Viewing pictures and videos of DH's EX/BM. How do you feel about it?
This weekend the topic came up about viewing pictures and videos of your DH's Ex/BM in family pictures and videos. One person said they think that all pictures and videos of just DH and Ex should be destroyed but if the child is in the picture/video that is ok. Another said they don't want them in sight no matter who is in them. What do you think? How do you feel about viewing them?
Honestly I hate to look at
Honestly I hate to look at family pictures with BM in them. In fact I went through all of my DH's old photos including his wedding album, and I threw away every picture of BM by herself and of BM & DH together. If SD was in the picture, I left it alone. Obviously I couldnt go ripping up pictures of SD as a baby with her Mom in the picture. I hate to go over to my MIL's house because she has a room dedicated to SD and calls it "SD's room" and there are old family pictures in there of DH and BM together. I hate it. Hate hate hate it. I definitely threw away every picture of BM in her hideous wedding dress though. If SD wants them when she is older, she can have her Mothers copies because her Fathers have been long ago destroyed.
Lucky. SO won't let me get
Lucky. SO won't let me get rid of the wedding photos "in case SD wants to see them someday".
I'm not sure if it'd bother
I'm not sure if it'd bother me. I think that they're necessary for the emotional health of the kid(s)...maybe?
I really don't know...
DH has never taken pictures with BM so luckily I don't have to deal with this issue, and it's never even crossed my mind...
After DH and I had been
After DH and I had been living together and got engaged, we went through our "stuff" from previous relationships. He kept all pictures of him and his kids. He sent back any and all that had her in it with a letter asking that she do the same. She sent some snapshots to him but that was it.
We burned all of her letters to him. Should have kept them though. Proof of what a horribly skanky SLUT she is/was.
I've reached the point it
I've reached the point it doesn't bother me. I've been through their pictures time & time again. We don't put them out on display or anything, but when we moved into our home together, I did purchase photo albums & I went through, matching duplicate copies together & organized them. Then I put them away with all of my old pictures from my marriage & time with my ex-husband.
I would be furious if anyone ever tossed my pictures from my previous years...any of them. They are mine. Again, they are not display. I don't pull them out for a trip down memory lane, but they do have their place with me. They are not just pictures of me with some other man. They are record of my life & my years. Some of my years included my ex-husband, just as some of DH's years included BM. I don't like it, but I've come to accept it & seeing the evidence doesn't hurt me anymore.
I would never be the one to determine what of his should be kept or tossed. As an adult I love seeing pictures of my parents. I love looking at pictures of me as a child with them. I cherish what I have, & I expect his kids will enjoy the same when they are grown.
Same here, we have old pics
Same here, we have old pics but do not display them. For good or bad this is my daughters father. And for good or bad she is the skids mother. It is.
What really creeps me out is that crazo has pictures from her and SO's wedding on facebook, not her and her current husband but her and her ex. Now that is weird.
Also I do not want to sit around and look at pictures or watch movies of my SO and his ex or me and my ex.
I think you need to keep them for the skids, and that is it. We have digital albums and photo albums in my home, that we have taken over the last 3yrs we have been together. The skids are always picking one up and looking throught it. Kids love pictures.
DH has no pictures of BM. He
DH has no pictures of BM. He only kept a handful of pics of himself with SD, and any of SD alone that she gave him.
Funny story: DH and I had a destination wedding. While at the resort one of the nights, we were at the bar, and DH had his wallet out. In his wallet was a picture, only the picture had a corner cut off. It was a family picture of BM, SD, and himself when SD was maybe a year or two old. Since DH hates BM but liked the picture in general, he kept it but cut out BM so he could keep the picture. I had to laugh; I couldn't believe he did that!
For how much MIL tells me she hates BM and is so thrilled I'm part of the family now, she took a VERY long time to take down the framed newspaper announcement of DH and BM's wedding. They finally did about a year ago. DH and BM had been divorced for at least 10 years by then!
Nope, the thought of her and
Nope, the thought of her and sight of her makes me sick to my stomach, and I mean it really makes me sick, I am a wreck when drop offs and pick ups occur I actually get physically ill. I have gone through everything and labeled the box SD5 or SD3 at the age of 18. They can have them if they want but BM has done so many horrible things to myself and FDH. She is pure evil, she is rude, nasty, vindictive, manipulative and I will not have her in our lives any more then what she has to be.
