Why does society keep on focing us to accept "Kids come first."
Check out this article,
"Dating a single parent can be a really rewarding experience, especially when everyone agrees the kids come first. A lot of people actually struggle with this and I think it ends up being a deal breaker a lot of times."
This is something I cannot agree with. Kids come first, what exactly does this mean? I am a bio mother and my son belongs to my husband. I love my son dearly but he does not come first all the time. If my husband or my stepdaughter is sick, I drop everything in order to take care of them. In my house, everybody is equal, nobody come FIRST. Our needs are all equally important.
Why does society keeps on emphasising this very sickening concept, "kids come first?"
I have a girlfriend who took her bio son to the mall for a pair of shoes when her husband is in the hospital fighting for his life. Her poor excuse, "My kid comes first, if anybody cannot accept it, they are not worth it?"
Let's face it, on this website, we tell each other we as step parents, have rights and needs too. If we decided to take care of ourselves first, we are not selfish or "evil". But it seems like society does not agree with us. It is truely depressing.
“especially when everyone agrees the kids come first”
To me, this is just weird thinking.
To me, A kid is going to follow suit – that is go along with whatever is in front of them – until they know (and can do) better.
Placing a childs happiness at the center of one life is dumb, let alone placing it front and center of two merging lives.
For the child(ren) to be happy, the parent(s) must be happy in order to provide stability and create an environment for the child(ren) to thrive.
Kids happiness and health are important, but they shouldn’t be the most important thing in an adult relationship. I’m still a believer in a “top, down” management style, freak “bottom up”.
edit: Parents, both single
Parents, both single and married, must place the UNION of the adults as FIRST. The children are very important, but kids are also learning from the parents how to relate and deal with the opposite sex. I know married parents that simply live through their kids and pay little attention to each other as husband/wife, lovers and companions. Those parents wake up one day when the children leave the nest and wonder “Now WHO are you again?” That is a lonely road and leads to many breakups. I even know a married couple that was contemplating divorce have the counselor tell them “If you are staying together simply for the sake of the kids, that is the absolute wrong approach.” Kids ARE important, but paying attention to each other so you can set a loving example for the kids should be positively #1.
Kids ARE important, but
Kids ARE important, but paying attention to each other so you can set a loving example for the kids should be positively #1.
^^^This! I totally agree that children's needs absolutely need to be met. However; this does not mean that they come first allllllll the time. If parents/stepparents can't present a united front and show the children what a healthy and good relationship looks like, how are the kids going to benefit?
Absolutely. This is exactly
Absolutely. This is exactly what I believe in too. Thank you
Yes. I think so too. It is
Yes. I think so too. It is truely sad that many step parents believe they are the "evil" ones.
I absolutely believe that a
I absolutely believe that a MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP comes FIRST!
Two people are coming together to join their lives and themselves (hopefully) forever. That should come first. Period!
Children are a product (for lack of a better word) of a relationship/marriage. They are to be cared for, taught morals, values, respect, provided for, etc. they then grow up and move on with THEIR OWN LIVES...and what is left? You guessed it!!! The MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP...the two people that came together to live and have a life together.
I believe what I read another poster put on this site:
Marriage = #1 Priority
Children = #1 Responsibility
Plain and simple. That is how I feel about that bs that "kids come first"!!!!
Absolutely. I am nobody's
Absolutely. I am nobody's doormat.
Wow very well said I love
Wow very well said I love that!
Exactly, completely agree
Exactly, completely agree with TASHA .^^^^^^
I will never understand why a
I will never understand why a person who feels the relationship comes first will remain with someone who feels his/her kids comes first.
I agree! I would never stay
I agree! I would never stay with or be with a man that put his kids or even bm before me and our relationship...ESPECIALLY if the kids/bm were as awful as we read about on this site!!!
I hear ya on this one. When
I hear ya on this one. When I first met DH and SD14, she was 12 and totally controlling her parents, as they'd allowed her to do all her life. DH told me right off that bat, "my daughter will ALWAYS come first, no matter what". So I looked him square in the eye and said "Well, thanks for putting that in clear perspective, because I absolutely know I'm not the girl for you". And his jaw dropped. He thought (and was taught) that kids ALWAYS came first, no matter what.
After I explained to him that you're not marrying your daughter, she will eventually grow up, leave you and get a family of her own and then where do you stand? You definitely won't be FIRST in her life will ya? He started seeing the light...otherwise there was no way it would've worked between us.
He slowly learned that his dear daughter was acting as a mini wife to him as he'd pretty much taught her to do and that it was a totally inappropriate relationship.
I agree. There are huge
I agree.
