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Was This The Best Way to Handle this? (cross post)

step off already's picture

This summer BM will have two weeks on/ off visitation with SS13 for the first time. The CO does not state what the dates will be, so DH and I decided to write BM a letter with the proposed schedule. Since there is a Restraining Order against her, and she likes to argue about EVERYTHING we thought this would be the simplest way to handle it. Our fear was that if we didn't make the first move she'd either a) blow it off or b) come up with something crazy.

Basically, we offered that her first two week visit would start on summer's first Friday visit (the one that usually starts her EOWE) and then run for two weeks. Exchanges would occur on Fridays and would then return to EOWE after school began back up. Nothing odd here.

We will be providing her the letter Friday during her next scheduled visit.

We also added that we trust she will bring SS to his practices which will be held at a specific times during her visitation, per the court order. We also put something in there that she should contact us ASAP should this not work for her.

Anything you think that should be included in the letter? Or something that should be adjusted?

Loving_My_Family's picture

We have a similar summer schedule with no actual dates in the order which sucks for planning. I would just add that the exchanges and pick up/drop off for sports should be done only by her so she cant weasel out of it and have a random person driving the child around. Good for you on making the first move!