I don't care as long as I
I don't care as long as I don't have to look at them.
BM took all the pictures when
BM took all the pictures when she moved out. There are two pics of the family in SD's room one is up and the other she tucked away in a drawer. The one that is up is horrible
BM is a very small woman she is about 5 feet tall and maybe weighs 100 lbs and that is pushing it. It is a snapshot of all of them SO is holding SD she looks to be about 2 and the other two girls are on one side. BM is holding onto his arm and her hair is totally covering her face wearing a Tshirt that is about 10 sizes too big for her. She looks terrible!!! I laugh every time I see it }:)
The funny thing is when she found out I was moving in she tried to bring over a huge box of pictures for SO. The same pictures she fought him tooth and nail over. She felt that he needed the pictures for memories. He said No thanks LOL. I wish he would have took them I would have loved to see some pictures of her. I still to this day have never seen her face to face. I have been with SO almost two years and we live about 5 mins away from her.
I haven't nor would I throw
I haven't nor would I throw any of them away, but I don't want to see them. If i run across any I put them in the drawer in SD room. I have pictures of my ex but I don't put them out anywhere. They are all put up in a box somewhere.
I sent a big plastic tub of
I sent a big plastic tub of baby books, wedding pictures, and family photos to Jabba. The rest I either burned or ripped up and threw away. Don't want ANY part of that nasty witch in OUR house.
I sadly had to endure MONTHS
I sadly had to endure MONTHS of seeing Nasty's face all over the place...that ended the day I put up pics of MY ex so that the "dogs won't forget their daddy"...yup, all pics of exes came down that day (YAY for winning due to BRATTY behavior!)
The SKids have a pic of their BM in each of their bedrooms...I picked it out & I put it there (in collage frames).
SO & I went through their "family" pictures & sorted them photo's & pics of them with their BM have been put away for safe keeping. Pics with just SO & BM have been disposed of (by him) & he kept two from their wedding for the SKids as well.
MIL has pulled video & pics out from SO's "happy" time with Nasty...I simply grabbed my cigarettes & headed for the nearest exit. She has since taken down the frames she had of Nasty & SO & seems to have grown a massive distaste for Nasty in general, so I don't think I'll have to worry about her little strolls down memory lane anymore (YAY ME!).
Honestly, I will not put myself through a walk down memory lane when it involves my SO & his evil POS XW, Nasty. I may be prone to suffer through anything to do with BM Redneck, but to me, Nasty is simply insufferable.
LMAO!!! I love that you put
LMAO!!! I love that you put up pics of your ex, because the doggies missed their daddy. That is seriously awesome.
And to answer the question...there are ZERO pics of BM in our house. Never have been, never will be. SO has no desire for them to be here, and Skids don't seem to care either way.
Never in a million years
Never in a million years would BM's hideous face be on display in my house....reminds me of a post awhile back in which the SM fed all of the pictures of the BM to the family dog and let hubby pick pieces of the ex's face out of the dog crap and vomit....that story still makes me smile. Sadly, I only have a cat who is a picky eater.
The only pictures I have
The only pictures I have seen that have bf and BM in them are from the day they brought fss home. So the picture I have of her is after hours of labor, pushing a tiny human out of her in a pool of her own filth, lol.
needless to say, she looks terrible, and it doesnt bother me.
If it were happy pictures of bf and bm, they wouldnt come into this house. i dont know who would be disgusted by them more, me or bf.
One day, fss was dropped off here by his maternal grandmother. She had printed some pictures from that weekend and sent them with him. One was a lego set he built, one was him and his mom. His mom was wearing a tiny strapless little black dress and sitting in a chair so you could see like her upper thigh area. Fss has a picture of he and his mom from disney land in a frame in his room here, which I am fine with. But how many pictures of her do I really need in my house? lol. That one never made it to a frame.
Doesnt bother me in the
Doesnt bother me in the slightest. When they have kids then its different. Yes the relationship is over but to the step kids they are still their parents.
In my own situation, seeing
In my own situation, seeing pics of BM and DH together doesn't bother me. They were married for over 20 years, so there's at least one or two out there, lol.