There are huge differences between "needs" and "wants". I define a need as anything that you can’t physically live without to have a safe and secure life. Shelter, basic utilities, clothing, food, and transportation are all basic needs. Again, I think we’d all agree on this part. I think we’d also all agree that paying for cable would fall under the “want” category. But, issues arise within these “needs” categories where you’ll find a lot of disagreement among people.
I don't think any one or
I don't think any one or anything should always take a higher priority than anything or anyone else.
A lot of people on this site feel that the relationship should always come first. I have to disagree. When I hear people say that my mind always goes to those news stories where the boyfriend has abused the kids, sometimes to the point of killing them. And the mom just focuses on her relationship and puts it before the wellbeing of her kids. And inevitably she stands there and defends the acumen bag to the.media saying how she loves him.
Or my mind goes to those parents that have an endless string of partners that they drag in and out of theory kids lives. Wanting to be in a relationship and not giving a crap about how it affects their kids.
But.... Going too far in the other direction is nothin.g but problems as well. No good comes for making the kids the center of the universe and letting them call the shots.
There has to be a balance and give and take. I will honestly say though, push cakes to shove, I will chose my kids over my husband any day of the week. It's not even a hard choice. When I gave birth to those kids it became my responsibility to raise, love and protect them.... And do what I have to do to help them reach their full potential. That is the one thing in my life that I will not fail at.
I've heard the rationale on here.....well, the kids grow up and move out, but ill be here forever. I see it as... These kids will always be my kids and I will always be their mother, but relationships come and go.
What a thoughtful post! This
What a thoughtful post! This is exactly what I believe in too.
Balance, boudaries, putting yourself in others shoes. These are the good values to pass on to any kids.
I agree with you on that
I agree with you on that point. I believe the marriage/relationship should come FIRST...BUT...if ANY man or woman was abusing their child whether it was verbally, mentally, or physically THAT is when their child should take precendence over the SO.
I loathe my BF's S11 BUT I would never lay a hand on him. His kid is HIS problem not mine.
Exactly! My son belongs to a
Exactly! My son belongs to a first intact family (my husband and I). His needs sometimes are above my own, I have to admit that. But Not all the time. Like I said, if anybody in our family is sick, then I will drop everything to take care of the sick person. I will never take my son to the mall just for a toy when other family member in my family is in the hospital fighting for his or her life. That to me is insane and is highly irresponsible.
Thank you, DP! This is my
Thank you, DP! This is my husband's first marriage to a T, give a take a few babysitters. The kool-aid they all drank is still felt at times.. it is quite poisonous. I think the BM has a personality disorder, which led her to alienate the kids from my DH and his ENTIRE family. The skids, the BM, and my DH all seem to agree that the skids do us all a favor by walking the earth in our presence. Their dad is just there to be kicked around, he was a bad husband and continues to be a bad father.
The BM cannot see her children unhappy at all (as in, "why go visit your dad's parents? you will be so bored and miserable"). Makes me shudder.
I read somewhere recently, in an article addressing parenting,
If you cannot tolerate your children being unhappy, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG BUSINESS!!!
Hear, hear! It is not my job as a parent to make sure their every whim is taken care of, it is my job to raise them to be decent human beings.
Kids Come First should be
Kids Come First should be addressed to the divorcing parents so that they get over their conflicts and not drag their kids into the battle. Kids' interests come first: they have a need for a stable home, for being taken care of in many ways, and not much of a voice in decision making - esp. after the divorce. The second marriages that include kids should still impart values, and the value of ME and MY Wants Trumping Everything is not high on my list.
Great! This is what I
Great! This is what I believe too!
I agree with what you are
I agree with what you are saying. I believe that you should strive to give a kid the best life possibly and stability but without happy adults there can't be stability.
My SO works offshore while he's gone I'll find stuff for SS and I'll ask how he's doing etc but that time is built on us missing each other and many in depth talks about solely US. Other talks are what needs to be done in the house to make it better for SS. I hate his job but it forces us to talk about everything.
When he is home 15/21 days we have SS and even though he becomes a major focus we still have "our" time set aside when he is there to work on us and keep the adult stability that is needed. We also have a weekend that is our weekend where we go on a adult date to keep our relationship renewed which makes it easier when SS is around to not feel the tension of who is supposed to be "first" and rather focus on what will help SS become the best man possible and then help us be the best parents.
BM says she doesnt bring men around him but I think it is a lie because everyone once in a whole he'll have a new 'buddy'. Even if she doesn't she is a nut job and provides no stability she lives off of CS and cries almost everything, so I feel my obligation to stability is higher than most.
And couple of weeks ago she made a comment that along the lines of kids come first and stated "If I had a boyfriend he would stand in line for me and let me sped time with my son, and if he had a problem he wouldn't be around". This came from sports pictures for the local YMCA where SO and I stood in line not only to for our pictures but hers too (long story but we have a notarized contract for repayment) and she took SS and left us to do the work while she had fun with him. This not only pissed myself but SO off aswell and his response was
1. He didn't want to pretend to be a happy family over there with her
2. It wasn't my job to stand in line and be used (which I offered several times)
This showed me how not only how backwards she was on the 'kid' comes first yet any other time it would have been all about her and she would come first.
