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Non-custodial BM

kristina0121's picture

My husband has custody of my SS and BM gets visitations EOW. Just about every time she has him she calls and says that she doesn't want him anymore. He needs to come home because he doesn't listen to her. She puts him down talking about how stupid he is and how no one thinks he's normal or right in the head. He also comes home telling us about how BM told him that he can never go back over there, that if he calls and asks she will say no. She tells him that she used to like him when he was a baby but not anymore. She says she can't stand him because he's to wild and crazy. (He's not like that at our house. I mean once in a while because he's a 6 year old boy, but not how he is with her. He tells us he doesn't listen to her, and we always tell him how he needs to listen to her. We can't do any more than that to help her out.) But he came home and today was telling me how he's never allowed over there again. Told me all the names she calls him and how she doesn't like him anymore. He started tearing up saying he will miss her. I told him that he will see her again, and he fight and argues at it that she said he will never see her again.
She's not someone we can really talk to.. not even DH... she won't listen and yells and hangs up on us. So how can we fix this? I'm not worried about her but how can we reassure SS that he's not losing his mother. I hate seeing him get so emotional and worried when I know that when it's her visitation next, she will come and get him. Is there anything DH can do so that she can't say these kind of things to him? It's really damaging him. Does he have any legal rights? I'm just not sure how to handle it.

And she has told us certain weekends that she won't take him. She saw him for Christmas but didn't get him anything. She had him half of his birthday and didn't get him anything and didn't get a cake or anything. Then she had him for Easter and they did nothing again. Each time he came home sad. There are even weekends where she sends him home early because she "can't stand him".

Chel Bell's picture

he should not be around her at all....the emotional damage she is doing to him right now will last a lifetime. I cannot imagine, as a mother, saying those things to my child.I know you don't want him to loose his mother, but in this case it sounds like he already has. :(. There is nothing you can do to force her to stop going on saying these things. This is soooo bad for him to hear. I feel for you and your family, I would not trust her to even be "safe" while she has him. This is just my opinion, and this person sounds like she needs mental help, and until she gets it, give her what she wishes for, until she gets real help, and makes progress. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.

sparky's picture

Get him into counseling immediately and work on the damage control. The damage has already been done and he will probably never be normal, but at least you will know that you tried. The relationship between a parent and child is a sacred one and once the abuse starts they carry it all of their lives.

smurfy1smile's picture

I would keep him home away from BM and do fun stuff with him. Take him to the park, do chores together, stuff to let him know he matters to you and you love and care for him. I agree he needs some counceling for damage control. If my BD7 came home from her BF's saying things like that, it would be the end of his time with her. No one has the right to treat anyone that way - not an adult, not a child, not a dog.

Just be the best "bonus" mom you can be to him and BF too.