DH has a box in our closet of
DH has a box in our closet of pictures, wedding rings, rose petals and shit that was from BM memories and has it labeled for XXX (SS) when he is older... I WANT TO TOSS IT OUT SOOOOO BAD I CAN'T STAND IT... then we were cleaning out the storage barn outside and I found a box of their wedding items and said TOSS IT.. DH says NO XXXX (SS) might want it someday... WTF! RIIGGGGHHTT... To add to it there is a baby shit box that has baby items, I say toss it he says NO, XXX (SS) might want it someday.. and guess what it in the box!... HER FRIGGIN PREGO TEST!!!.. 7 years later it still reads positive.. I bout puked!
I managed to take my 2
I managed to take my 2 daughters baby books and a few photo albums when I left the XH and thats about it. If the kids were in the pics I kept them, if it was just him and me, I tossed them. Idk if my DH and his XW even had a wedding album, but there are no pics of her at my house. It'd make me sick. There are however, pics of her and his kids and pics of her and him on display still at his mothers house. Irritates the sh*! out of me.
No pics of the Behemoth in
No pics of the Behemoth in our house BUT GG is CONSTANTLY saying "when (insert Behemoth's first name) were together blah blah blah and we did this that and the other"
It NEVER ends!! :sick: :sick:
I never talk about my exes b/c frankly it sucked from day one. It's like he rubs it in my fact that he and the Behemoth had "good times" before she started popping 'em out.
And he's always going on about his married friends (who have all taken the Behemoth's side) "When (Behemoth's first name) and (names of their married friends) and I went out together we did blah blah blah"
So I asked him point blank since he claims he doesn't need friends and could live like a hermit if he wanted to (we already do) "Do you miss having friends and going out as a couple?"
GG: "no, why?"
Me: "Because you sure do talk and reminisce about it a lot"
GG: (backpeddling) "well. . umm no I don't need friends I'M happy the way things are right now!"
I should also point out that I had this bad coughing spell b/c I accidentally inhaled some fine milled flour last night. NOT ONCE did GG ask me what was wrong or show the slightest amount of concern. :sick:
He was more concerned about that funeral he attended and starting mulling over the possibilities that he could die at any moment. Started looking on the web at all the celebs that had passed and noting their age. One was 44. He says "I'll be 44 in March!"
Me: (thinking) Hope springs eternal!!!
I don't view them. Luckily,
I don't view them. Luckily, when my dh divorced the hog, she took everything from the house, so there isn't any of that stuff hanging around.
hippiegirl - same here. When
hippiegirl - same here. When they divorced she took everything also so I don't have to see numerous pictures of them. Thank HEAVENS! He might have like two or three pictures of them but I try not to let it bother me because I have pictures of my past times with ex's.
But I'll be so honest here and I don't even feel bad which is probably even worse. I was looking for a screwdriver and happened to come across FDH's daughters dance book. I was flipping through it cause I got bored looking for a screwdriver (lol). I came across a Christmas picture of BM and their three kids she had taken and must have given him. I took the picture out of the book, went over to the sink, held up the picture and lit my lighter and watched it burn. I don't think it's necessary to have NEW pictures of BM in my house even if the kids are in it. A few old pictures are ok if they're not on display. If you're going to give my FDH a picture of the kids let it be a picture OF THE KIDS without Ms. Jealous in it. He doesn't know I burned it....
There are pictures of BM all
There are pictures of BM all over the house. My SD sent her dad a card with a bunch of childhood photos that included BM for Christmas. I wish I could complain and say how much it bothers me but I have to smile and say how wonderful the pictures are since my Dh is widowed, not divorced and it's impolite to be offended by the pictures or to want them taken down. So I constantly have to be reminded of her. I hate feeling that there are 3 people in our marriage and wondering if Dh still loves his first wife
DH and I happily ripped to
DH and I happily ripped to shreds all the pics of BM that were left in the house, whether SD was in them or not.
My BSC IL's are a different story. They have an entire album of pics from when BM spawned the glorious SD from her loins, including pics of my DH hugging her and SD like a big happy family. Too bad he looks absolutely miserable, you can totally tell they made him pose like that by the look on his face alone. They also have a lovely pic of BM and SD on the fridge.
Make sure you have some
Make sure you have some marshmallows and chocolate. Nothing says bonfire like s'mores!
