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Need advise...battling for custody again???

tequina's picture

Our story is long and drawn out. The short of it is that I lost custody of my kids because of the following: 1.He remarried 2.I called him names and got irrate with him on a call that he recorded 3.He had a lot more money than me (should be #1) 4. I was internet dating (not with kids). 5. Fabricated denial of his visitational right.

I even had a VPO on him for assaulting me in front of my bios. He had me evaluated by a PHD psychologist and I proved more stable than him. I walked away from the home I bought after the big D to move closer to where he moved my kids away from me. I filed a motion for 50/50 visitation and was denied, without a word. Crazy crap like this occurred.

I was the primary parent in my boys lives until they were ripped from me on 06/07/09. So I have waited this out and have since remarried. My youngest son of 13 has come and asked if he can come live with me. Ever since BD got custody, he has had emotional issues and his grades went from A's to D's and F's. He is begging me to fight for him.

My divorce and the 3 custody trial, many hearings, many motions, etc. have cost me everything. I have cashed in my retirement to fight. I lost my house and have sold off nearly everything I have. Since marrying, I have finally began to come back from this black hole which began in 2004.

I am going to file a motion for custody of my son but am scared to death that I will lose. I am afraid my son will go furthur downhill and I won't survive it again.

Any thoughts???

tequina's picture

He is the sole custodian...that breaks my heart.

I was reduced to every other weekend Thurs night thru Sun night and alternate Wed night. God...I miss my boys.

tequina's picture

According to my attorney in Oklahoma, at the age of 12 a child can talk to the court but the courts can override their choice, due to a supreme court ruling.

I will always fight for my babies.

tequina's picture

Believe me...I do document everything. I have learned to only email or text for the documentation trail. That psych study was ordered by the court. He and my kids went thru it also. I paid half which came to $2,700. The psych testified at our trial.

I have often wondered if my "rich" ex has paid off the courts. I never would've thought that would really happen until my situation.