I was happy he stood up for me though and even with offering to let SS first he realizes that there needs to be a sense of equality - and there is a right and wrong time for the kid to come first.
IMO, every person in the
IMO, every person in the family is important. There are times the husband and wife should and must come first.
There are times the children should come first because of health reasons, responsibility etc.
The children's thoughts, ideas, decisisons should never come before the other spouse.
The ultimate goal is that every person in the household should feel loved, secure and safe. But the husband and wife should be a team together, their relationship needs to last long after the children have gone on with their lives.
Unfortunately SM decisions
Unfortunately SM decisions and thought process es aren't always what's best for the kids... Heck must of you guys don't even live your skids so the thought prizes would undoubtedly be skewed against them... Itsdifferent in intact families even both parents equally love the kids and have their best interest at heart. So even intact families put marriage first, they're not going to be thinking some shit like "ugh, why I'd thus kid here all the time? Can't we just shove them off on someone else... Meanwhile your biokids are there 24/7. So.... In broken families a bio parent is usually aware of the fact that Step patent thoughts are negative about their biokid and less likely to listen to your decisions... Regarding their kid you can barely stand.
"But seriously, do you women
"But seriously, do you women put your SO before your bio kids (with a different man)?? Or do you just expect your husband to put you before HIS kids?"
I am kind of a walking double standard too. My BF has his kid EOWE & 2 hours every Wedn. I know that he has to do the "daddy thing" and be there for his kid etc. so I deal with it as best I can. (I loathe his son btw). However, my BF puts me, us, and our relationship FIRST. When he has his kid I just go do my own thing so I dont have to deal with all the bs and it WORKS for us!
I put my BF and OUR relationship FIRST to a degree. He comes first UNLESS my child has a need that I need to address. I want to be with this man for life. So I feel that our relationship comes first. I do what I am responsible/supposed to do as a mother. I love my son, provide for him, spend time with him, etc. But he will grow up and move on with his life and not be in my life as much because of that fact.
So I am a believer in...
Marriage/relationship = #1 Priority
Children = #1 Responsibility
This post is funny and I too
This post is funny and I too think I have somewhat of a double standard....my new marriage is extremely important to me. I love him and want to be with him forever. HOWEVER....and isn't there always a "BUT"??, my kids are a biological connection to me. I love my husband to the ends of the earth, but I love my kids MORE. I always will. And I loathe my stepkid too, thus why i'm here on steptalk. If put to the point where I had to CHOOSE between MY KIDS or MY HUSBAND, i'd choose my kids every day and twice on Sunday.
that being said, i'm not going to let my kids rule the roost or override my husbands rules or whatever. If he tells one of my kids to clean up their toys, they better clean up their toys! So, I don't think I really put EITHER of them 'first' all the time. I think it's kind of a mix....but i'm also a wicked stepmom and MUST be put ahead of his nasty kid ALL THE TIME lololol, j/k...
I am right there with ya
I am right there with ya dledden...I better come before skid every day and twice on Sunday unless he's in a coma or something along those lines...and NO I'm NOT joking... }:)
I don't know who came up with
I don't know who came up with the mantra "Kids come first".
Probably the same idiot who said wait six months to a year before you meet your SO's kids.
I waited a year before I met my BF's son. By that time I was soooooooo in love with BF, I didn't want to admit that his son was a little terror. I stuck it out another year before finally calling it quits. If I had met the son in the first few months of dating, my judgment would not have been clouded by emotions and would have realized the relationship was not going to work.
Don't feel bad. I met 2 of
Don't feel bad. I met 2 of my DH's kids (he has 3-I have not met the third one because he refuses to meet me) a couple of months into the relationship. I saw that they were odd, but they did not unleash their full wrath until me moved in together over a year later. That is when they got really really bad. Yeah, I saw things at first, but when they realized we were serious, all hell broke loose.
Thanks Dontcallmestep You're
Thanks Dontcallmestep
You're right, I've read on here of several women whose step kids didn't turn into terrors until they got married to the dad.
I'm glad I at least saw it before I moved in together with him or got married to him.
I for one am sooo glad that I
I for one am sooo glad that I got to see what skid is like BEFORE I marry my BF. Now that I know and have seen his true colors and what he is capable of I choose to have nothing to do with him. When BF has his kid it is solely HIS responsibility to spend time with him, take care of his needs, see him, etc. NOT MINE!
And thankfully BF and I are on the same page about skid so it works for us!
I think 'Kids come first'
I think 'Kids come first' should be replaced with 'Kids should be seen and not heard.'