DH and I just had this
DH and I just had this conversation again the other day. I was on his computer looking for some stuff he had downloaded for me and came across some old stuff with him and Big Mama. And some of the stuff, one picture in particular, made me absolutely lose my shit. He didn't even remember some of that stuff was on there and went through and cleaned out his hard drives. But it was not like anything on there was a secret. He just hadn't "cleaned house" in a long time. And he told me that anytime I found anything like that I was free to delete away. I just don't feel it is my place to delete memories he has, even if it was with the witch and witchette.
It bothers me to have to look at pictures of DH and BM and SD when they were all a "happy little family". But it is part of his life and one that I have to learn to accept. He is very accepting of me and my past.
He never flaunts the pictures or memories of his old life. He even went through their old Christmas ornaments and put some of them aside for SD when she has her own place.
Given a choice, I too would burn all the old pictures. But that is not gonna happen.
MY FDH and ss8's bm must not
MY FDH and ss8's bm must not have many pictures of them taken together, because i've never seen a one. I have seen pics of her with ss8 or him with ss8 but never any of them together, even with him. since she's a junkie and he's a typical man, i don't know that either of them have many pics or a baby album from when ss8 was a baby. If they were around, i'd demand they be put out of my sight.
When MMM left she left all
When MMM left she left all the pics with my DH(then BF). We ended up going thru them. He wanted to give them ALL to MMM. I ended up having to go thru them b/c there were a BUNCH of him and the boys and then a few of him alone. I didnt think she needed to have these pics. The rest of them I put in a box and put them on her porch. (Minus a few that I just had to rip up, she was posing and "trying' to look all cute and sexy ) so made me wanna puke. :sick: :sick:
I get offended when I see
I get offended when I see pictures from the past. I try to rationalize my feelings by telling myself that it's the PAST and he's with ME now, but it doesn't lessen the hurt. What irritates me more is that my SO's mom is big on scrapbooking so she has pictures of them with my SS hanging on her living room wall still. They've been divorced for six years -- COME ON!! Time to take those bastards down!! }:)
My SO specifically does not have any pictures of them together anymore - he does keep one picture of them shortly after they had their son on his son's nightstand. It bothers me every time I see it... Needless to say, I don't go in his room that often.
We do not have any pictures
We do not have any pictures or videos of BM in our home. So it's a non-issue. If we do end up seeing her by some strange chance (i.e. her partner posting really unflattering photos of her on his Facebook page) we just laugh.
My DH was never married to
My DH was never married to SD's mom. They split up before SD was born. SD's mom abandoned her and so our house is the only place she can have photos of her and her mom. She only has a few and she keeps them in scrapbooks put away in her room. She has a love/hate relationship with her mom so I don't think she cares to see photos of her often. I would not allow photos of her mom to be hanging on any walls except in her bedroom...thankfully, she doesn't even want that!
My MIL, on the other hand, had photos of DH and his ex-girlfriend (whom he dated after SD's mom) up in several places in her house. "DH just looks so handsome in them, I don't want to take them down." They dated three years...we were married for five years before those damn things finally disappeared. Perhaps she was holding out hope they would get back together...that didn't happen!
In the beginning of our
In the beginning of our relationship, I told dh to put all of the pics of cow at his brother's house. That way, they're not being destroyed and they're not in my personal space. I told him if I ever find them, they are going in the trash where they belong. I've not found one yet.
There is no way in hell that
There is no way in hell that we would have ANY pics of BM in our place. No pics of her anywhere - we also don't have any pics of skids. DH and I aren't too big on taking photos. For my birthday a couple of months ago, my boys took a photo of all 3 of them and put it up in a frame - I cried 'cos it's the first one I have of all of them - in 15 years. It now stands up in our living room. SS loves it - SD hasn't seen it because she refuses to grace us with her presence.
I don't know if DH has pics of BM on his computer - I don't even bother to check 'cos I know he loathes her and refers to her the same as I do "the Heifer". I'm confident, if he found pics of her in his computer, he would trash it immediatley.
Fortunately FDH deleted all
Fortunately FDH deleted all the pictures of BM and him from his phone, computer, and I have NEVER seen a copy of a pictureof her in my house... Thank God for him! He actually gets very upset/angry when we go to FMIL's and he sees a picture of her in the photo album she made for him.
I understand though that maybe someday SD will want to see that at one point they loved each other, but I personally HATE it.