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Worst step mother ever? Extended family vent.

Tangible's picture

So this was posted on FB by my uncle's wife yesterday: "I have a question, with all the inovations on cars right now. . . .stopping within inches of a collision. . . . .sensors for baby carseats, things like that, then WHY hasn't anyone come up with sensors on the vehicles that will stop, or not start when a child or an animal comes into the way? If they have this just WHERE do I find it? If they do NOT have it then how can I lobby to have it installed?"

Does this sound like a pretty casual statement or inquiry to anyone? Believe it or not the lady that posted this accidentally ran over and killed my cousin's two year old daughter (her step grand daughter) not even three days ago. That side of my family is inconsolable with grief right now and this B is hopefully either still in shock or in some kind of deep denial, something has to explain how casual she's being about the whole thing. My uncle is on suicide watch over his grand daughter's death and his wife hasn't skipped a beat posting the same chain mail type crap she always does on FB. Even though the police ruled it a tragic accident and she won't be charged with anything I can still understand not making any public statements about it, especially not on FB. But if you are going to make a statement that your friends and family can see shouldn't it be a little more heartfelt and compassionate than "gee they really ought to put sensors on vehicles."

fuckitall's picture

She sounds like a sick depraved person with no sense of decorum. Personality disordered probably.

notasm3's picture

The old "it's not my fault - there should have been a sensor to protect people from my stupid ass decisions."

robin333's picture

How horrible for your cousin. While I find her post distasteful, I also know people grieve differently (some in drastically different ways).

still learning's picture

That is tragic, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. It was tactless and inappropriate for your aunt to post that on FB. Some people really need to stay off of social media.

Rags's picture

I would say that she is a narcissist and is making her killing of a toddler all about herself rather than about the baby she killed and the family that is devastated because if her negligence. Time for your cousin to get a team of lawyers and sue the crap out of the SGM and take her for every penny she will ever be worth.

I would.

Rags's picture

Yes it happens but accidents also have consequences. And they should. If there is no indication of criminal behavior that does not forgive civil liability.

Her insensitive and public demonstration making herself the spectacle would motivate me to destroy her to the fullest financial extent if she had killed my daughter.

Now for my parallel. We had two neighbors that lived across the street from us. One at 11:00 out of our front door and the other at 1:00 out our front door. The 11:00 couple had two boys one was a toddler. The 1:00 couple had three children and the woman ran a daycare in her home. She also watched the 11:00 couple's toddler. 1:00 had a pool. The toddler was not adequately supervised, fell in the pool, and drowned. He was not found for more than an hour.

The negligence of 1:00 killed a baby, destroyed a family, and destroyed friendships. There were consequences and those consequences put the 1:00 family in the financial doghouse to the tune of $Millions little of which was covered by insurance.

SGM killed a child. Accident or not, rather than be a reasonable person of character rather than show regret she has turned the incident into her public presentation of her as the victim and is fishing for attention.

There should be consequences.

If she killed my child, she would spend the rest of her life living in a refrigerator box under an over pass with a will work for food sign readily at hand. Even if I would have to put SGM’s husband, my GrandFather, in a matching Frigidaire box right next to his killer wife. My response would not be as aggressive had she not stooped down so low as to launch a FaceBook campaign get public attention for her killing of a baby.

I am sensitive to babies who die because of the neglegence of adults. My baby brother died when I was 8. He was 9mos old. My parents called the embassy doctor who refused to leave a party. The baby was taken to a local hospital rather than to the embassy clinic because the party doc refused to open the clinic and attend to my brother. He died. As an adult I understand that the party doc did not kill my brother but I can't purge the possibility that the baby might not have died had a Western doctor in a Western facility treated him rather than relegating the baby to a local 3rd world hospital. A week after the baby died I went to Sunday School with some neighbors. My parents needed some alone time to grieve so my little brother (then 2yo) and I went with the neighbors.

As we were leaving Sunday School I came face to face with Party Doc. I told him that my brother had died and then I punched him. It felt good. I had overheard my parents talking about the whole sequence of events with some family friends.

Had the death of my brother been in the US my parents would have destroyed Party Doc and his entire family for generations. At least financially.

I guess I have some baggage.

Last In Line's picture

I am sure she feels horrible about this unless she is just 100% an evil person...I think most people would feel horrible if they accidentally ran over any person (or even animal). I don't see anything wrong with her asking this question--her grief, her way of handling it. Some folks are more analytical than others.

As far as an auto-shut off type thing, that's just not really a feasible device. There are back-up cameras that could prevent most of these types of accidents, but what works even better is supervising the kid so they aren't in this situation in the first place.

Stepped in what momma's picture

^^^This^^^is my question as well.
Where were the parents of the child or who ever was supposed to be watching the toddler?

I think people grieve differently, her question is a logical question but certainly with FB sometimes what you type and watch you mean are not conveyed correctly. I hate FB.

misSTEP's picture

I am sorry for what your family is dealing with right now. It is a horrible thing.

That being said, can you imagine what would happen if you were cruising down the interstate and a deer jumped in front of your car? The options would be (if there were such a sensor) that the car would hit brakes on its own (could cause loss of control) or that the engine turns off (causing the power steering/brakes to no longer be functional).

My friend has a new car and it beeps if something is behind the car when she has it in reverse. That might be the best they can do until Google's driverless cars take over the world.