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BM is about to be served

ElizabethLauren's picture

BM is about to be served Change of Custody papers any day now. She's going to be so pissed. We have a serious case of parental alienation going on though. Something has to be done. I'm hoping that's enough to get custody. She also doesn't tell DH anything about doctor visits, school activities, etc. The only time he hears from her is if she needs money for co-pays. She talks bad about us both to SD. There's no way to communicate with BM - in person, phone, email, text... she allows SD11 to hear and read them all. Very frustrating and highly inappropriate. I have a feeling this is going to be a long ordeal...

gstaff92481's picture


Yup, she is going to be pissed! Ours was! DH got the "what are you trying to prove" phone call from BM.

Just remember, no matter what she says stay calm, cool, and collective and it'll piss her off even more! She's wanting a reaction out of either of you. Don't give it to her.

It probably will be a long ordeal. We filed for custody on 4/15...she didn't get served until 3 weeks later. Our original court date was set for 5/23 & BM called and got a continuance and now were waiting until 6/30 to even have our first court date on this!

ElizabethLauren's picture

Thanks for the reply... and I love that you wrote "did it on em" because you have no idea what that song does for me right now. I love it. Smile

WhattaMess's picture

It will be a loong drawn out ordeal... I got court papers, for change of custody.. I wasn't pissed, I didnt react at all..He got nothing from me personally, but he did get a counter complain from the court house, and a Letter to the Judge that I submitted. Which royally pissed him off the I had the nerve to "react"..ummm Duh?? :?

I simply opened it, read what the court order's said I had to do, and I am doing them...

In the second minute of getting the notification, after reading it thouroughly, I laughed and said to myself "See Ya in court Buddy"... Actually, we have mediation first...... Blah Blah Blah

Hopefully, she will be smart, and not react........ just see ya in court!