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"we should be speaking to each other like 2 mature adults"

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BM called my boyfriend (from a friend's phone because all her calls go to voicemail now) and she was screaming at him that his lawyer sent her lawyer the updated CO for her to sign, (apparently because BM did not want to pay her lawyer again?) Of course, my boyfriend was sucked in, and he argued with her for about 5 minutes and BM started spouting off things like she was not going to agree to the things he wanted now and she was going to decline a bunch of other crap and then she hung up on him.

He came home and told me, and I told him he got sucked in. Email only communication was working. She was being pleasant, he was being pleasant. BM needed her vent release on him that she has been craving for weeks now, and he let her get it. BM is ONLY HOSTILE over the phone. In person, she is too meek, over email she is now understanding that it could be brought up in court, so she is TRYING to keep her cool. I told him he's got to take away the phone. When she calls, voicemail. If he answers not realizing it is her then, "Hey I'm busy/I can't talk/I'm working, if you need to tell me something email me." CLICK! ---And yes, I coach him. I don't tell him what to say, but I do stop him from provoking her, make him wait half a day to respond her her emails that are not important, point out what things in her emails that are just digs at him that should NOT be acknowledged in a response.

So he sent a friendly email to her saying he was ready to move forward with the CO changes she wanted as soon as he got written confirmation from her of what she did and did not agree with. SO,............

This was apart of BM's response email:

"All of this could be wrapped up quickly with a phone call. I'm tired of feeling like I'm in the middle of labor negotiations. These are our children, we should be speaking to each other like 2 mature adults. Not like one of us needs approval or coaching from someone else."

Of course she says they "should be speaking to each other like 2 mature adults", HOURS after she called him to yell at him for 5 minutes about this SAME documentation she is wanting to "be wrapped up quickly"...

Oh, BM,... I wish someone WAS coaching you.