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What exactly is residential custody

Melanie Christine's picture

My boyfriend has very recently been granted residential custody of his son, who is 3. His ex-wife voluntarily gave up their son. I do not know what exactly residential custody means, I asked my boyfriend and he doesn't really seem to sure what it is either. Can someone explain to me what exactly this is and what rights he has. Thanks!

smileygirl's picture

Basically, it just means the child lives with you. All details of rights should be layed out elsewhere in some agreement typically. This generally just means the kid goes to school from your home; if your below the poverty level and needed medical assistance, food stamps, etc. you could get them for him as he lives with you and if BM works then it's possible he could get child support. Every child has a residential costodian. Even in a 50/50 split one parent has resedential custody.

BSgoinon's picture

It means the kid lives with you, but all legal decisions (medical, school, religion, etc) are made by BOTH parents. It's like "physical" custody as some states word it.