop doing all that extra shit and tell SD well we pay your mom and she is supposed to be doing all that for you. The system is so sexist. I can't tell you how many fathers get the shaft my DH paid CS for 20 years for kid but when he signs up baby mama watch and see I bet we don't get anything which is so why single fathers don't even bother to sign up their baby mama's for support. I mean as a country we can't expect to stop their partying free loading ways and make them pay their fare share since they helped make the kid but heaven forbid that they be responsible in any way for their children if men did what they do they would go to jail for abandonement.

Rags's picture

Whether a CP father actually receives CS from an NCP mother or not having the order in place and a huge arears is a big stick to use to beat the toxic NCP mother into submission.  I would let her wallow in an ever increasing pile of CS arrears debt and when the Skids need clarity... show them the facts in age appropriate manner.  Mommy is a deadbeat.  

If she ever buys a house or accrues significant assets then CP Dad can put a lien on her shit and keep delivering her to a state of abject misery.

Eventually the NCP BM may end up on the huge deadbeat list and her ass could go to prison. 

Hey, it could happen.

thinkthrice's picture

if the NCP has a penis does HE go to jail.  I've heard the horror stories about judges ASSUMING that biodad is NCP and lighting into him only to sheepishly back off then try to run the numbers to keep NCP bio MOM from paying any CS whatsoever.  False chivalry.

Rags's picture

The litmus test should be the same whether the NCP is mom or dad.  The presence or absence of a penis should be irrelevant.

I am not a fan of the bottom 10%ers of the legal profession morons who end up on the family law bench.  Sadly there is not much that we can do about it when we run into one of them which happens far too often.  I did get  the attention of one by running a full page add in his local paper withhis pic, the SpermIdiots arrest pic, a redacted pic of the Skid publishing how that judge forced that kid to spend time with a known criminal (arrest record published  under the SpermIdiot's picture) with a big question on the end Do you want this person making these decisions in your county?

Our lawyer got a call from the Judge's office demanding that we pull the add before it published.  Apparently the Judge had a relative in the local paper that called him when the add was being prepared to run.  Ultimately I did pull the add.  The good news is taht idiot Judge never heard another of our court actions over the years we battled with the SpermClan.

We ran into him a number of times in my DW's small home town.  He would grimmace when he saw me and would stay as far away from me as he could manage.  To me he was a bug on the bottom of my shoe.  I aparently made a larger impression on him after he issued his ruling.  I did comment in court immediately after he made his idiot ruling and banged his Fisher-Price wooden hammer to close our hearing.    He heard me.  Our attoreny and my bride were talking at their table in court when I stood up and walked throught he bannister gate to join them.  The Judge called the Balif over and wispered in his ear. The Balif then approached me and instructed me to step behind the bannister.  I went straight to the newspaper office from that hearing.



stepparent111's picture

The CS agent said that they are trying to serve her at the moment and that is taking forever and the CS agent says she has seen certain types of people who shall remain nameless for discriminatory reasons that she says have about 7 different addresses and I quote we don't have any issues here serving those types of people.