In my skids case it should be
In my skids case it should be neither..... }:) ....sorry I just had to, you made it sooooo easy...it was just screaming at me to comment on!!!! hahahahaha!!!
If you read my bio, I'm the
If you read my bio, I'm the matriarch of a nuclear family. (SS36 is my nephew). I have always put my kids first, and so has DH. (I never watch Dr Phil or Oprah, I'm an old time Phil Donahue fan)You only get them for 18 years, actually my 2 oldest went to college at 17. Now that we only have DD12 at home, we have a lot more time for each other, and we are enjoying it emmensley. Knowing that we have and will always do the best by our kids. Maybe this approach is old fashioned but it worked for us- our family is close and happy.
Caveat: "doing the best" by
Caveat: "doing the best" by our kids isn't enabling or preventing them from falling on thier faces if they need to.
If I am reading this
If I am reading this correctly then I agree....kids will NEVER learn if we coddle them and do everything for them and let them rule and run the show and our relationships. Tough love in many cases is the best love for our children to help and enable them to LEARN & GROW. IMO.
You can't strictly enforce
You can't strictly enforce any type of heirarchy as to who comes first, second, third, etc.
It's a situational argument, at best.
If skid falls and is obviously hurt and requiring medical attention, I would not ignore this just because DH and I had previous dinner plans.
If skid is throwing a temper tantrum because we won't take her to the movies with us on our date, I would leave her home as planned.
Everyone should feel loved, secure, and valued in the home. By saying your spouse always comes first is telling the kids they will always be second; or vice versa. It's just silly to me, because we all know it's rarely the case 100% of the time.
Hear hear! The marriage
Hear hear!
The marriage should come first!
My DH always put his kids first even when I was fighting for my life. I hate him for it to this day and resent the hell out of the kids.
Our marriage counselor said indeed THE MARRIAGE/YOUR SPOUSE comes first and then your children.
I'm worried for the World when this generation of kids grow up because they think they are special. I've never seen more entitled or lazy human beings. It's pathetic and disgusting.
My children were adults when
My children were adults when I married DH but I let them know that DH comes first. I told them I love you, please try to get along with DH for my sake even if you don't agree. They are excellent!
I also told DH don't try to keep me from visiting my children. I will visit them with or without you. He is very good about this.
I have put my marriage first but my children were raised to show respect to adults and are very respectful to DH.
SS17 thinks that he should be DH's priority (over me)because he is his child and a minor and has told DH that several times. SS is an entitled lazy brat that thinks what he thinks and wants should always come before everyone else in DH's world.
The "kids come first"
The "kids come first" supports don't understand what entitled brats they are creating.
That's never true with any traditional, 2 parent family yet it gets imposed on "single" parents.
With my now x-H, when we first got married his priority was our marriage which set a solid example to his two sons about what a husband/wife relationship was suppose to be. They certainly didn't see that when their parents were married. And SD (who was from a casual relationship he had as a teen) has never been part of a normal 2-parent family. His priorities before everything feel apart were his wife, stepson and providing for his kids from previous relationships.
Then he started family therapy sessions with my then SD, had several recommended books from the therapist about fatherhood and then everything was turned upside down.
I had a major medical procedure and needed my husband's help. Where was he? Visiting SD because he wanted to prove he was super supportive dad seeing her do a presentation in theater class.
Why did he go? Because he felt that SD, SD's therapist and SD's maternal relatives would judge him to be a bad father if he didn't go.
He was taking unpaid time off from work to go visit SD as well. It used to be men were judged good fathers by working and providing for their families. My dad never went to any of his kid's sports or school events. My mom did all of that. But he worked his tail off to provide for his kids, send most of us to college. But still men are expected to pay CS but also then cater to their kids whims and follow them around like their fan club.
I completely agree when I
I completely agree when I first started dating my now DH everyone told me I should never expect to be first, ya know since he already had a daughter. Being naive I went along with this, until I realized that you can't have a solid family if the parents/stepparent don't have a love and respect for each other. Plus I think it's good for kids to see a working relationship so they require the same respect when they grow up.
I am with you 100% on this
I am with you 100% on this one! The idea that kids should always be put first is just disturbing. That idea is creating a bunch of spoiled, entitled brats- and who wants to raise a spoiled brat? Not me. This idea is fairly new, so I am attributing it to the increase in step-families. When nuclear families were the norm and steps were rare, that idea was unheard of. Either the spouse came first or everyone was equal, but never were the kids first 100% of the time. Of course, issues arise where a kid will be given priority but that should only be with certain issues. Kids who think they come first become brats. Bottom line.
This is an old post BUT a
This is an old post BUT a relevant one i think ....
My husband says this is his motto when it comes to marriage but he somehow ended up with a narcissistic brat for a kid.