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Was really looking forward to the weekend off!!

kaseynboys's picture

We have the skids for the summer and BM gets them every other weekend. This weekend is HER weekend. Well SO's Brother, SIL, and their kids are coming in from out of state this weekend. The kids would have seen them all day Thur and Fri until early evening when they are picked up. I though that was good enough. Well nooooooooo SO gets home today from work and tells them they are going to be here this weekend. Never talked to me about it first. Didn't even tell me, he told them. These kids hate me, and I have to take care of them all day everyday alone when he is at work. I get from Fri evening to Sunday afternoon every other week OFF!! Now I don't get that! I am gonna end up snapping if I don't get a break!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

unbelieveable's picture

If you two live together - and you already are taking on the responsibility of watching these kids during the day he needs to talk to you about these decisions. I don't understand why these men think we are nannies? Why are we never involved in decision making? They seem to think that it's our responsbility to watch these kids YET we have no business having say in anything? I don't get it. This does not make sense.

kaseynboys's picture

Exactly!!!!! I never know anything until the decision has been made, and I am always the one stuck with these kids!

We do live together. We have been together for 4.5 yrs and have a 3 yr old together too. He has SIX other kids and I have 2. My two oldest (twins) are out of state spending time with my parents. The ones I am stuck with all the time are SD12, SD10, and SS8. They are the worst behaved of the 6 (all three from the same BM which explains why they are complete pains in the ass)

I am already planning on leaving, I just wont have the $ until the end of September. Wont help me get through this summer from hell!

rancherswife's picture

Okay-is there anyway you can get away with you kids for the weekend? If so, DO IT!!! even if it's to a park, library, anything. It is NOT your job to babysit, especially on no notice! I hate it when I get a "Suprise! SD 24 is coming!!" Like I need to stop everything!

kaseynboys's picture

I can't get away this weekend because my BIL and his wife and kids will be here. But even getting away from them isn't all of it. I ONLY get alone time with SO when his kids are not here!

Speaking of just leaving...... oh how many times have I been so fed up with my skids that I just wanted to up and leave in the middle of the day.... just take my 3yo daughter, get in my car and leave their asses here at the house alone! GRRRR

what-was-I-thinking's picture

You should pawn those monsters off on your BIL & SIL!! then take your DD3 out, even if its for the day. Check online in your city for free things to do, just google "free things to do in (name of city)" You are not a babysitter!!!

I'm counting down the days until July 27th when I will be free again!! No more rude, disgusting, ill-mannered, stinky, pig of a skidmark!!!