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Has anyone had any luck getting changes made?

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

SD8s BM has weekend visitation 3 weekends a month from 5 pm Friday to 5 pm Sunday. BM has to pick her up on Friday, and DH has to pick her up Sunday.

BM pays no child support. We are going to court tomorrow to file for a modification. When we originally went to court and were ordered to allow visitation, DH had a job where he made his own schedule. He no longer works there. Now he is making signifigantly less money and working at a job where he has little flexibility. He has tried to get Sundays off but can't, and he is scheduled to work during his court ordered pickup time.

BM of course doesn't work at all, but always goes to court with a sob story about how she can not physically transport SD both ways, and cannot afford to pay for the gas (she's an hour away on Alaskan roads).

Has anyone had any luck going back into court after a job change and requesting that the non custodial parent be held responsible for all transportation? DH isn't trying to throw her under the bus, but he doesn't have the flexibility or seniority at his job to get his scheduling requests considered.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Yeah, me too, but I have a feeling we'll be stuck with it. We weren't going back to court just for that...there are some other things that have to be addressed, too, such as the fact that DH has sole legal custody and primary physical, but she hasn't been ordered to pay CS. She's indigent, but there is a state minimum that she has to pay even without an income, and she's indigent by choice.

She's asking for more visitation for the summer (only because she wants to get out of paying CS) so we want to have a court custody investigator assigned to the case. We'll cross our fingers and see how it goes. Can't be any worse than it is right now.