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paternity testing

starfish1012's picture

Has anyone's DH's BM ever demanded paternity testing with the court?

How did that go?

I'm worried our BM is setting up a situation with DH. She's now back together with one of the men she cheated on DH with (and has claimed to be SS's real father to other people in the past).

If anyone has gone through something similar, please share your experiences.

Thank you!

starfish1012's picture

She has told others in our town that someone else is the dad and now she's dating him. She's not doing anything yet, but it makes me nervous. She lies a lot and goes low to get what she wants---whatever that may be.

starfish1012's picture

The child is 9. DH would forever fight to remain the legal guardian.

I think he's too afraid of the possibility of a negative match.

just.his.wife's picture

Once a dad's name is on the birth certificate... it's done. He is the LEGAL father even if he is not biological.

Heck most of the time the court wont admit DNA testing as evidence even IF the legal dad is contesting and has proof he isn't the bio... if legal father dad isn't contesting..the court 99 times out of 100 won't even look at it/ entertain it.

just.his.wife's picture

Legal father allowed the bio father to adopt him.

If legal father (on the bc) had fought it the court likley would have sided with him. I can totally understand ghosts DH reasoning for allowing the adoption: the kid had been PAS'd beyond all hope. But if it had gone to court with BM pushing it, she would have to admit fraud, purjury (the divorce decree) and likely any CS would have had to have been paid back. Hopefully with interest.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Inbred tried that...that is how she screwed herself out of DH paying back child support. Judge told her how do you expect him to provide for a child you told the court was not his and he has no rights to? Boy did that piss her off.
It takes a while yes, that's a while of him not being able to see the kid because a judge isn't going to sign a temp order if there is a chance the kid isn't his. The reasoning being it would not benefit the child to get emotionally attached to a person who might not be a relative and therefore the mother can deny visitation. But on the bright side if you have proof she's claimed the side piece as the real father or the BM is telling the court your DH is not the father than say bye bye to back CS and hello to a judge that already has a bad impression of this woman. Lucky!!

Rags's picture

No need for DH to wait on his X to force a paternity test. DH can initiate one on his own without BM's knowledge. Next time the skid visits collect a hair send that and a DH hair off to a private testing company. If he is found to be biodad he can jerk BM to court to get her to STFU about her fantasy of someone else being daddy.

If it comes out that he is not the bio he can use the information to be ready to shred BM in court, sue her for repayment of all of his CS, and set her up for loss of custody do to her criminal life as a fraud and extortionist, and otherwise destroy her in the community and own her ass for the duration.

I would. And I would have a great time doing it. }:)

Don't fuck with my kid even if I have no bio connection to my kid. In my kid's case there is no question that the Sperm Idiot is his Sperm Dad. He looks just like that useless POS. Fortunately his mom and I were able to counter the influence of the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool and our son has turned out to be a young man of character who at 22 has accomplished far more than all of the preceeding Sperm Clan combined.