SO Attempting for Custody--Truancy Issue
Good Morning,
I have been on the site intermittently over the last few months and lots has changed lol.
SO filed a Change of Custody after BM served SO with CS Modification Papers. This looks suspicious right? Well both Skids SS14 & SD15 DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL EVER...SD stopped going to school in Oct 2013(Mental Health Issues) and SS has failed Gr.8 (this is the second year in a row that he has failed- they no longer fail kids in Ontario, they promote them to the next grade...f'd I know).
After a long battle with the school board, SO has learned that for the last 4 Years both kids have missed at least 30-60 Days/year in combination with a few lates/missed periods...anyhow SO did not have access to this information and was not on the access/emergency list---if this doesn't spell out PAS not sure what does--the principal had to call up BM and ask for her permission for those records-at this point BM couldn't say no. BM was almost charged with truancy for SS-if she didn't get him to school.
I told SO to go for Custody after SD's Overdose in November 13'(I feel she left the hospital far too early -3 day stay and cuts herself still).
In BM's response to SO's request for Custody- she wants his request dismissed as it appears to be a reaction to having CS Modified.
I realize that it is up to the courts discretion as to what the ultimate outcome will be.
But what is the likelihood of SO obtaining custody reasons for Truancy Issues for the last 4 years? And SS failing 2 years in a row?
(BM is NOW doing something about the truancy, but did F-ALL before the School threatened to take her to court)...She also lied in her response and said that SO had full access to school records...we have evidence he did not.
We cant afford a lawyer and he makes too much to qualify for legal aid.
Any advice/ legal wording would be great.