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NJ Child support guidelines

GreenTeaTime's picture

Does anyone know how child support is determined in NJ? We are up for a review this year most likely, and I;m trying to be proactive in finding out what to expect. I'm really afraid DH will get scrouged for more, since hes making about double what he was making when the order whet through. However, ss should be leaving Daycare this year, and we will be adding the cost of healthcare that DH pays for ss into the mix. Also, BM may be moving halfway across the country. Does anyone know what percentage of your pay they base CS on in NJ?

bellacita's picture

or just google child support calulators in NJ...the one on all law isnt inclusive but it will give u ballpark

ColorMeGone2's picture

You can register to view your account information and pay your CS online here...

Here are instructions to completing the worksheet...

Here's the sole custody worksheet...

Here's the shared custody worksheet...
