What have I gotten myself into..
Before I start..I will say I have come to realize what a major mistake it was to get involved with a man who's divorce isn't final. We have everything in common..and he's a great guy. I'm so happy with him. Too bad his wife is a horrible horrible lady. I know I should run for the hills. sigh..just need to vent I guess.
This woman constantly texts him and refers to me as his slut. Why? because I am apparently stealing her husband. She can have her boyfriend but it seems he cannot have a GF. She cheated on him nearly a year ago and they seperated about 6 months ago. He is working part time and a full time student, so all his money is going towards college. He can't afford the divorce and she dances around it everytime it comes up. They have a 6 year old girl together. He hasn't worked in a few years while he has been going to college. He has been a stay at home dad doing all the cooking, cleaning, child-rearing (also raising 2 of her kids from another marriage), payed bills, grocery shopping, personal slave....etc...(He also gets about 1200 a month from SSI). Unfortunately, she feels she is entitled to reap the benefits of his education, not me. It seems I am now "stealing her money" as well.
2 weeks ago, she got mad at him over something and told him she would call the police and report their car stolen since the title is in her name. In this state, the property is considered joint so they can steal the car from each other all day long and nothing will happen. At the time, we didn't know that so she got the car. She already has a new one herself, his just sat in the parking lot gathering dust. He became very familiar with the public transit system and the passenger seat of my car... That car (which is barely in driveable condition) was the only thing he asked for when he moved out. She got everything else.
A few days ago, the boyfriend got a text from her saying I needed to back off from "their daughter" or "I will be sorry." Not sure where that came from, but she is kind of psycho, so I gave up trying to figure it out. 2 days ago, I walk out my front door to find her parked on the street..She tells the BF she was looking for her daughter...when her daughter was at her house. Then last night my BF decided to go get his car. He goes over to her house and just drives off with it. She comes knocking on my front door, wanting "her car back." I call the police. They argue with her for 20 minutes before she figures out she isn't getting it back and drives off. We get another text "You messed with the wrong person, I will make your slut's life miserable."
During all of this, I have yet to ever speak to her. She starts new drama everyday. I have been nothing but nice to her children, which my BF brings over whenever she will let him. She says I make her look bad since her kids have fun at my house. And probably because I am not an evil bitch like she is...
Anyway, will those 2 comments (text messages) qualify as threatening? (Ones about me being sorry and making my life miserable) I'd like to get a restraining order so she can stay the hell away from my house and just leave me alone... Restraining orders for threats are free, but if its only just for harassment, that is $350..which I don't have.
I know. run. run. back away. i know.
We are in california. I
We are in california. I believe this is a no fault state. I think I read somewhere that it will be split down the middle regardless of who made the money and who spent it. And he gets his degree in December.
Well I am going to go down to the courthouse today and show them his cell phone, hoping they take that text as a threat and waive the $350.
I realize it is just a piece of paper she will probably ignore. Which will probably help us in the divorce.
Don't vent here.
RUN - its gonna get worse I guarantee it.
Don't waste more valuable time on this relationship.
There's an exception to everything I say.