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what will the courts do with ex ???? Need HELP

pat's picture

I want to take my ex to court because she is keeping my kids from communication with me. My girlfriend tells me that the courts will only, ALWAYS give her a slap on the wrist ! So , what is the point of a parent agreement if the courts will only say (don't do that again .)

pat's picture

She plays games with the phone and dates that they are available.Also , schedules activities on my days.

dguiwh2334's picture

F*ck that!!! If there is an agreenment with the courts, she CANNOT withhold the kids from you!! If you have your set days, she needs to abide by them! When my bf first started his divorce his crazy ex did that!! And there wasn't even an agreenment set in stone thru court yet. I told him to document EVERYTHING!! Dates and times you call, when you have them and all that! He even called his attorney.. One day he was supposed to go pic them up (an hour drive from our house) when he got there she started fighting with him and locked him out of her condo with his daughter inside! He was livid and left.. Half way home she calls and says "your daughter want to go with you.." He was sooo pissed! He almost didn't go, just cause he didn't wanna give into her games.. I'm sorry your dealing with thism its ridiculous! But call your attorney or go to court! Its not right!!!!

Anon2009's picture

The judge will get tired of her after giving her so many slaps on the wrist. I agree with what everyone else said- document everything.

Gestalt's picture

I agree with Anon, the first or even the second time might get a slap on the wrist, but you need to go through it anyway so there is a record with the court of the situation....after a couple times the court will give her consequences

Pantera's picture

Get a good lawyer if you can and keep pressing for contempt. They may give her a slap on the wrist once or twice, but when the court feels its being made a mockery of, they will finally do something. Good Luck.

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

I agree with Pantera and everyone else. Document everything and I would make it known to BM that that's what your doing so when you go to court you have all the documents required.

I had to do this when BM and I first separated cause she was with holding the kids from me as well and it scared the living daylights out of her cause she thought that I would go for full custody so she cut the bullshit out quick smart. Good Luck mate.

Formally known as Dani - RIP Baby Girl