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Does child support decrease as child(ren) get older?

Kimommy's picture

We live in IA, and I thought I remembered my dad's going down as I got older but he died when I was relatively young so I'm not sure my mom or I would have seen a big difference. I know it goes down if we have additional children (which we've been trying for awhile now), but I thought in IA it decreased as the child got older? I ask because she's adamant on taking him to court every two years, when the state says she can, and we just like to have a general idea of how it all functions. Smile

Sunflower1's picture

Talk to an attorney or use Iowas basic child support calculator. I think in most states support is factored by income not the age of the child.

dontcallmestepmom's picture

My DH's CS was about to increase, but his son finally graduated high school at 19, so CS ended. The reason it was increasing was because the state did a cost of living increase. DH's income had not increased. Had his son decided to go to college, he would still be paying CS, but it would have been the same amount, unless there was another cost increase. In my state, it goes by income, not age of kids. Also, in our state, If the kid decides to go to college, CS will continue...I think until the kid reaches the age of 21.

Anon2009's picture

In most states it is when the kid turns 18 or graduates high school. However, I've heard of it going until said kid is 21. I could understand that if the kid was disabled, but other than that, I think it is ludicrous.

Aeron's picture

There are a few (3?) states, New York, Indiana and Mississippi, as well as District of Columbia in which CS laws state that it is ordered until 21. There are other states it can/does get prolonged after 18, but it varies by state.

Kimommy's picture

It's 18 (or until high school is finished here). Hmmmm, I thought I remembered reading that.

And trust me, we're more than happy to pay child support, but she gets a VERY LARGE amount and then complains she gets no money. I never said we couldn't afford more children, we can. That IS a factor in this state, and if she demands to have it re-looked at every two years then it's going to bite her in the behind at some point. I apologize if I was taking a comment the wrong way, but I don't appreciate comments on our ability to afford anything.

I came back here thinking this was a supportive environment, but almost every single thread I see someone being attacked. I give up...

oldone's picture

I think a requirement to pay child care cost would age out if that is in addition to CS. But don't count on it - some of these 17 year olds still need a keeper.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Oh yes, good point--many times the CS takes into account. day care and if your BM chooses an expensive one, then it may go down after the child ages out of it, but you have to be sure it's in the writing of the CO that day care and CS is separate.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Babies are cheap...teens are money sucking vortexes. I feel like I am either writing a check or handing out cash every other day.