WTF moments with SKIDS
What are some of the things your skids have done that your jaw drops and people wouldn't believe it, I'll go first....
1) Dropped out of HS a week before graduation ( later got GED)
2) first PAP at 18 came home and hung the results on the fridge for everyone to see
3) Stole Birthday cards and birthday money from my kids
4)Dropped out of collage 2 weeks before graduating to be EMT
5) didn't want or try together drivers license until age 20 (Daddy bought her a car at 16)
These are only a few, there's so much more, It's quite apparent she was fighting and refusing to grow up and be a responsible adult as long as she could.
Please share your WTF moments with your skids!
SS: Numerous car accidents
Numerous car accidents for being careless and not paying attention.
Stealing from me
Finding out she also stole from her aunt (SIL)- took her thongs!
Getting pregnant at 16
Not telling anyone until she was 4 months pregnant- not seeing the doctor until she was 4 months pregnant
Giving birth to baby when she was 5+ months pregnant (probably from lack of care)
Dropping out of HS with only 1.5 credits to go
Lying to DH about going to school senior year and lied and said she graduated
Getting kicked out of BM's house WITH a baby
Getting kicked out of BF's family house WITH a baby
Thinking she could come and stay at my house after getting kicked out
Getting her car re-poed even though she was living with BF and family and not paying rent and receiving $700 a month in SS for baby.
Moving into "luxury apartment" where her rent is more then my mortgage payment
The way she dresses
The way she dresses
Overall- when I met her I was like WTF- she is just entitled, spoiled, snotty, bitchy, etc
Telling me what gifts I need to buy her son for Christmas and no please and thank you
Bashing me on social media
Telling me she would forgive me for the way I treated her dad, if I forgave her for bashing me on social media. (Ummm no bitch, I dont need your forgiveness for putting your dad in his place)
Making plans with DH and then blowing him off when she is in town
Coming to town and making zero plans with DH
Whining on social media and to DH how she never sees him when she is in town
Omg zero you just reminded me
Omg zero you just reminded me of many more with sd that I pushed to the back of my brain. . Lol. And wow to having 4 SKIDS how do you do it?
I am mostly disengaged...
I am mostly disengaged... that is how I do it. 3/4 are adults. I get along with SS, so that helps. The rest are girls, ages 15, 18, 21- so that pretty much explains it
Baby was due at end of August
Baby was due at end of August 2013 and she had him Mid May. He was in the NICU until end of August.
She actually seems like a good mom, the few times I have seen her with him. I know the BF's mom does a lot for the baby. Not sure their relationship now since she got into a physical altercation with her BF mom who was letting her live with them rent free and paying for everything for the baby.
Never bite the hand that
Never bite the hand that feeds you.
Well, not really WTF moments
Well, not really WTF moments because I was not a bit surprised.
SD purposely got pregnant at 17, quit school a month or so into her junior year, and eloped (she tried to keep that one from us).
Then, her and her idiot husband had another kid exactly a year after the first (they couldn't afford the first one but hey, BC is such a hassle).
She's now divorced and living with BM. And has no job.
There's lots of little things, but honestly, she's not too bright so the list would be long and I'm at work.
Oh my God, why would your SD put her PAP results on the fridge?!
I'm telling y'all she will do
I'm telling y'all she will do ANYTHING to get Daddy's attention, I used to put school paper with good grades on the fridge I guess she was happy she passed her PAP she wanted to show Daddy! Sick girl.
Look Dad! I dont have
Look Dad! I dont have chylamydia!
I must say, I used to be so
I must say, I used to be so different around my dad, so modest.
Nowadays, these girls literally barely fall short of riding their own dads in is so vulgar and disgusting and so very foreign to me... like they are trying to seduce these fathers. Sick
I agree UHugh, I feel my SD
I agree UHugh, I feel my SD has always been pissed because I share. A bedroom with her Daddy, I swear she probably thinks she should. I can't figure out what goes on in their mind, do they not realize how inappropriate it is, wait they do know because from what I've seen they don't act like that to Daddy when their friends are around so it's basically done to compete with us the SM's!
"Dad! You need to buy a
"Dad! You need to buy a house so you have something to leave your children!"
She is almost thirty now and said this only a few months ago.
My SD was telling people she
My SD was telling people she was a Trust Fund Baby! Bahahaha we are comfortable but no where near Rich, she was married for 3 months at one point, when she got married DH had a savings for her which was like $15,000.00 he gave her so I guess she thinks there's more!
Omg notasm that is crazy!
Omg notasm that is crazy! Wow to your SS thinking the salt was cocaine, their thought process is so far gone most of the time.
Omg notasm that is crazy!
Omg notasm that is crazy! Wow to your SS thinking the salt was cocaine, their thought process is so far gone most of the time.
Wow, Thank God you're away
Wow, Thank God you're away from that, what a loser he will be living with his Dad the rest of his life.